Dr. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt
Honorary Professor
138 Toktogual St. Bishkek
Tel. ++49 761/203-3680
MSc Module: Integrated Land Use Systems
MSc Module: Natural Resource Management in Central Asia
about person:
Dr Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt is Director of the Mountain Societies Research Institute at the University of Central Asia (UCA). A geographer and Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Fellow, Dr Schmidt-Vogt previously served as the Head of the Research Program at the World Agroforestry Centre East and Central Asia Office and as Professor at the Kunming Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He was an Associate Professor with the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand and a Senior Lecturer with the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University, Germany. He is also Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the Asian Institute of Technology and Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at Freiburg University, Germany. Dr Schmidt-Vogt has doctoral and postdoctoral degrees from Heidelberg University, Germany and over 30 years of research experience in mountain areas of Asia, especially in the Himalayas, in Mountainous Mainland Southeast Asia, and in Central Asia. His research interests include forest-farming interactions, multifunctional landscapes, integrated land use systems, and land use change and livelihoods in mountainous areas. He has extensive experience in teaching and supervising Masters and PhD students from diverse national and cultural backgrounds, as well as in capacity building and curriculum development for academic institutions in Southeast Asia, such as the Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, National University of Laos, and Andalas University in Padang, Indonesia.
More recent publications
Danielsen F., Ali N., Andrianandrasana H.T., Baquero A., Basiliusm U., Constantino P., Despot-Belmonte K., Frederiksen P.O., Isaac M., Jakobsen P., Klimmek H., Mapendembe A., Meng H., Schmidt-Vogt D., Sophat S., Sulyandziga R., Virnig A.L.S., Zhang D., Burgess N.D. (2024): Involving citizens in monitoring the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Nature Sustainability.
Pickee, Y., Shresta, R., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Qasim, S. 2017 A comparative assessment of land management approaches in Bhutan. Journal of Sustainable Develop-ment & World Ecology.
Schmidt-Vogt, D., Foggin, M., Hergarten, C. 2016. Strengthening mountain soci-eties in Central Asia in a context of multidimensional change. Mountain Research and Development 36 (3): 380-383.
Sujakhu, N.M., Ranjitkar, S., Rabin, R.N., Pokharel, B.K., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Xu, J. 2016 Farmers’ perceptions of and adaptations to changing climate in the Mel-amchi River Valley of Nepal. Mountain Research and Development 36 (1): 15-30.
Chen, H., Yi., Z. Schmidt-Vogt, D., Ahrends, A., Beckschaefer, P., Kleinn, C., Ranjitkar, S., Xu, J. 2016. Pushing the limits: the pattern and dynamics of rubber monoculture expansion in Xishuangbanna, SW China. PLoS ONE 11 (2): e0150062.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150062.
Katel, O.N., Schmidt-Vogt, D. 2015. Forest resources management and conserva-tion in protected areas of Bhutan. Inoue, M., Shivakoti, G. (eds.): Multi-level for-est governance in Asia: recognizing diversity. Singapore: Sage Publishers.
Schmidt-Vogt, D., Miehe, G. 2015: Land Use. In: Miehe, G., Pendry, C. (eds.) Nepal: an introduction to the natural hstory, ecology and human environment of the Himalayas. A companion volume to the Flora of Nepal. Edinburgh: Royal Bo-tanical Garden Edinburgh.
Schmidt-Vogt, D. 2015. Second thoughts on secondary forests: can swidden cul-tivation be compatible with conservation? In: Cairns, M. (ed.): Shifting cultivation and environmental change: indigenous people, agriculture and forest conservation. London: Earthscan, pp. 388-400.
Duangjai, W., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Shresta, R. P. 2015. Farmers’ land use decision-making in the context of changing land and conservation policies: a case study of Doi Mae Salong in Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand. Land Use Policy 48: 179-189.
Mertens, C. F., Bruun, T.B., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Jun, H., de Neergaard, A. 2015. Rural wood consumption patterns of local and immigrant households with differ-entiated access to resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China. Energy Policy 80: 112-121.
Achyar, E., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Shivakoti, G.P. 2015. Dynamics of the Multi-Stakeholder-Forum and its effectiveness in promoting sustainable forest fire man-agement practices in South Sumatra, Indonesia. Environmental Development 13: 4-7.
Loeung, K., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Shivakoti, G.P. 2014. Economic value of wild aquatic resources in the Ang Trapeang Thmor Sarus Crane Reserve, NW-Cambodia. Journal of Wetland Ecology and Management. DOI 10.1007/s11273-014-9395-x.
Ranjitkar, S., Sujakhu, N.M., Jati, R., Xu, J., Schmidt-Vogt, D.: 2014. Yield and household consumption of Rhododenron arboreum as a fuelwood species in East-ern Nepal. Journal of Biomass and Bioenergy 61: 245-253.