Stefan Sorge
Research Assistent
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Room 802
Fax 0761/203-3720
Research interests
- Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
- Environmental Governance
- Socio-ecological/technical systems
- Innovations in forestry
- Payments for ecosystem services
- Socio-economic analysis (coastal regions, forests)
- Electromobility on the water (Latin America)
- Renewable energies (decentralised in rural areas)
- Civil society participation in governance processes
- Forests (Europe), Mangroves (Latin America), Agriculture (Europe, Latin America)
Current projects:
2023 - 2025
Consultant for the Scientific Advisory Council for Forest Policy at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Professorship for Silvicultur– (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus)
2022 - 2025
BIOCONSENT - Decision-making Support for Forest Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration Policy and Management in Europe: Trade-offs and Synergies at the Forest-Biodiversity-Climate-Water Nexus - BIOCONSENT is supported by Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership, jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission as part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 to support excellent biodiversity research with societal and policy implications.
2022 - 2025
LEARNFORCLIMATE - Learning to realise multiple forest policy objectives under climate related stress and disturbance, is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue. ForestValue has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773324.
Completed projects:
2020 - 2022
ph BB - Präzise Kalkung Brandenburg - Verbesserung des Managements der Bodenazidität in Brandenburger Betrieben.
The project was funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the state of Brandenburg within the framework of the EIP-agri funding directive.
2018 - 2020
InnoPiangua - Sustainable local development through innovative mobility and energy supply using the example of waterways and fishing in the Nariño region (Colombia, sustainable value chains of MSMEs, renewable energies, electric mobility on waterways, gender equality, sustainable livelihoods, global public goods, ecosystem services)
2018 - 2021
InnoForESt - Smart information, governance and business innovations for sustainable supply and payment mechanisms for forest ecosystem services. InnoForESt was a European project funded by the Horizon 2020 Innovation Action to further explore the delivery of forest ecosystem services and promote the development of innovative solutions for policy, management and business.
Publications (selection):
Sorge, S., Mann, C. - Identifying most influential factors and related innovation development patterns in five Governance Innovations in Europe, Forest Policy Science Meeting (Conference)
Kluvánková, T., Špa?ek, M., Sorge, S., Mann, C., Schleyer, C., Gežik, V. - From Factors to Prototypes? Sustainable supply for forest ecosystem services in Europe, in revision (Journal Publication)
Sorge, S., Mann, C., Hernández-Morcillo, M., Loft, L., Schleyer, C., Spacek, M., Kluvankova, T.. Understanding dynamics of forest ecosystem services governance: A socio-ecological-technical-analytical framework,
Stefan Sorge, Barbara Praetorius - Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Clausthal-Zellerfeld - InnoPiangua - Sustainable local development through innovative mobility and energy supply using the example of waterways and fishing in the Nariño region (Colombia) (Presentation, Invited by organisers)
Stefan Sorge - Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance, Slovakia, Conceptual framework for governance innovation patterns in European Forest Governance for the 2020 Bratislava Conference on Earth System Governance (Conference)
Stefan Sorge A socio-ecological-technical analysis framework - ESP at Session: S3 Forest Ecosystem Service Governance and Valuation Pathways towards a new forestry agenda (Conference)
Peter Stegmaier, Ewert Aukes, Stefan Sorge, Lasse Loft, Christian Schleyer, Michael Klingler, Felix Zoll, Jutta Kister, Carsten Mann - Innovation journeys of governance innovations: Analysing efforts to transition forest ecosystem services (Journal Publication)
Lasse Loft, Peter Stegmaier, Ewert Aukes, Stefan Sorge, Christian Schleyer, Michael Klingler, Felix Zoll, Jutta Kister, Carsten Mann - The emergence of governance innovations for the sustainable provision of forest ecosystem services in Europe: A comparison of six niche innovations (Journal Publication)
Monica Hernandez-Morcillo, Mario Torralba, Tobias Plieninger, Carsten Mann, Stefan Sorge, et al. - Scanning the horizon for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe (Journal Publication)
Stefan Sorge, Carsten Mann, Monica Hernandez, Lasse Loft, Christian Schleyer, Martin Spacek, Tatiana Kluvankova. Understanding the
emergence/development of governance innovations for forest ecosystem
services provision: A socio-ecological-technical analysis framework.
