Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus
Chair of Silviculture
Stefan-Meier-Strasse 76 |
- Waldbau und Waldschutz (M.Sc. Forstwissenschaften)
- Waldbausysteme (M.Sc. Forstwissenschaften)
- Integrated Land Use Management (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Close-to-Nature Forest Management (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Waldbau (B. Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Ökologie der Wälder der Erde I (B. Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
Winter semester
- Plantation Forestry (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Tropical Forest Ecology (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Carbon Forestry (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Global Environmental Change (M.Sc. Forest Sciences/ M.Sc. Environmental Governance)
- Natural Hazards and Risk Management (M.Sc. Forest Sciences)
- Restauration von Waldökosystemen und Waldumbau (B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- Waldnutzungssysteme(B.Sc. Waldwirtschaft und Umwelt)
- WaldlabOR: "Waldlabor Oberrhein" develops forest management concepts for the Upper Rhine Valley climate change hotspot
- The influence of forest floor changes on the success and composition of tree regeneration
- Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services (SUPERB)
- KlimaQuer: Conservation of drought tolerant and ecological valuable sessile oak forests through natural regeneration
- Can the drought tolerance of Norway spruce and European beech be improved through liming?
- BiodivERsA 3: Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under ongoing climate change
- BuTaKli: subproject ALU1: Does mixing beech (fagus sylvatica) and fir (abies alba) improve the tolerance of trees to drought stress?
- ConFoBi: Subproject A2 Retention of structural elements in selectively used forests
- “DRIeR” Drought impacts processes and resilience: making the invisible visible
- Effects of tree species diversity on availability, uptake and use efficiency of nutrients in a subtropical tree species diversity experiment
- Factors controlling phosphorous availability and their relevance for phosphorous nutrition of forest stands (DFG SPP 1685)
- Functional significance of forest biodiversity for timber quality - effects of interspecific competition on crown characteristics and stem properties
- FUNWOOD - The effect of forest management intensity on the diversity of wood-decaying fungi and dead wood decomposition
- How do inter- or intra-specific differences in crown architecture, light absorption and light-use efficiency determine thinning responses and complementary effects in mixed-species forests?
- Innovations- und Qualitätsfonds- (IQF): Programm: "Stärkung des Beitrags der Wissenschaft für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung - Reallabore", "Wissensdialog Nordschwarzwald - ein Reallabor-Projekt"
- Silver fir and Douglas-fir as substitutes for Norway spruce: a comparative study on resilience and resistance of growth
- Small-scale forestry in Germany: Fire wood supply and regional added value. New competitions in utilization and aspects of sustainability
- The influence of forest harvesting intensity on species and structural diversity of forests
- Variation in P-concentrations in growth rings of trees as indicators of P availability and recycling efficiency in forest ecosystems (DFG SPP 1685)
Past projects:
- Decay dynamics and carbon sequestration of lying coarse woody debris (CWD) of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris (concluded 12/2016)
- Post-logging dynamics of a terra firme rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon (concluded 12/2016)
- SILVITI – The potential of rare and drought-tolerant tree species for the afforestation of former vineyards (concluded 12/2016)
- Mechanisms of tree diversity effects on ecosystem functioning (IDENT-Freiburg) (concluded 12/2014)
- Impact of drought on minor central European broadleaved tree species (concluded 12/2014)
- Establishing Oak Stands with “Bio-groups” (concluded 12/2012)
- Restoration of Pilgerodendron uviferum forests in the Chiloé Island, North-Patagonia, Chile (concluded 12/2012)
- Energie-Vorwälder - Alternative Bewirtschaftungsformen zur Steigerung der energetisch nutzbaren Biomasse im Wald durch Integration von schnellwachsenden Baumarten (concluded 12/2011)
- Schutz durch Nutzung – multifunktionale Entwicklung von Niederwäldern in Rheinland-Pfalz (concluded 12/2011)
- Belowground niche separation and competition in tree species mixtures (concluded 11/2011)
- Waldbau und Baumartenwahl in Zeiten des Klimawandels aus Sicht des Naturschutzes (concluded 06/2010)
- Forest dynamics after utilisation of natural forests in south east Cameroon - natural regeneration and growth of the remaining stands of certain valuable species (concluded 10/2010)
- Litter decomposition in mixed spruce-beech stands (concluded 06/2009)
Stability of coppice forests at steep sloped sites along Rhine and Moselle (concluded 12/2008) - Guiding early silvicultural interventions through predicting canopy and crown dynamics in plantations of sub-tropical eucalypt (concluded 06/2008)
- Effect of Different Burning Frequencies on Plant composition, Site Fertility and Fuel Properties in Dry Dipterocarp Forests, Huay Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand (abgeschlossen 02/2008)
- Literature review to assess the phosphorus status of forest ecosystems -accompanying study to the second nationwide soil survey in Germany (concluded 12/2007)
- Networking Forest Plantations in a crowded world: optimising ecosystem services through improved planning and management strategies (concluded 3/2007)
- The implementation of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to determine the mass and distribution of fine roots in forest soils (concluded 3/2006)
- The influence of light on growth, biomass partitioning and tree architecture of free grown Fagus sylvatica, Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior seedlings (concluded 7/2005)
Publications |
Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters: Dietrich, V., Skiadaresis, G., Schnabel, F., Leban, J.‑M., Potvin, C., Bauhus, J., & Schwarz, J. A. (2024): Identifying the impact of climate extremes on radial growth in young tropical trees. A comparison of inventory and tree-ring based estimates. Dendrochronologia. Kohler M., Gorges J., Andermahr D., Kölz A., Leder B., Nagel R.-V., Mettendorf, B., Le Thiec D., Skiadaresis G., Kurz M., Sperisen C., Seifert T., Csilléry K., Bauhus J. (2024): A direct comparison of the radial growth response to drought of European and Oriental beech. Forest Ecology and Management. Kremer K., Bauhus J. (2024): Restoring native forests from Pinus radiata plantations: natural regeneration of native tree species in response to different harvesting treatments in central Chile. Restoration Ecology. Medina M, Reyes-Martín MP, Levy L, Lázaro-González A, Andivia E, Annighöfer P, Assaad F, Bauhus J, Benavides R, Böhlenius H, Cambria VE, Carbonero MD, Castro J, Chalatashvili A, Chiatante D, Cocozza C, Corticeiro S, Lazdina D, De Dato G, De Sanctis M, Devetaković J, Drossler L, Ehrenbergerová L, Ferus P, Gómez-Aparicio L, Hampe A, Hanssen KH, Heinze B, Jakubowski M, Jiménez MN, Kanjevac B, Keizer JJ, Kerkez-Janković I, Klisz M, Kowalkowski W, Kremer K, Kroon J, La Montagna D, Lazarević J, Lingua E, Lucas-Borja ME, Łukowski A, Löf M, Maia P, Mairota P, Maltoni A, Mariotti B, Martiník A, Marzano R, Matías L, Mcclory RW, Merino M, Mondanelli L, Montagnoli A, Monteverdi MC, Moreno-Llorca R, Navarro FB, Nonić M, Nunes L, Oliet JA, Patrício MS, Poduška Z, Popovic V, Puchałka R, Rey-Benayas JM, Robakowski P, Sewerniak P, Szczerba M, Ureña-Lara C, Vendina V, Villar-Salvador P, Witzell J, Leverkus AB (2024): Ex situ germination of European acorns: data from 93 batches of 12 Quercus species. Annals of Forest Science. Schnabel F., Barry K.E., Eckhardt S., Guillemot J., Geilmann H., Kahl A., Moossen H., Bauhus J., Wirth C. (2024): Neighbourhood species richness and drought-tolerance traits modulate tree growth and δ13C responses to drought. Plant Biology. Schwarz J., Skiadaresis G., Reinhart A.L., Bauhus J. (2024:) Increased drought mortality in fast-growing silver fir trees in the Black Forest. Forest Ecology and Management 578, 122441. Tavares M.F., Gallo P., Nascimento N., Bauhus J., Brancalion P.H.S., Feurer M. (2024): Smallholders’ perspectives, motivations, and incentives for restoring the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Restoration Ecology Zheng L., Barry K.E., Guerrero-Ramírez N.R., Craven D., Reich P.B., Verheyen K., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Eisenhauer N., Barsoum N., Bauhus J., ….. Ebeling A., Schmid B., Fischer M., Kotowska M.M., Palmborg C., Tilman D., Yan E., Hautier Y. (2024): Effects of plant diversity on productivity strengthen over time due to trait-dependent shifts in species overyielding. Nature Communications, 15, 2078. Asbeck T., Benneter A., Huber A., Margaritis D., Buse J., Popa F., Pyttel P., Förschler M., Gärtner S., Bauhus J. (2023): Enhancing structural complexity: an experiment conducted in the Black Forest National Park, Germany. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e9732. Berthelot S., Bauhus J., Dormann C., Gravel D., Messier C., Nock C. A., Paquette A., Reich P. B., Fründ J. (2023): Exotic tree species have consistently lower herbivore load in a cross-Atlantic tree biodiversity experiment. Journal of Ecology, e4070. Großmann J., Carlson L., Kändler G., Pyttel P., Kleinschmit J., Bauhus J. (2023): Evaluating retention forestry 10 years after its introduction in temperate forests regarding the provision of tree-related microhabitats and deadwood. European Journal of Forest Research 142:1125–1147. Himes A., Bauhus J., Adhikari S., Barik S.K., Brown H., Brunner A., Burton P.J., Coll L., D’Amato A.W., Diaci J., Dorji Y., Ernest G., Foli E.G., Ganz D.J., Hall J.S., Keenan R., Lu Y., Messier C., Munanura I., Piotto D., Seifert T., Sheil D., Shorohova E., Sisay K., Soto D., Tanaka H., Umunay P., Velazquez‑Martinez A., Puettmann K.J. (2023): Forestry in the Face of Global Change: Results of a Global Survey of Professionals. Current Forestry Reports, 9, 473–489. Kurz M., Kölz A., Gorges J., Pablo Carmona B., Brang P., Vitasse Y., Kohler M., Rezzonico F., Smits T.H.M., Bauhus J., Rudow A., Kim Hansen O., Vatanparast M., Sevik H., Zhelev P., Gömöry D., Paule L., Sperisen C., Csilléry K. (2023): Tracing the origin of Oriental beech stands across Western Europe and reporting hybridization with European beech – Implications for assisted gene flow.. Forest Ecology and Management, 531, 120801. Puettmann K.J., Bauhus J. (2023): Effects of lag time in forest restoration and management. Forest Ecosystems,10, 100131. Rappa N.J., Staab M., Ruppert L.S., Frey J., Bauhus J., Klein, A.M. (2023): Structural elements enhanced by retention forestry promote forest and non-forest specialist bees and wasps. Forest Ecology and Management, 529, 120709. Richter A., Ewald M., Hemmerling C., Schöning I., Bauhus J., Schall P., Ruess L. (2023): Effects of management intensity, soil properties and region on the nematode communities in temperate forests in Germany. Forest Ecology and Management, 529, 120675. Robinson D.G., Ammer C., Polle A., Bauhus J., Aloni R., Annighöfer P., Baskin T.I., Blatt M.R., Bolte A., Bugmann H., Cohen J.D., Davies P.J., Draguhn A., Hartmann H., Hasenauer H., Hepler P.K., Kohnle U., Lang F., Löf M., Messier C., Munné-Bosch S., Murphy A., Puettmann K.J., Quiroz Marchant I., Raven P.H., Robinson D., Sanders D., Seidel D., Schwechheimer C., Spathelf P., Steer M., Taiz L., Wagner S., Henriksson N., Näsholm T. (2023): Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification. Trends in Plant Science, 29/1, 20-31. Spînu A. P., Mysiak W., Bauhus J., Bielak K., Niklasson M. (2023): Pioneer tree species accelerate restoration of tree-related microhabitats in 50-year-old reserves of Białowieża Forest, Poland. Ecology and Evolution, 13, 7, e10238. Storch F., Boch S., Gossner M.M., Feldhaar H., Ammer C., Schall P., Polle A., Kroiher F., Müller J., Bauhus, J. (2023): Linking structure and species richness to support forest biodiversity monitoring at large scales. Annals of Forest Science, 80, 3. Bauhus J. (2022): Die Anpassung der Wälder an den Klimawandel – eine waldwirtschaftliche Perspektive. Natur und Landschaft 97, 7, 318-324 Messier C., Potvin C., Muys B., Brancalion P., Chazdon R., Seidl R., Bauhus J . (2022): Warning: Natural and Managed Forests are Losing their Capacity to Mitigate Climate