Courses in the winter semester 2024/2025
- Courses in the Bachelor programmes:
- Restauration von Waldökosystemen und Waldumbau (B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Waldnutzung im Kontext ländlicher Entwicklung (B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Fallstudie Forst und Holz (B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Projektstudien (B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Courses in the Master programmes:
- Adating Forest to Climate Change (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Plantation Forestry (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Tropical Forest Ecology (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Carbon Forestry (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Global Environmental Change (M.Sc. Environmental Governance)
- Forests and Rural Development (Integrated Case Study II) ( M.Sc. Environmental Governance)
- Others
- "Waldwachstum-Waldbau"-Seminar (Wed 15h ct)