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PioWood: Utilization of fast growing pioneer trees in young forest stands to increase biomass supply of small-dimension timber

concluded 03/2016


Following the storm and windthrowevents ofrecent decades, large areas of young forests and nurse crops comprising pioneer tree species developed on these sites. However, the wood resource potential of these stands has remained almost completely untapped. In a situation in which there is a high and increasing demand for small dimension timber, including that for bioenergy, forest owners are seeking management solutions to integrate these pioneer forests into wood production systems. The development of such silvicultural systems is also required for similar stand that will develop in future through ongoing or increasing disturbances. Therefore the major aim of this study is the development of silvicultural systems aiming to harvest the wood resource from these pioneer forests, while supporting long-term goals of stand development and considering the technical potentials and restrictions of harvesting. This includes avoiding damage to the subsequent tree generation. The results of this
study will facilitate decision making of forest owners with pioneer forests that require tending in the years to come. This project will contribute to mobilise wood resources from these extensive forest areas while fostering the development of ecologically stable forests in the long-term. In addition, the project will develop stand tending models that can be applied in young pioneer forests to grow trees more efficiently and to prepare them for subsequent, mechanised and economical harvesting of pioneer trees.


Supervisors:Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus  Dr. Rüdiger Unseld
Researchers:Dr. Rüdiger Unseld; Stefan Schneider
Funding:Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V., Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz
Duration:03/2013 bis 03/2016
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