Change. Forest Chronicle, 98, 1, 2-3. Meyer P., Spînu A.P., Mölder A., Bauhus J. (2022): Management alters drought-induced mortality patterns in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests. Plant Biology. Spinu A., Asbeck T., Bauhus J. (2022): Combined retention of large living and dead trees can improve provision of tree-related microhabitats in Central European montane forests. European Journal of Forest Research, 141,1105–1120. Asbeck T., Großmann J., Paillet Y., Winiger N., Bauhus J. (2021): The Use of Tree-Related Microhabitats as Forest Biodiversity Indicators and to Guide Integrated Forest Management. Curr Forestry Rep Asbeck T., Sabatini F., Augustynczik A.L.D., Basile M., Helbach J., Jonker M., Knuff A., Bauhus J. (2021): Biodiversity response to forest management intensity, carbon stocks and net primary production in temperate montane forests. Scientific Reports, 11, 1625. Bindewald A., Miocic S., Wedler A., Bauhus J. (2021): Forest inventory-based assessments of the invasion risk of Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco and Quercus rubra L. in Germany. European Journal of Forest Research (open access) Bottero A., Forrester D. I., Cailleret M., Kohnle U., Gessler A., Michel D., Bose A. K., Bauhus J., Bugmann H., Cuntz M., Gillerot L., Hanewinkel M., Lévesque M., Ryder J., Sainte-Marie J., Schwarz J., Yousepfour R., Zamora-Pereira J.-C., Rigling A. (2021): Growth resistance and resilience of mixed silver fir and Norway spruce forests in central Europe – contrasting responses to mild and severe droughts. Global Change Biology, 27, 4403–4419. Bottero A., Forrester D. I., Cailleret M., Kohnle U., Gessler A., Michel D., Bose A. K., Bauhus J., Bugmann H., Cuntz M., Gillerot L., Hanewinkel M., Lévesque M., Ryder J., Sainte-Marie J., Schwarz J., Yousepfour R., Zamora-Pereira J.-C., Rigling A. (2021): Growth resistance and resilience of mixed silver fir and Norway spruce forests in central Europe – contrasting responses to mild and severe droughts. Global Change Biology, 27, 4403–4419.Eckerter T., Buse J., Bauhus J., Förschler M. I., Klein A. M. (2021): Wild bees benefit from structural complexity enhancement in a forest restoration experiment. Forest Ecology and Management 496, 119412. Eckerter T., Buse J., Bauhus J., Förschler M. I., Klein A. M. (2021): Wild bees benefit from structural complexity enhancement in a forest restoration experiment. Forest Ecology and Management 496, 119412. Kremer K. N., Bannister J. R., Bauhus J. (2021): Restoring native forests from Pinus radiata plantations: Effects of different harvesting treatments on the performance of planted seedlings of temperate tree species in central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management, 479. Messier C., Bauhus J., Sousa-Silva R., Auge H., Baeten L., Barsoum N., Bruelheide H., Caldwell C., Cavender-Bares C., Dhiedt E., Eisenhauer N., Ganade G., Gravel D., Guillemot J., Hall J. S., Hector A., Hérault B., Jactel H., Koricheva J., Kreft H., Mereu S., Muys B., Nock C.A., Paquette A., Parker J.D., Perring M.P., Ponette Q., Potvin C., Reich P.B., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Schnabel F., Verheyen K., Weih M., Wollni M., Zemp D.C. (2021) For the sake of resilience and multifunctionality, let’s diversify planted forests! Conservation Letters, 15/1, e12829. Neff F., Brändle M., Ambarlı D., Ammer C., Bauhus J., Boch S., Hölzel N., Klaus V. H., Kleinebecker T., Prati D., Schall P., Schäfer D., Schulze E.-D., Seibold S., Simons N.K., Weisser W.W., Pellissier L., Gossner M.M. (2021): Changes in plant–herbivore network structure and robustness along land-use intensity gradients in grasslands and forests. Science Advances, 7, 20. Palahí M., Valbuena R., Senf C., Acil N., Pugh T. A. M., Sadler J., Seidl R., Potapov P., Gardiner B., Hetemäki L., Chirici G., Francini S., Hlásny T., Lerink B. J. W., Olsson .H, González Olabarria J. R., Ascoli D., Asikainen A., Bauhus J., Berndes G, Donis J., Fridman J., Hanewinkel M., Jactel H., Lindner M., Marchetti M., Marušák R., Sheil D., Tomé M., Trasobares A., Verkerk P. J., Korhonen M., Nabuurs G.-J. (2021): Concerns about reported harvests in European forests. Nature, 592, E15–E17. Poeydebat C., Jactel H., Moreira X., Koricheva J., Barsoum N., Bauhus J., Eisenhauer N., Ferlian O., Francisco M., Gottschall F., Gravel D., Mason B., Muiruri E., Muys B., Nock C., Paquette A., Ponette Q., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Stokes V., Staab M., Verheyen K., Castagneyrol B. (2021): Climate affects neighbour-induced changes in leaf chemical defences and tree diversity-herbivory relationships. Functional Ecology, 35, 67–81. Prada‐Salcedo L.D., Goldmann K., Heintz‐Buschart A., Reitz T., Wambsganss J., Bauhus J. and Buscot, F (2021): Fungal guilds and soil functionality respond to tree community traits rather than to tree diversity in European forests. Molecular Ecology, 30, 572–591. Prada-Salcedo L. D., Wambsganss J., Bauhus J. Buscot F., Goldmann K. (2021): Low root functional dispersion enhances functionality of plant growth by influencing bacteria activities in European forest soils. Environmental Microbiology, 23/4, 1889–1906. Royer-Tardif S., Bauhus J., Doyon F., Nolet P., Thiffault N., Aubin I. (2021): Revisiting the Functional Zoning Concept Under Climate Change to Expand the Portfolio of Adaptation Options. Forests, 12, 273. Schnabel F., Liu X., Kunz M., Barry K.E., Bongers F.J., Bruelheide H., Fichtner A., Härdtle W., Li S., Pfaff C.-T., Schmid B., Schwarz J.A., Tang Z. Y., Bauhus J., von Oheimb G., Ma K., Wirth C. (2021): Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment. Science Advances, 7:eabk1643. Schwarz J. A., Schnabel F., Bauhus J. (2021): A conceptual framework and experimental design for analysing the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (BEF) in agroforestry systems. Basic and Applied Ecology, 55, 133-151. Seibold S., Hothorn T., Gossner M.M., Simons N.K., Blüthgen N., Müller J., Ambarli D., Ammer C., Bauhus J., Fischer M., Habel J.C., Penone C., Schall P., Schulze E.-D., Weisser W.W. (2021): Insights from regional and short-term biodiversity monitoring datasets are valuable: a reply to Daskalova et al. 2021. