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Dr. Klaus Kremer

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Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Room 04071
Tel. 0761/203-8619
Fax 0761/203-3781






Research interests

I am a forest scientist in the field of forest ecology and dynamics. My research is currently focused on the development of silvicultural approaches for forest restoration, which I address through field surveys and silvicultural experiments. I am particularly interested in providing evidence on how to conciliate the development of plantation forestry with conservation purposes and the provision of ecosystem goods and services.



Researchgate profile

Google Scholar


Current projects: 

Peer-reviewed articles:

  1. Kremer K, Promis A, Bauhus J (2021) Natural advance regeneration of native tree species in Pinus radiata plantations of south-central Chile suggests potential for a passive restoration approach. Ecosystems (Advance online publication) -
  2. Kremer K, Bannister JR, Bauhus J (2021) Restoring native forests from Pinus radiata plantations: Effects fo different harvesting treatments on the performance of planted seedlings of temperate tree species en central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 479:118585 -
  3. Kremer K, Bauhus J (2020) Drivers of native species regeneration in the process of restoring natural forests from mono-specific, even-aged tree plantations: a quantitative review. Restoration Ecology 28:1074-1086 -
  4. Kremer K, Promis A, Mancilla G, Magni C (2018) Leaf litter and irrigation can increase seed germination and early seedling survival of the recalcitrant-seeded tree Beilschmiedia miersii. Austral Ecology 44:86-94 -
  5. Bannister J, Kremer K, Carrasco-Farías N, Galindo N (2017) Importance of structure for species richness and tree species regeneration niches in old-growth Patagonian swamp forests. Forest Ecology and Management 401:33-44. -


Book chapters:

  1. Bannister J, Kremer K, Schlegel B, Carrasco-Farias N (2018) Silvicultura para la resturación de ecosistemas forestales norpatagónicos en la Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile. In: Donoso P, Promis A, Soto D (eds.) Silvicultura en Bosques Nativos. Osu College of Forestry, Corvallis
Conference contributions:
  1. Kremer K, Bauhus J (2021) Entwicklung risikoarmer Verfahren zur Verjüngung abgestorbener Fichtenbestände in der Modell-Region Südschwarzwald. Sektionstagung Waldbau, 11-12 Oktober 2021, Reichenberg
  2. Kremer K, Bauhus J (2019) Restoring native temperate forests from P. radiata plantations in Chile: Effects of different harvesting treatments on regeneration success. XXV IUFRO World Congress, 29 September - 5 October 2019, Curitiba
  3. Kremer K, Bauhus J (2018) Rückumwandlung von Pinus radiata - Plantagen in Natürwälder im Süden Chiles. Sektionstagung Waldbau, 10-11 September 2018, Aigen-Schlägl
  4. Bannister JR, Galindo N, Kremer K, Schlegel B, Carrasco-Farías N (2016) Usando la silvicultura para la restauración de ecosistemas forestales norpatagónicos en el Archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Poster presentation. II Seminario de Restauración Ecológica en Chile - Oportunidades y Desafíos Desde la Política y la Práctica, 10-12 November, La Serena
  5. Kremer K (2017) Restoration of native temperate forests from exotic tree plantations in south-central Chile. Night of Sciences, 21 November 2017, Freiburg
  6. Kremer K, Bannister J, Carrasco-Farías N (2015) Importancia de la estructura para los nichos de regeneración de especies arbóreas en tepuales de la Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile. IV Congreso de Flora Nativa, 14.17 October 2015, Concepción
  7. Bannister J, Galindo N, Kremer K, Schlegel B, Carrasco-Farías N (2016) Usando la silvicultura para la restauración de ecosistemas forestales norpatagónicos en el Archipiélago de Chiloé, Chile. Oral presentation. II Seminario de Restauración EcológicaPost-Incendios Forestales en la Araucanía Andina, 18-19 May, Temuco
  8. Bannister JR, Kremer K, Carrasco-Farías N, Schlegel B, Uteau D (2015) Using silviculture for the restoration of north-Patagonian forest ecosystems from the Archipelago of Chiolé, Chile. Oral presentation. II Coloquio de Silvicultura de Bosque Nativo 2015, 10-12 December 2015, Neltume
  9. Banister JR, Kremer K, Carrasco-Farías N (2015) Métodos de restauración: De la teoría a la práctica. Experiencias en bosques norpatagónicos del Archipiélago de Chiloé. Oral presentation. I Seminario de Restauración Ecológica  - Estado Actual y Desafíos Futuros, 29-31 October 2015, Valdivia, Chile
  10. Bannister J, Kremer K (2015) Estrategia de restauración mixta para la restuarción de la conífera Pilgerodendron uviferum en bosques turbosos de la Patagonia Norte. Oral presentation. IV Congreso Iberoamericano y del Caribe de Restauración Ecológica, 12-16 April, Buenos Aires
  11. Promis A, Kremer K, Galindo N, Mancilla G, Magni C (2014) Post-dispersal seed predation, germination and seedling survival of Beilschmiedia miersii, an endangered and relict tree species: A field experiment in a Mediterranen forest in central Chile. XIII International Conference on Mediterranean Ecosystems, 6-9 October 2014, Olmué
  12. Kremer K (2014) Influencia de la hojarasca y el riego sobre la germinación de semillas de Beilschmiedia miersii (Gay) Kosterm: Un experimento de campo. VI Congreso de Ciencias Forestales, 9-11 April 2014, Temuco




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