Angela Luciana de Avila
Tel. 0761/203-3675
Fax 0761/203-3781
Doctoral research project (2012 - 2017)
Post-logging dynamics of a terra firme rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon
Conference contributions
de AVILA, A. L.; SCHWARTZ, G.; RUSCHEL, A. R.; LOPES, J. C.; SILVA, J. N. M.; MAZZEI, L.; CARVALHO, J. O. P.; BAUHUS, J. Effect of silvicultural interventions on the recovery of commercial growing stock over 30 years in the Brazilian Amazon.\textit{ FowiTa - Forstwissenschaftlichen Tagung}, 2017, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany.
de AVILA, A. L.; VAN DER SANDE, M.; DORMANN, C. F.; PEÑA-CLAROS, M. .; POORTER, L.; MAZZEI, L.; RUSCHEL, A. R. ; SILVA, J. N. M. ; CARVALHO, J. O. P. ; BAUHUS, J. Effects of disturbance intensity and tree diversity on the biomass recovery of a managed tropical forest. .\textit{ Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation}, 2016, Montpellier, France.
de AVILA, A.L., RUSCHEL, A. R., CARVALHO, J. O. P., SILVA, J. N. M., FREITAS, L. J. M., DORMANN, C., BAUHUS, J. Forest recovery over 30 years following management interventions of different intensities in the Brazilian Amazon. Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, 2015, Zürich, Switzerland.
de AVILA, A.L., RUSCHEL, A. R., CARVALHO, J. O. P., FREITAS, L. J. M., SILVA, J. N. M., BAUHUS, J. Post-logging stand dynamics of a tropical rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon. XXIV IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City, USA.
de AVILA, A.L., RUSCHEL, A. R., CARVALHO, J. O. P., DORMANN, C., BAUHUS, J. How does logging influence dynamics of tree species diversity in a tropical rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon? Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology, 2014, Fresing, Germany.
Professional Experience
2009 - 2011: University of West of Santa Catarina, Brazil - Teaching and students supervision
2010: Ecodamata Environmental Projects, Brazil - Consultancy
Council For Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research
Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö)