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Daniel Kraus

Visiting researcher


Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Tel. 0761/203-3678
Fax 0761/203-3781







Installment of Marteloscopes for silvicultural training in various stand types (12/13 – 12/16)
Ecology and dynamics of subtropical montane and temperate mixed forests in Yunnan and Sichuan (03-04/12)

Fire ecology of Pacific Northwest Forests and prescribed burning programme with US Forest Service at Wallowa-Whitman National Forest (10-11/10)

Rural livelihoods, biodiversity and forest management in India (between 04/08 and 09/09)
Spread analysis of large wildfires and preventive forest management in NE Spain (01/08, 08/08, 05/09 – 08/09, 06/10 and 03/12)

Fire Management Plan for the Makawanpur District, Nepal (10-11/07)
Management and dynamics of natural beech forests in northern Honshu, Japan (10-12/06)
Disturbance ecology and restoration of boreal forest ecosystems in Central Sweden (between 08/06 and 10/11)

Reconstruction of past disturbance regimes in Araucaria forests, Chile (08/05)
Ecology, dynamics and biodiversity of tropical lowland forests along the Pacific Coast, Costa Rica (02/05 - 04/05)

Fire ecology of afro- montane ecosystems and firegrazing interactions, Drakensberg and Umfolozi-Hluhluwe, South Africa (12/05 – 01/06)

Disturbance ecology, dynamics and close-to-nature silviculture of temperate rainforests and southern conifers, Universidad Austral, Valdivia, Chile  (08/02 - 06/03)

Biodiversity and ecology of canopies in tropical forests, Universidad de los Andes, Merida, Venezuela (01/01 - 04/01)


  • Feuerökologie und -management (B.Sc. "Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt")
  • Restauration von Waldökosystemen und Waldumbau (B.Sc. "Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt")
  • Natural Hazards and Risk Management (M.Sc. "Forest Science")
  • Waldbau und Waldschutz (M.Sc. "Forest Science")
  • Close-to-nature forest management (M.Sc. "Forest Science")


08/11-12/16 European Forest Institute (EFI), Project leader (Integrate and Integrate+ projects):
  •  Concept development and practical implementation of a European network of silvicultural demonstration and training sites (Marteloscopes)
  •  Training and exchange of experts activities for forest owners and managers of private and state forest enterprises
  •  Development of ecological and economic indicators for silviculture training to assess impact of silvicultural interventions
03/10-07/11 Self-employed consultant
  • Planning and execution of silvicultural training and exchange programmes with international groups (Spain – USA, UK – Portugal – South Africa)
  • Planning and execution of measures to restore rare habitat structures in managed forests in Sweden (disturbances, deadwood, prescribed fire)
  • 05/05-02/10 Fire Ecology Research Group, MPI Chemistry, Germany, Researcher:
  • Fire ecology research, capacity building in fire management and community-based natural resource management, prescribed burning operations and planning, lectures on fire ecology and management at Freiburg University
  • 05/09-08/09 UT GRAF, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain: Fire Analyst Assistant, C-Grade
  • Fire analysis and fire behaviour prediction, capacity building and fire training, international exchange programme


10/03-03/04 Forestal Rio Cruces Ltda., Lanco, Chile, Assistant to Chief Silviculturist:


  • Forest resources prospection, silvicultural systems and road construction
  • 10/98-11/04 Studies of Forest Sciences at Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg
  • Thesis: Modelling of natural regeneration in temperate rain forests of southern Chiles coastal range by measurements of the light climate (using hemispherical photography)



Kraus D, Sande S J, Held A, Castellnou M, Krumm F. 2016. Natural disturbances and invasive introduced plants – a specific view on fire. In Krumm F, Vitkova L eds. 2016. Introduced tree species in European forests: opportunities and challenges. European Forest Institute, pp.294-303

Kraus D, Bütler R, Krumm F, Lachat T, Larrieu L, Mergner U, Paillet Y, Rydkvist T, Schuck A, and Winter S 2016 Catalogue of tree microhabitats – Reference field list Integrate+ Technical Paper, 16p

Kraus D, Bütler R, Krumm F, Lachat T, Larrieu L, Mergner U, Paillet Y, Rydkvist T, Schuck A, und Winter S. 2016. Katalog der Baummikrohabitate - Referenzliste für Feldaufnahmen. Integrate+ Technical Paper, 16 S.

Kraus D, Schuck A. 2016. Mikrohabitatstrukturen im Wald: Ein Schlüssel zur Erhaltung von gefährdeten Arten. ANLNatur 38(1), 3 S.

Kraus D
, Mergner U, Schuck A, Krumm F und Haußmann T. 2016. Integrate+: Wieviel Naturschutz kann der bewirtschaftete Wald leisten? Der Dauerwald 54, 33-38.

Schuck A, Kraus D, Krumm F, Schmitt H. 2015. Integrate+ Marteloscopes –  calibrating silvicultural decision making. Integrate+ Technical Paper No1. 12p

Schmerbeck J and Kraus D 2015 Wildfire in India: Tools and hazards in Paton D, McCaffrey S, Tedim F and Buergelt PT Wildfire Hazards, Risks and Disasters Elsevier, London pp 167-186

Mikoláš M, Svoboda M, Pouska V, Morrissey R, Donato D, Keeton W, Nagel T, Popescu V, Müller J, Bässler C, Knorn J, Rozylowicz L, Enescu C, Trotsiuk V, Janda P, Mrhalová H, Michalová Z, Krumm F, Kraus D. 2014. Comment on "Opinion paper: Forest management and biodiversity": the role of protected areas is greater than the sum of its number of species. Web Ecology 14:61-64.

Schulz T, Krumm F, Bücking W, Frank G, Kraus D, Lier M, Lovric M, van der Maaten-Theunissen M, Paillet Y, Parviainen J, Vacchiano G, Vandekerkhove K. 2014. Comparison of integrative nature conservation in forest policy in Europe: a qualitative pilot study of institutional determinants. Biodiversity and Conservation 23(14):3425-3450.

Kraus D, Krumm F eds 2013 Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest biodiversity European Forest Institute, 284 pp

Kraus D, Krumm F. (dir.). 2013. Les approches intégratives en tant qu‘opportunités de conservation de la biodiversité forestière. European Forest Institute, 308 p.

Kraus D, Krumm F. (Hrsg.). 2013. Integrative Ansätze als Chance für die Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt in Wäldern. European Forest Institute, 304 S.

Kraus D, Zeppenfeld T. 2013. Feuer als Störfaktor in Wäldern. AFZ- Der Wald 15, pp. 8-9

Kraus D
, Castellnou M. 2012. Waldbrände in Europa. In H Gebhardt, R Glaser, S Lentz. 2012. Europa – eine Geographie. Springer Spektrum, 520 p.

Costa P, Larrañaga A, Castellnou M, Miralles M and Kraus D 2011 Prevention of large wildfires using the Fire Types Concept EU Fire Paradox Publication Barcelona, 83 pp

Defossé G E, Loguercio G, Oddi F J, Molina J C and Kraus D 2011 Potential CO2 emissions mitigation through forest prescribed burning: a case study in Patagonia, Argentina Forest Ecology and Management 261 (12) 2243-2254

Montiel C, Kraus D. (Hrsg.). 2010. Best practices of fire use - Prescribed burning and suppression fire programmes in selected case-study regions in Europe. European Forest Institute. EFI Research Report 24. 170 S.

Castellnou M, Kraus D and Miralles M 2010 Prescribed burning and suppression fire techniques: from fuel to landscape management in Montiel C and Kraus D eds 2010 Best practices of fire use – prescribed burning and suppression fire programmes in selected case-study regions in Europe EFI Research Report 24

Rydkvist T and Kraus D 2010 Prescribed burning for nature conservation in Västernorrland, Sweden in Montiel C and Kraus D eds 2010 Best practices of fire use – prescribed burning and suppression fire programmes in selected case-study regions in Europe EFI Research Report 24

Miralles M, Kraus D, Molina D, Loureiro C, Delogu G, Ribet N and Vilalta O 2010 Improving Suppression Fire Capacity in Sande Silva J, Rego F, Fernandes P and Rigolot E eds 2010 Towards Integrated Fire Management – Outcomes of the European Project Fire Paradox EFI Research Report 23

Kraus D, Held A. 2009. Afrika – Ein Feuerkontinent. In : Glaser R., Kremb K., Drescher A.(Hrsg.). 2009. Afrika. Planet Erde, WBG Darmstadt.

Trollope W, Govender N, Austin C, Held A, Steyn B, van Diyk E, Trollope L, Hoffmann A, Kraus D, Potgieter A. 2007. Effects of point vs. perimeter ignitions on fire mosaics in the Kruger National Park. Technical Report. Working on Fire, Nelspruit, South Africa



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