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 14, 144-148 Simons N.K., Felipe-Lucia M.R., Schall P., Ammer C., Bauhus J., Blüthgen N., Boch S., Buscot F., Fischer M., Goldmann K., Gossner M.M., Hänsel F., Jung K., Manning P., Nauss T., Oelmann Y., Pena R., Polle A., Renner S.C., Schloter M., Schöning I., Schulze E.-D., Solly E.F., Sorkau E., Stempfhuber B., Wubet T., Müller J., Seibold S., Weisser W.W. (2021): National Forest Inventories capture the multifunctionality of managed forests in Germany. Forest Ecosystems, 8, 5. Skiadaresis G., Schwarz J., Stahl K., Bauhus J. (2021): Groundwater extraction reduces tree vitality, growth and xylem hydraulic capacity in Quercus robur during and after drought events. Sci Rep, 11, 5149. Trogisch S., Liu X., Rutten G., Xue K., Bauhus J., Brose U., Bu W., Cesarz S., Chesters D., Connolly J., Cui X., Eisenhauer N., Guo L., Haider S., Härdtle W., Kunz M., Liu L., Ma Z., Neumann S., Sang W., Weinhold A., Wirth C., Wubet T., Xu X., Yang B., Zhang N., Zhu C., Wang Y., Bruelheide H. (2021): The significance of tree-tree interactions for forest ecosystem functioning. Basic and Applied Ecology, 55, 33-52. Wambsganss J., Beyer F., Freschet G., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bauhus J. (2021): Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests. Journal of Ecology, 109, 2678–2691. Wambsganss J., Freschet G., Beyer F., Goldmann K., Prada Salcedo L., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Bauhus J. (2021): Tree species mixing causes a shift in fine-root soil exploitation strategies across European forests. Functional Ecology, 35, 1886–1902. Asbeck T., Basile M., Stitt J., Bauhus J., Storch I., Vierling K. (2020): Tree-related microhabitats are similar in mountain forests of Europe and North America and their occurrence may be explained by tree functional groups. Trees, 34, 1453–1466. Asbeck T., Messier C., Bauhus J. (2020): Retention of tree-related microhabitats is more dependent on selection of habitat trees than their spatial distribution. European Journal of Forest Research, 139, 1015–1028. Bindewald A., Michiels G., Bauhus J. (2020): Risk is in the eye of the assessor: comparing risk assessments of four non-native tree species in Germany. Forestry 93, 519–534. Erfurt M., Skiadaresis G., Tijdeman E., Blauhut V., Bauhus J., Glaser R., Schwarz J., Tegel W., Stahl K. (2020): A multidisciplinary drought catalogue for southwestern Germany dating back to 1801. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2979–2995. Großmann J., Pyttel P., Lecigne B., Bauhus J., Messier C. (2020): The benefits of tree wounds: Microhabitat development in urban trees as affected by intensive tree maintenance. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 55, 126817. Kohler M., Pyttel P., Kuehne C., Modrow T., Bauhus J. (2020): On the knowns and unknowns of natural regeneration of silviculturally managed sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) forests—a literature review. Annals of Forest Science, 77, 101 (open access). Kremer K. N., Bauhus J. (2020): Drivers of native species regeneration in the process of restoring natural forests from mono-specific, even-aged tree plantations: A quantitative review. Restoration Ecology, 28/5, 1074–1086. Kuehne C., Pyttel P., Modrow T., Kohnle U., Bauhus J. (2020): Seedling development and regeneration success after ten years following group selection harvesting in a sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) stand. Ann For Sci, 77, 71 (open access). Modrow T., Kuehne C., Saha S, Bauhus J., Pyttel P. (2020) Photosynthetic performance, height growth, and dominance of naturally regenerated sessile oak (Quercus petraea [Mattuschka] Liebl.) seedlings in small-scale canopy openings of varying sizes. European Journal of Forest Research 139 (1), 41-52. Pyttel P., Benneter A., Bauhus J. (2020): Heute Kulturwald – Morgen Urwald. Mit Waldbau den Wandel beschleunigen. In: Rhodius R, Bachinger M, Koch B (eds.) Wildnis, Wald, Mensch. Forschungsbeiträge zur Entwicklung einer Nationalparkregion am Beispiel des Schwarzwalds. Oekom Verlag, München, 95-114. Sabatini F.M., Keeton W.S., Lindner M., Svoboda M., Verkerk P.J., Bauhus J., Bruelheide H., Burrascano S., Debaive N., Duarte I., Garbarino M., Grigoriadis N., Lombardi F., Mikoláš M., Meyer P., Motta R., Mozgeris G., Nunes L., Ódor P., Panayotov M., Ruete A., Simovski B., Stillhard J., Svensson J., Szwagrzyk J., Vandekerkhove K., Volosyanchuk R., Vrska T., Zlatanov T., Kuemmerle T. (2020): Protection gaps and restoration opportunities for primary forests in Europe. Diversity and Distributions, 26, 1646–1662. Schwarz J., Skiadaresis G., Kohler M., Kunz J., Schnabel F., Vitali V., Bauhus J. (2020): Quantifying Growth Responses of Trees to Drought—a Critique of Commonly Used Resilience Indices and Recommendations for Future Studies. Current Forestry Reports (open access). Singh P. P., Chakraborty T., Dermann A., Dermann F., Adhikari D., Gurung P. B., Barik S. K., Bauhus J., Fassnacht F. E., Dey D. C., Rösch C., Saha S. (2020): Assessing restoration potential of fragmented and degraded Fagaceae forests in Meghalaya, North-East India. Forests, 11, 1008 (open access). Storch I., Penner J., Asbeck T., Basile M., Bauhus J, Braunisch V., Dormann C.F., Frey J., Gärtner S., Hanewinkel M., Koch B., Klein A.M., Kuss T., Pregernig M., Pyttel P., Reif A., Scherer-Lorenzen M., Segelbacher G., Schraml U., Staab M., Winkel G., Yousefpour R. (2020): Evaluating the effectiveness of retention forestry to enhance biodiversity in production forests of Central Europe using an interdisciplinary, multi-scale approach. Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1489-1509. Asbeck, T., Pyttel, P., Frey, J., Bauhus, J. (2019): Predicting abundance and diversity of tree-related microhabitats in Central European montane forests from common forest attributes. Forest Ecology and Management, 432, 400–408. Augustynczik A. L. D., Asbeck T., Basile M., Bauhus J., Storch I., Mikusiński G., Yousefpour R., Hanewinkel M. (2019): Diversification of forest management regimes secures tree microhabitats and bird abundance under climate change. Science of the Total Environment, 650, 2717–2730. Awad A., Majcherczyk A., Schall P., Schröter ., Schöning I., Schrumpf M., Ehbrecht M., Boch S., Kahl T., Bauhus J., Seidel D., Ammer C., Fischer M., Kües U., Pena R. (2019): Ectomycorrhizal and saprotrophic soil fungal biomass are driven by different factors and vary among broadleaf and coniferous temperate forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 131, 9-18. Baeten L., Bruelheide H., van der Plas F., Kambach S., Ratcliffe S., Jucker T., Allan E., Ampoorter E., Barbaro L., Bastias C. C., Bauhus J., Benavides R., Bonal D., Bouriaud O., Bussotti F., Carnol M., Castagneyrol B., Charbonnier Y., Chećko E., Coomes D. A., Dahlgren J., Dawud S. M., De Wandeler H., Domisch T., Finér L., Fischer M., Fotelli M., Gessler A., Grossiord C., Guyot V., Hättenschwiler S., Jactel H., Jaroszewicz B., Joly F.