Sie sind hier: Startseite Research Research Areas Silviculture All projects Research Area Silviculture Development of methods to characterise plant available phosphorus in large scale forest soil inventories

Development of methods to characterise plant available phosphorus in large scale forest soil inventories

concluded 03/2015


Previous nation-wide forest soil inventories have indicated that a significant proportion of forest stands may be P limited. However, this assessment is based almost solely on leave and needle tissue concentrations. So far, only total soil P has been determined in these large scale inventories. Determinations of P fractions of different availability for plant uptake are commonly very onerous and expensive and have therefore not been included in a standard analytical protocol. This limits the interpretation of trends in P availability in forests and the analysis of possible causes for changes. Therefore, this project aims to develop alternative methods to quantify soil P fractions based on their spectral properties. Specifically, this project will assess the Hedley fractionation method to quantify soil P pools of different availability in German forest soils. It will further attempt to predict these P fractions on the basis of their spectral properties.


Supervision:Prof. Dr.  Jürgen Bauhus, Dr. Martin Kohler
Duration:Apr. 2011 - Mar. 2015

Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI)
FVA Baden-Württemberg
Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt (NW-FVA)


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