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TRANSFORMIT – productive forest management and biodiversity conservation

European policies such as the Green Deal look at forests in two main ways: first, as a valuable renewable resource for a circular bioeconomy, and second, as essential green infrastructure for conserving biodiversity, storing carbon, and benefiting society. Integrative Forest Management (IFM) is proposed as a way to bring these two perspectives on Europe's forests together. In this context, the Horizon Europe project TRANSFORMIT (Transforming forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the integrative approach) aims at demonstrating and improving the ability of IFM to combine productive forest management and biodiversity conservation..

foto transformit

By combining existing knowledge from practice and science and by stipulating collaboration and mutual learning amongst science, policy and practice, the project aims at laying the basis for large-scale implementation of IFM across Europe in line with EU forest-related policies. To do so, TRANSFORMIT leverages a consortium of 16 scientific institutions from across Europe and proactively engages with well-established networks, such as the Integrate Network and ProSilva. In this context, the work package Integrative Forest Management in Europe led by the Chair of Silviculture and specifically its task on the comparative analysis of the effectiveness of IFM in practice will provide the evidence base and best practice guidelines for effective and successful implementation of IFM approaches. Moreover, and based on the results of the entire project, we will develop educational modules to facilitate the teaching and training of IFM practices in Europe.

Read this article to get more insights: The future of sustainable forest management grows with TRANSFORMIT - Resilience Blog (


Principal investigatorsProf. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus, Dr. Florian Schnabel
PostdocDr. Andreea Spinu
Funding:EU-Horizon 2023 project (Grant 101135263)  
Duration:01.2024 – 12.2027


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