-X., Koricheva J., Lehtonen A., Müller S., Muys B., Nguyen D., Pollastrini M., Radoglou K., Raulund‐Rasmussen K., Ruiz‐Benito P., Selvi F., Stenlid J., Valladares F., Vesterdal L., Verheyen K., Wirth C., Zavala M. A., Scherer‐Lorenzen M. (2019): Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology. Identifying the tree species compositions that maximize ecosystem functioning in European forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56, 733–744. Bindewald A., Michiels H.-G., Bauhus J., (2019): Risk is in the eye of the assessor: comparing risk assessments of four non-native tree species in Germany. Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, cpz052, 1-16. 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A., Hector, A., Ampoorter, E., Baeten, L, Barbaro, L., Bauhus, J., Benavides, R., Benneter, A., Berthold, F., Bonal, D., Bouriaud, O., Bruelheide, H., Bussotti, F., Carnol, M., Castagneyrol, B., Charbonnier, Y., Coomes, D. A., Coppi, A., Bastias, C. C., Dawud, S. M., De Wandeler, H., Domisch, T., Finér, L., Gessler, A., Granier, A., Grossiord, C., Guyot, V., Hättenschwiler, S., Jactel, H., Jaroszewicz, B., Joly, F.-X., Jucker, T., Koricheva, J., Milligan, H., Müller, S., Muys, B., Nguyen, D., Pollastrini, M., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Selvi, F., Stenlid, J., Valladares, F., Vesterdal, L., Zielínski, D., Fischer, M. (2016): 'Jack-of-all-trades’ effects drive biodiversity-ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests. Nature Communications 7. => van der Plas, F., Manning, P., Soliveres, S., Allan, E., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Verheyen, K., Wirth, C., Zavala, M. A., Ampoorter, E., Baeten, L, Barbaro, L., Bauhus, J., Benavides, R., Benneter, A., Bonal, D., Bouriaud, O., Bruelheide, H., Bussotti, F., Carnol, M., Castagneyrol, B., Charbonnier, Y., Coomes, D. A., Coppi, A., Bastias, C. C., Dawud, S. M., De Wandeler, H., Domisch, T., Finér, L., Gessler, A., Granier, A., Grossiord, C., Guyot, V., Hättenschwiler, S., Jactel, H., Jaroszewicz, B., Joly, F.-X., Jucker, T., Koricheva, J., Milligan, H., Müller, S., Muys, B., Nguyen, D., Pollastrini, M., Ratcliffe, S., Raulund-Rasmussen, K., Selvi, F., Stenlid, J., Valladares, F., Vesterdal, L., Zielínski, D., Fischer, M. (2016): Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113/13, 3557-3562. Wein, A., Bauhus, J., Bilodeau-Gauthier S., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Nock, C., Staab M. (2016): Tree Species Richness Promotes Invertebrate Herbivory on Congeneric Native and Exotic Tree Saplings in a Young Diversity Experiment. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0168751. Dănescu, A., Ehring, A., Bauhus, J., Albrecht, A., and Hein, S. (2015): Modelling discoloration and branch occlusion time following green pruning in the broadleaves Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior. Forest Ecology and Management 335, 87-98. De Avila, A.L., Ruschel, A.R., De Carvalho, J.O.P., Mazzei, L., Silva, J.N.M., Lopes, J.d.C., Araujo, M.M., Dormann, C.F., Bauhus, J. (2015): Medium-term dynamics of tree species composition in response to silvicultural intervention intensities in a tropical rain forest. Biological Conservation, 191, 577-586. Gossner, M., Lade, P., Schober, A., Sichardt, N., Kahl, T., Bauhus, J., Weisser, W., Petermann, J. (2015): Effects of management on aquatic tree-hole communities in temperate forests are mediated by detritus amount and water chemistry. Journal of Animal Ecology, 85, 213-226. =>pdf Guisasola, R., Tang, X., Bauhus, J., Forrester, D. I. (2015): Intra- and inter-specific differences in crown architecture in Chinese subtropical mixed-species forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 353, 164-172. Herrmann, S., Kahl, T., Bauhus, J. (2015:) Decomposition dynamics of coarse woody debris of three important central European tree species. Forest Ecosystems, 2, 27. Hickey, J., Neyland, M., Rothe, A., Bauhus, J. (2015): Is continuous-cover silviculture, as practised in Bavaria, suitable for use in wet eucalypt forests in Tasmania, Australia? Australian Forestry 78, 29-44. Hoppe B., Krüger D., Kahl T., Arnstadt T., Buscot F., Bauhus J., Wubet T. (2015): A pyrosequencing insight into sprawling bacterial diversity and community dynamics in decaying deadwood logs of Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies. Scientific Reports 5, 9456. Jandl, R., Bauhus, J., Bolte, A., Schindlbacher, A., and Schüler, S. (2015): Effect of Climate-Adapted Forest Management on Carbon Pools and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Current Forestry Reports 1, 1-7. Kahl, T., Baber, K., Otto, P., Wirth, C., Bauhus, J. (2015): Drivers of CO2 emission rates from dead wood logs of 13 tree species in the initial decomposition phase. Forests, 6, 2484-2504. Kuehne, C., Karrié, C., Forrester, D.I., Kohnle, U., Bauhus, J. (2015) Root system development in naturally regenerated Douglas-fir saplings as influenced by canopy closure and crowding. Journal of Forest Science, 61/9, 406–415. Niederberger, J., Todt, B., Boča, A., Nitschke, R., Kohler, M., Kühn, P., Bauhus, J. (2015): Use of near-infrared spectroscopy to assess phosphorus fractions of different plant availability in forest soils, Biogeosciences, 12, 3415-3428. Puettmann K.J., Wilson S. McG., Baker S., Donoso P., Droessler L., Amente G., Harvey B. D., Knoke T., Lu Y., Nocentini S., Putz F. E., Yoshida T., Bauhus J. (2015): Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest management - what limits global adoption? Forest Ecosystems, 2, 8. Stark, H., Nothdurft, A. and Bauhus, J. (2015): Forest restoration with Betula ssp. and Populus ssp. nurse crops increases productivity and soil fertility. Forest Ecology and Management 339, 57-70.
