Research Associate and Doctoral candidate
My focus is in the search for scaling Agroforestry Systems (AFS) as Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) technologies: the socio-economic, cultural, political, and institutional underpinnings of AFS success in the Upper Rhine and Brazilian Amazon regions.
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Room 4022
Tel. 0761/203-8631
Fax 0761/203-3781
Carbon Dioxide Removal: Policy and Ethics (CDR-PoEt)
11.2021 - 10.2024
The overall CDR-PoEt project wants to understand how policy options for the mobilization of CDR might perform regarding key governance principles. The project targets the international policy dimension of CDR deployment, examining transboundary and national/subnational regulatory, fiscal, and market-based instruments for CDR technologies. Transparent and inclusive stakeholder engagement is a cornerstone of the workflow through which assessment principles, policy options, and their evaluation are co-created, aiming at filling the gap of knowledge on socioeconomic, socio-cultural, and institutional CDR feasibility. We are particularly interested in Agroforestry-based Afforestation and Reforestation approaches (A/R) CDR technologies, with the potential to provide livelihood and CO2 sequestration (in woody components and soils).
Working paper
Montero-de-Oliveira, F.E.; Blundo-Canto, G.; Ezzine-de-Blas, D. (2021) What are the mechanisms leading to deforestation and how they interact with contextual factors within payments for environmental services (PES) programs in the Amazon? A Realist Systematic Review.
Technical report
Owuor, J.A., Giessen, L., Prior L.C., Cilio, D., Bal, T.L., Bernasconi, A., Burns, J., Chen, X., Goldsmith, A. A., Jiacheng, Z., Kallioniemi, M., Kastenholz, E., Larasatie, P., Lehikoinen, A., Lewark, S., Maciel Viana, C., Montero de Oliveira, F.E., Oberholzer, F., Sharik, T.L., Schwärzli, J., Schweinle, J., Viitanen, J., Wästerlund, D., Yovi, E. Y. and Winkel, G. (2021). Trends in forest-related employment and tertiary education: insights from selected key countries around the globe. European Forest Institute (EFI).
Breyne J., Montero de Oliveira F.E., Abiltrup J., Dufrene M. (2021). Une estimation de la fréquentation touristique dans les espaces naturels de l’Ardenne en utilisant des technologies nouvelles, Interreg V – AGRETA, 116 pp.
Journal article
Fernandes, A.P.D., Hoeflich, V.A., Viana, G. Amendola, E.C. Oliveira, F.E.M., Ansolin, R.D. (2017) Destination of Public Forests in Brazil: An Analysis of Forest Concessions. Revista Nativa. DOI:
Rossa, Ü.B., Angelo, A.C., Westphalen, D.J., Oliveira, F.E.M. et al. (2015) Fertilizante de liberação lenta no desenvolvimento de mudas de Anadenanthera peregrina (l.) speg. (angico-vermelho) e Schinus terebinthifolius raddi (aroeira-vermelha). (Slow-release fertilizer on the growth of seedlings Anadenanthera peregrina (L.) Speg. and Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi). Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 25, n. 4, p. 841-852, out.-dez., 2015. DOI:
Fernandes, A. P. D., Hoeflich, V. A., Oliveira, F.E.M. et al. (2014) Economic benefits of the Faxinal System in Parana state (Brazil): contribution to the life quality of traditional populations. In: IUFRO Symposium, 19-23 May 2014, Sopron, Hungary. Proceedings: Adaptation in Forest Management Under Changing Framework Conditions - ISBN 978-615-80139-2-5 (p. 23-34).
Oliveira, F.E.M., Ferriani, A.P., Völtz R.R. (2011) Caracterização Ambiental e Florística do Estrato Arbóreo do Remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista situado no Campus Barigüi da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Curitiba, Pr, Brasil. (Environmental and Floristic Characterization of the Tree Stratum of the Remnant of the Ombrophylous Mixed Forest located on the Barigüi Campus of the Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, Curitiba, Pr, Brazil). DOI:
Workshops and Conferences (oral/written)
Bruel, B.O. Sipinski, E.A.B, Montero de Oliveira, F.E. et al. (2016) Payment for environmental services as a mechanism for the conservation of biodiversity and water resources in the municipality of Piraquara, Paraná. Oral and Poster presentation. In: Seminário Internacional Cidades e Bem-Estar Humano – Curitiba – PR
Bruel, B.O. Sipinski, E.A.B, Montero de Oliveira, F.E. et al. (2015) Fortalecimento de políticas públicas municipais para a conservação de áreas naturais particulares em Curitiba e região metropolitana, Paraná. (Strengthening municipal public policy for the conservation of private natural areas in Curitiba metropolitan region, State of Paraná). In: VIII CBUC - Brazilian Congress on Protected Areas – Curitiba - PR– Brazil
Oliveira, F.E.M., Hoeflich, V. A. et al. National Forest Programme (NFP) under the perspective of functions of the State. In: III CIC&PG PUCPR; Oral presentation in English, 2014
Montero de Oliveira, F.E., Wheeler, J. et al. (2013) The richness and distribution of Rhamnus cathartica L. present in the understory of two different ecosystems, and how its growth pattern influences the establishment and distribution of native species. University of Wisconsin-River Falls. National Conference for Undergaduate Research 2013 – La Crosse, Wisconsin (Poster Session)
Oliveira, F.E.M., Angelo, A. C., Hadlich, H. L. (2011) Avaliação de substratos puros e compostos na produção de espécies arbóreas nativas com base em características físicas e químicas. In: 19 Evento de Iniciação Científica - UFPR, 2011, Curitiba - PR. Livro de Resumos. Curitiba - PR: Universidade Federal do Paraná, v. 1. p. 448-448.