Dai Saito
PhD student
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Room 4103
Phone. 0761/203-8604
Fax 0761/203-3781
Research Interest
I am interested in forest ecology and silviculture. Especially, my focus is on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationships in mixed-species forests and on how the relationships can be predicted by functional traits.
The International Diversity Experiment Network with Trees (IDENT)
Peer-reviewed articles
Sun, H., Diao, S., Liu, R., Forrester, D., Soares, A., Saito, D., Dong, R., and Jiang, J. (2018). Relationship between size inequality and stand productivity is modified by self-thinning, age, site and planting density in Sassafras tzumu plantations in central China. Forest Ecology and Management 422, 199–206.
Conference contributions
SAITO, Dai., BEYER, Friderike., FRESCHET, Grégoire T.., KLINGLER, Anja., NOCK, Charles., SCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael., BAUHUS, Jürgen. (2022) Indirect effect of fertilization on tree overyielding via change in species dominance, Frontiers in experimental research on changing environments, UFZ, Leipzig / Bad-Lauchstädt, Germany
SAITO, Dai., BEYER, Friderike., FRESCHET, Grégoire T.., GLENZ, Paula., KAWANO, Sho., K C, Rabin., MAINALI, Surya Prasad., NOCK, Charles., SCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael., YAMAZAKI, Eiji., BAUHUS, Jürgen. (2021) Tree diversity and productivity in young tree communities ~outcomes from a tree diversity experiment, The 132nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, E5, Online
SAITO, Dai., BEYER, Friderike., FRESCHET, Grégoire T.., NOCK, Charles., SCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael., BAUHUS, Jürgen. (2019) Tree diversity and fertilization effects on above- and belowground biomass productivity: outcomes from a young tree experiment, XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019, C1d, Curitiba, Brazil
SAITO, Dai., FRESCHET, Grégoire T.., GLENZ, Paula., NOCK, Charles., SCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael., BAUHUS, Jürgen. (2018) Tree diversity effects on fine-root production, distribution and trait values modulated by soil nutrients in young tree communities, The 13th North American Forest Soils Conference, P.1.43 RF.1.2, Qubec City, Canada
SAITO, Dai., SCHERER-LORENZEN, Michael., BAUHUS, Jürgen. (2017) The influence of nutrient availability on the relationship between tree diversity and aboveground productivity in juvenile tree communities, The International Union of Forestry Research Organisations – The 125th Anniversary Congress, PS-84, Freiburg, Germany
SAITO,Dai., SHIROTA,Tetsuoh., TANABE,Tomoko., YASUE,Koh., NACHIN,Baatarbileg. (2015) Spatial patterns and inter-tree interaction in a mature Larix sibirica stand at the northern ecotone Mongolia, The 4th International Symposium on the Arctic Research, A06-P12, 20140426-30, Toyama, Japan.
SAITO,Dai., YAGAWA,Kenta., SHIROTA,Tetsuoh., OKANO, Tetsuo.(2014) Detecting inter-tree interaction in an old-growth Japanese oak (Quercus crispula Blume) forest in eastern Hokkaido, The 126th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, P1B037, Sapporo, Japan.
SAITO,Dai., SHIROTA,Tetsuoh., MARUYAMA,Kazuki., ISHII,Hiroaki., YASUE,Koh., OKANO,Tetsuo. (2013) Stand structure of an old-growth Chamaecyparis obtuse forest in central Japan, The 125th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forest Society, P1-122, Ohmiya, Japan.