Brang, P., Spathelf, P., Larsen, J.B., Bauhus, J., Boncina, A., Chauvin, C., Drössler, L., Garcia-Guemes, C., Heiri, C., Kerr, G., Lexer, M.J., Mason, B., Mohren, F., Mühlethaler, U., Nocentini, S. Svoboda, M. (2014): Suitability of close-to-nature silviculture for adapting temperate European forests to climate change. Forestry 87, 492-503. Bruelheide, H., Nadrowski, K., Assmann, T., Bauhus, J., Both, S., Buscot, F., Chen, X.-Y., Ding, B.Y., Durka, W., Erfmeier, A., Gutknecht, J.L.M., Guo, D.L., Guo, L.-D., Härdtle, W., He, J.-S., Klein, A.-M., Kühn, P., Liang, Y., Liu, X.J., Michalski, S., Niklaus, P.A., Pei, K.Q., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Scholten, T., Schuldt, A., Seidler, G., Trogisch, S., von Oheimb, G., Welk, E., Wirth, C., Wubet, T., Yang, X.F., Yu, M.J., Zhang, S.R., Zhou, H.Z., Fischer, M., Ma, K.P., Schmid, B. (2014): Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China. - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5, 74–89. Dobarco, M. R., Van Miegroet, H. Gruselle, M. C., Bauhus, J. (2014): Predicting the Concentration of Soil Organic Carbon Derived from Aspen and Conifers with Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78 (S1), S23. Hoppe, B., Kahl, T., Karasch, P., Wubet, T., Bauhus, J., Buscot, F., Krüger, D. (2014): Network analysis reveals ecological links between N-fixing bacteria and wood-decaying fungi. PLOS ONE 9, 2, e88141. Kahl, T. and Bauhus, J. (2014): An index of forest management intensity based on assessment of harvested tree volume, tree species composition and dead wood origin. Nature Conservation, 7, 15-27. Klein, A.-M., Boreux, V., Bauhus, J., Chappell, M. J., Fischer, J. and Philpott, S. M. (2014): Forest islands in an agricultural sea. In: Kettle, C. J. and Koh, L. P. 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(2014): Criteria to evaluate the conservation value of strictly protected forest reserves in Central Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation, 23/14, 3519-3542. Sohn, J., Brooks, J.R., Bauhus, J., Kohler, M., Kolb, T., McDowelln, N. (2014): Unthinned slow-growing ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) trees contain muted isotopic signals in tree rings as compared to thinned trees. Trees (Online first), Albrecht, A. T., Kohnle, U., Hanewinkel, M., and Bauhus, J. (2013): Storm damage of Douglas-fir unexpectedly high compared to Norway spruce. Annals of Forest Sciences, 70, 195-207. Alcorn, P.J., Forrester, D.I., Smith, R.G.B., Thomas, D.S., James, R.N., Nicotra, A.B., Bauhus, J. (2013): Crown structure and vertical foliage distribution in 4-year-old plantation-grown Eucalyptus pilularis and Eucalyptus cloeziana. Trees - Structure and Function, 27:555–566. Alcorn, P. J., Forrester, D. I., Smith, R. G. B., Thomas, D. S., James, R., Nicotra, A. B., Bauhus, J. (2013): The influence of site quality on timing of pruning in Eucalyptus pilularis and Eucalyptus cloeziana plantations. Australian Forestry, 76/1, 25-36. Baeten, L., Verheyen, K., Wirth, C., Bruelheide, H., Bussotti, F., Finér, L., Jaroszewicz, B., Selvi, F., Valladares, F., Allan, E., Ampoorter, E., Auge, H., Avăcăriei, D., Barbaro, L., Bărnoaiea, I., Bastias, C.C., Bauhus, J., Beinhoff, C., Benavides, R., Benneter, A., Berger, S., Berthold, F., Boberg, J., Bonal, D., Brüggemann, W., Carnol, M., Castagneyrol, B., Charbonnier, Y., Chécko, E., Coomes, D., Coppi, A., Dalmaris, E., Dănilă, G., Dawud, S.M., de Vries, W., De Wandeler, H., Deconchat, M., Domisch, T., Duduman, G., Fischer, M., Fotelli, M., Gessler, A., Gimeno, T. E., Granier, A., Grossiord, C., Guyot, V., Hantsch, L., Hättenschwiler, S., Hector, A., Hermy, M., Holland, V., Jactel, H., Joly, F.-C., Jucker, T., Kolb, S., Koricheva, J., Lexer, M. 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Saha, S., Kuehne, C., Bauhus, J. (2013): Tree Species Richness and Stand Productivity in Low-Density Cluster Plantings with Oaks (Quercus robur L. and Q. petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.. Forests, 4/3, 650-665. Sohn, J., Gebhardt, T., Ammer, C., Bauhus, J., Häberle, K.-H., Matyssek, M., Grams, T. E. E. (2013): Mitigation of drought by thinning: short-term and long-term effects on growth and physiological performance of Norway spruce (Picea abies). Forest Ecology and Management, 308, 188-197. Sohn, J., McElhinny, C., Grove, S., and Bauhus, J. (2013): Variation in coarse woody debris attributes in Tasmanian tall wet Eucalyptus obliqua forests and implications for its monitoring. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 147, 15-23. Stark, H., Nothdurft, A., Bauhus, J. (2013): Allometries for Widely Spaced Populus ssp. and Betula ssp. in Nurse Crop Systems. Forests, 4, 1003-1031. Yang, X., Bauhus, J., Both, S., Fang, T., Härdtle, W., Kröber, W., Ma, K., Nadrowski, K., Pei, K., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Scholten, T., Seidler, G., Schmid, B., von Oheimb, G., and Bruelheide, H. (2013): Establishment success in a forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning experiment in subtropical China (BEF-China). European Journal of Forest Research 132: 593-606. Albrecht, A., Hanewinkel, M., Bauhus, J. (2012): How does silviculture affect storm damage in forests of south-western Germany? Results from empirical modeling based on long-term observations. Eur. J. Forest Res. ,131, 229-247. Alcorn, P.J., Forrester, D.I., Smith, R.G.B., Thomas, D.S., James, R.N., Nicotra, A.B., Bauhus, J. (2012): Crown structure and vertical foliage distribution in 4-year-old plantation-grown Eucalyptus pilularis and Eucalyptus cloeziana. Online-first: Trees-Structure and Function. Bannister, J. R., Donoso, P. J., Bauhus, J. 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Schuldt, A., Trogisch, S.,. von Oheimb, G., Welk, E., Wirth, C., Wu, Y.-T., Yang, X.F., Zeng, X.Q., Zhang, S.R., Zhou, H.Z., Ma, K.P., Schmid, B. (2011): Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs, 81/1, 25–41. De Meester, L., Van Tienderen, P., Werger, M., Hector, A., Wörheide, G., Niemelä, J., Aguilar, A., Smets, E., Godfray, C., Sutherland, W., Bauhus, J., Courchamp, F., Gandini, G., Koch, M., Le Maho, Y., Manuel, M., Pawlowski, J., Quéinnec, E., Owens, I., Keustermans, L. (2011): Challenges for biodiversity research in Europe. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 13, 83–100. Online published at Dordel, J., Simard, S. W., Bauhus, J., Guy, R. D., Prescott, C. E., Seely, B., Hampel, H., Pozas, L. J. (2011): Effects of nurse-tree crop species and density on nutrient and water availability to underplanted Toona ciliate in northeastern Argentina. Can. J. For. Res., 41, 1754 – 1768 (2011). 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(2010): Use of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to predict species composition in tree fine-root mixtures. Plant and Soil, 333, 93-103. Bauhus, J. (2009): Rooting patterns of old-growth forests: Is above-ground structural and functional diversity mirrored belowground? In: Wirth C, Gleixner G, Heimann M (eds.) Old-growth forests: Function, fate and value. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Ecological Studies, 207, 211-229.
Books, monographs, published reports, etc. Bauhus J., Seeling U., Dieter M., Farwif N., Hafner A., Kätzel R., Kleinschmit B., Lang F., Lindner M., Möhring B., Müller J., Niekisch M., Richter K., Schraml U. (2021): Geplante Änderung des Klimaschutzgesetzes riskiert Reduktion der potenziellen Klimaschutzbeiträge von Wald und Holz. Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates für Waldpolitik. Pötzelsberger E., Bauhus J., Muys B., Wunder S., Bozzano M., Farsakoglou A.-M., Schuck A., Lindner M., Lapin K. (2021): Forest biodiversity in the spotlight – what drives change? European Forest Institute. Müller J., Bauhus J., Dieter M., Möhring B., Niekisch M., Schraml U., Spellmann H., Weiger H., Lang F., Pröbstl-Haider U., Feindt P. H., Wolters V., Engels E.-M., Hamm U., Wagner S., Wolf H., Wätzold F. (2020): Vorschläge für einen effizienten Waldnaturschutz in Deutschland. AFZ-DerWald, 75/17, 19-22. Müller J., Bauhus J., Dieter M., Spellmann H., Möhring B., Wagner S., Wolf H., Niekisch M., Weiger H., Feindt P., Hamm U., Wätzold F., Wolters V., Engels E.-M., Schraml U., Lang F., Pröbstl-Haider U., Richter K. (2020). Wege zu einem effizienten Waldnaturschutz in Deutschland. Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 228. Spellmann H., Pröbstl-Haider U., Seeling U., Bauhus J., Bitter A. W., Dieter M., Hafner A., Hüttl R. F., Lang F., Möhring B., Müller J., Niekisch M., Richter K., Schraml U., Weiger H. (2020) Eckpunkte der Waldstrategie 2050. Stellungnahme des Wissenschaftlichen Beirates für Waldpolitik beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (WBW). Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 229. Vitali, V., Bauhus, J. (2019): Weißtanne und Douglasie als Ersatz für die Fichte. AFZ-Der Wald, 74/13, 23-26. Bauhus, J., Bitter, A. W., Dieter, M., Hafner, A., Pröbstl-Haider, U., Hüttl, R. F., Lang, F., Möhring, B., Müller, J., Niekisch, M., Richter, K., Schraml, U., Seeling, U., Spellmann, H. (2018): Irrwege in der Klimaschutzdiskussion. AFZ-Der Wald, 73/15, 31-34. Ammer, C., Bauhus, J. (2017): Ein Kommentar zur medialen Rezeption eines Bestsellers. AFZ-Der Wald, 72/16, 52. Bauhus, J., Rock, J., Spellmann, H., Dieter, M., Lang, F., Richter, K., Bolte, A., Rüter, S., Bösch., Entenmann, S. (2017): Beiträge der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft zum Klimaschutz, AFZ/Der Wald, 72/ 3, 10-14. Storch, I., Bauhus, J., Penner, J. (2017): ConFoBi: Forschungsprojekt zur Biodiversität genutzter Wälder. AFZ-Der Wald, 72/14, 33-34. Bauhus, J., Gärtner, S., Reif, A., Schmidt, M., Schultze, J., Wildmann, S., Spellmann, H. (2016): Wald mit natürlicher Entwicklung – ist das 5 %-Ziel erreicht? – AFZ-Der Wald, 71 (9), 46–48. Engel, F., Bauhus, J., Gärtner, S., Kühn, A., Meyer, P., Reif, A., Schmidt, M., Schultze, J., Späth, V., Stübner, S., Wildmann S., Spellmann H. (2016): Wälder mit natürlicher Entwicklung in Deutschland: Bilanzierung und Bewertung. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt. Landwirtschaftsverlag Münster, Hrsg. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, 145, 221 S. Saha, S. Bauhus, J. (2016): Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation objectives for forests in south-western Germany. Forstarchiv, 87, 60-61. Schultze, J., Reif, A., Gärtner, S., Bauhus, J., Engel, F., Späth, V. (2016): Naturschutzfachliche Bewertung der Wälder mit natürlicher Entwicklung in Deutschland. In: Engel. F. et al. (Hrsg.): Wälder mit natürlicher Entwicklung in Deutschland: Bilanzierung und Bewertung. – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag) – Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfal,t 145: 75-150. Unseld, R., Hesse, A., Fei, J., Wessels, W., Bauhus, J. (2016): Entwicklung von Hybridbirken und Balsampappeln als Vorwald. AFZ Der Wald, 5, 43- 47. Weingarten P, Bauhus J, Arens-Azevedo U, Balmann A, Biesalski H-K, Birner R, Bitter AW, Bokelmann W, Bolte A, Bösch M, Christen O, Dieter M, Entenmann S, Feindt M, Gauly M, Grethe H, Haller P, Hüttl RF, Knierim U, Lang F, Larsen JB, Latacz-Lohmann U, Martinez J, Meier T, Möhring B, Neverla I, Nieberg H, Niekisch M, Osterburg B, Pischetsrieder M, Pröbstl-Haider U, Qaim M, Renner B, Richter K, Rock J, Rüter S, Spellmann H, Spiller A, Taube F, Voget-Kleschin L, Weiger H (2016): Klimaschutz in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie den nachgelagerten Bereichen Ernährung und Holzverwendung. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Sonderheft 222. Todt, B., Niederberger, J., Boča, A., Nitschke, R., Kohler, M., Kühn, P., and Bauhus, J. (2015): Use of near-infrared spectroscopy to assess phosphorus fractions of different plant availability in forest soils, Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 555-592. Saha, S., Kühne, C., Kohnle, U., Bauhus, J. (2014): In Klumpen pflanzen. Bauern Zeitung, 25/1, 32-33. Wildmann, S., Engel, F., Meyer, P., Spellmann, H., Schultze, J., Gärtner, S., Reif, A., Bauhus, J. (2014): Wälder mit natürlicher Entwicklung in Deutschland. Definition und Flächen. AFZ - Der Wald, 2/2014, 28-30. Becker, G., Bauhus, J., Konold, W. (Hrsg) (2013): Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung der Stockausschlagwälder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA Nr. 62/2013 – 216 S. Becker, G., Bauhus, J., Konold, W. (2013): Optionen einer zukunftsgerichteten Niederwaldwirtschaft in Rheinland-Pfalz – Forschungsergebnisse und Schlußfolgerungen im Überblick. In: Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung der