Hernán Serrano León
PhD candidate
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau / Germany
Room 4075
Fon ++49761/203-8603
Fax ++ 49761/203-3781
Hernán Serrano-León is a researcher PhD candidate at the Albert-Ludwigs
University Freiburg (Germany) in a joint doctoral position between the
Chairs of Silviculture and of Geobotany. He holds a Dipl. Ing. in Forest
Engineering from the Politechnical University of Valencia (Spain) and a
double-MSc degree Erasmus Mundus in European Forestry from the
University of Eastern Finland UEF and the Albert-Ludwigs University
Freiburg (Germany).
Previous to his PhD
project, Hernán has worked as a Junior researcher at the European Forest
Institute - EFI Planted Forests Facility and at the International
Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA, where he contributed to
generate and transfer science-based management recommendations in
diverse projects at European level. His international experience also
includes research assistance and academic exchanges with the Austral
University of Chile, the University of Göttingen and the Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences SLU.
Project: MixForChange: Mixed Forest plantations for climate Change mitigation and adaptation
Hernán's PhD is part of the BIODIVERSA project MixForChange , which aims to promote mixed-species forest plantations as nature-based solutions to face climate change by providing science-based guidelines endorsed by forest owners, managers and policy-makers.
The objective of his PhD Project (2021-ongoing) is to provide a mechanistic understanding of how tree diversity can enhance the overall resilience to drought stress (tree survival and growth) of mixed forest plantations. This work is based on dendro-ecological approaches and inventories conducted in the TreeDivNet forest biodiversity experiments.