Ecosystem Services, Special Issue "Innovations for FES" (Journal
Francesca Bussola, Enzo Falco, Ewert Aukes, Peter Stegmaier, Stefan Sorge, Marco Ciolli, Caterina Gagliano, Davide Geneletti - Piloting a
more inclusive governance innovation strategy for forest ecosystem
services management in Primiero, Italy (Journal Publication)
Tatiana Kluvánková, Martin Špa?ek, Stefan Sorge, Carsten Mann, Christian Schleyer, Veronika Gežik - From Factors to Prototypes? Sustainable supply for forest ecosystem services in Europe (Journal Publication)
Kramer, E., Rühlmann, J., Schröter, I., Bönecke, E., Vogel, S., Schwarzlose, U., Bettoni, M., Meyer, S., Philipp, G., Lück, K., Scheibe, D., Zieger, K., Kling, C., Zaimeche, Z., Palme, S., Gerlach, F., Gebbers, R., Schubert, T., Fahle, K., Sorge, S., Liftenegger, A. (2021), Precise Liming (pH-BB), German Network Agency for Rural Areas (DVS)
Roland Wildberg, Stefan Sorge, Gordon Wilmsmeier - The mussel fisherwomen - Hard work, meagre wages - and now relief: Colombian fisherwomen have changed their working lives with electric motors - (Interview in trade magazine)
Stefan Sorge, Carsten Mann - Conference Governing and managing forests for multiple services Bonn, Germany Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe (Conference)
Carsten Mann, Stefan Sorge - XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019 Curitiba, Brazil "Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development. (conference)
Stefan Sorge - ESEE Turku, Finland, 07.2019. Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe: A social-ecological-technical analysis framework for forest ecosystem services governance innovations (Conference)
HTW Berlin, Stefan Sorge - Nariño for future: a research project in
Colombia (Interview)
Stefan Sorge, Carsten Mann, Lasse Loft Governing and managing forests for multiple ecosystem services across the globe: A social-ecological-technical analysis framework for forest ecosystem services governance innovations - Turku (Conference)
Stefan Sorge - Scientific Colloquium - Eberswalde, Germany
Stefan Sorge, Carsten Mann. Deliverable 3.1: Analysis framework for the governance of policy and business innovation types and conditions.
Eberswalde: HNEE. InnoForESt,
content/uploads/innoforest-deliverable-3_1.pdf (project deliverable)
Stefan Sorge. CERALE Conference "Innovation, Entrepreneurship and
Sustainable Development-Rethinking the European-American
relationship in a disrupted world" Cartagena, Colombia (Conference)
Commitment, memberships and scholarships
Scholarship of the Scientific Community Baden-Württemberg
Scholarship of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation/Herbert-Wehner Fonds
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service - Senior
Research Stay in Colombia, research stay in Medellin, costs for rent and food, no further travel funds for domestic travel
Since 2021
Member CeMarin - DAAD Centre of Excellence - Marine Research - Focus: Mangroves
Member of the Staff Council - HNE Eberswalde
Since 2020
Member of the GAto Network - Advisory Board for Forests and Biodiversity
Since 2020
Member ISEE/ESEE - International/European Society for Ecological Economics
Board of Directors of an internal organisation of CEPAL (Social and Sustainable Projects) - Santiago, Chile
Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service
Semester speaker of the International Business programme, HTW Berlin, Germany
Semester speaker of the Intercultural Studies programme, Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany
Member of the Study Commission for Economics, Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany
Municipal development support for the municipality of Lichte including
award by the mayor, Lichte, Germany