Stockausschlagwälder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA, 62, 5-24. Pyttel, P., Köhn, M., Bauhus, J. (2013): Effekte unterschiedlicher Nutzungsintensitäten auf den Nährstoffkreislauf in überalterten Niederwäldern. In: Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung der Stockausschlagwälder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA, 62, 72–76. Pyttel, P., Kunz, J., Bauhus, J. (2013): Wachstum, Regeneration und Schattentoleranz von Elsbeere (Sorbus torminalis) in überalterten Niederwäldern. In: Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA, 62, 106-112. Pyttel, P., Suchomel, C., Becker, G., Bauhus, J. (2013): Biomassefunktionen für Traubeneiche (Querus petraea) und Hainbuche (Carpinus betulus) aus überalterten Stockausschlagwäldern in Südwestdeutschland. In: Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung der Stockausschlagwälder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA, 62, 119-123. Pyttel, P., Weber., T., Bauhus, J. (2013): Regeneration und Wachstum des Speierling (Sorbus domestica) in durchgewachsenen Niederwäldern. In: Schutz durch Nutzung: Ein Raum-Zeit-Konzept für die multifunktionale Entwicklung der Stockausschlagwälder in Rheinland-Pfalz. Schriftenreihe der Professur für Landespflege der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg CULTERRA, 62, 100-105.Saha, S., Kuehne, C., Kohnle, U., Bauhus, J. (2013): Eignung von Nester- und Trupp-Pflanzungen für die Begründung von Eichenbeständen. AFZ/Der Wald, 2, 39-41. Taube, F., Balmann, A., Bauhus, J., Birner, R., Bokelmann, W., Christen, O., Gauly, M., Grethe, H., Holm-Müller, K., Horst, W., Knierim, U., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Nieberg, H., Qaim, M., Spiller, A., Täuber, S., Weingarten, P., Wiesler, F. (2013): Novellierung der Düngeverordnung: Nährstoffüberschüsse wirksam begrenzen : Kurzstellungnahme der Wissenschaftlichen Beiräte für Agrarpolitik und für Düngungsfragen beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz und des Sachverständigenrates für Umweltfragen der Bundesregierung zur Novellierung der "Düngeverordnung". Berichte über Landwirtschaft - N.F. - Sonderheft, 219, 1-12. Bauhus, J. (2012): Von neuer Wildnis bis zu Plantagen – wie Wälder gestaltet wurden. Freiburger Universitätsblätter, Heft 196. Bauhus, J., Becker, T., Christen, O., Dabbert, S., Eberle, U., Gauly, M., Hansen, U., Heissenhuber, A., Hess, J., Isermeyer, F., Jungermann, H., Kirschke, D., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Leonhäuser, I.-U., Micklitz, H.-W., Oehler, A., Otte, A., Piorkowsky, M.-B., Ploeger, A., Qaim, M., Reisch, L., Schmitz, P. M., Spiller, A., Stadler, A., Strünck, C., Sundrum, A., Weingarten, P. (2012): Politikstrategie Food Labelling – Gemeinsame Stellungnahme der Wissenschaftlichen Beiräte für Verbraucher- und Ernährungspolitik sowie Agrarpolitik beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz. Berichte über Landwirtschaft, 90/1, 35-69. Bauhus, J., Christen, O., Dabbert, S., Gauly, M., Heissenhuber, A., Hess, J., Isermeyer, F., Kirschke, D., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Otte, A., Qaim, M., Schmitz, P. M., Spiller, A., Sundrum A., Weingarten, P. 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(2010): Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests. Earthscan publishing for a sustainable future, London – Washington, DC, 240 p. Briggs, N., Kühne, C., Bauhus, J. (2010): Root system response of naturally regenerated Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) after complete overstorey removal. Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, Berichte Heft 85. De Meester, L., van Tienderen, P., Werger, M., Hector, A., Wörheide, G, Niemelä, J., Aguilar, A., Smets, E., Godfray, C., Sutherland, W., Bauhus, J., Courchamp, F., Gandini, G., Koch, M., Le Maho, Y., Manuel, M., Pawlowski, J., Quéinnec, E., Owens, I. (2010): Challenges for biodiversity research in Europe. League of European Research Universities, Advice Paper No. 4, 18 p. Isermeyer, F., Otte, A., Bauhus, J., Christen , O., Dabbert, S., Gaulky, M., Heissenhuber, A., Hess, J., Kirschke, D., Latacz-Lohmann, U., Qaim, M., Schmitz, P., Spiller, A., Sundrum, A., Weingarten, P. (2010): Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Agrarpolitik beim Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz: Förderung der Biogaserzeugung durch das EEG – Stellungnahme zur geplanten Novellierung des Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetzes. Wissenschaftlicher Beirat für Agrarpolitik, 16 S. Reif, A., Brucker, U., Kratzer, R., Bauhus, J., Schmiedinger, A. (2010): Waldbau und Baumartenwahl in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Was verbindet, was trennt Forstleute und Naturschützer? AFZ-Der Wald, 10, 22-24. Reif, A., Brucker, U., Kratzer, R., Schmiedinger, A., Bauhus, J.. (2010): Waldbewirtschaftung in Zeiten des Klimawandels. Synergien und Konfliktpotenziale zwischen Forstwirtschaft und Naturschutz. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 42, 261-266. Unseld, R., Wenzel, M. Weich, T., Stark, H., Weinreich, A., Bauhus. J. (2010): Energie-Vorwälder in Südwest-Deutschland – Alternative Bewirtschaftungsformen zur Steigerung der energetisch nutzbaren Biomasse im Wald . Forst und Holz, 65/10, 14–17. Unseld, R., Wessels, W., Bauhus, J. (2010): Gepflanzte Vorwälder zur Biomasseproduktion. AFZ-Der Wald, 14, 30-31. Bauhus, J. (2008): Naturnaher Waldbau an der Universität Freiburg i. Br.. ZÜRICHER Wald, 1/08, 25–30. |