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Dr. David Butler Manning

Former staff member

Tel:  +353(0) 16769781
Work: +353 (0)6609364 (mobile)
11 Sycamore Drive,
Dublin 16


Gap dynamics and regeneration in a near-natural calcareous beech forest in the Hainich National Park  (concluded 12/2007)                     ...Excursion Guide Sektionstagung 2007


Pokorny, B., Bauhus, J., Seebauer, M., Dai, C., Schmitt, J., Frei, H. J., Butler-Manning, D., Gärtner, S. (2008): Sustainable Forest Management in Western China: A manual for the Xiaolongshan Forest Burea. Ed.: Institute of Silviculture, Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences University of Freiburg, 98 p.

Butler Manning, D. (2007): Stand structure, gap dynamics and regeneration of a semi-natural mixed beech forest on limestone in central Europe – a case study. Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, in press.    ...summary

Huss, J., Butler-Manning, D. (2006): Entwicklungsdynamik eines buchendominierten "Naturwald"-Dauerbeobachtungsbestands auf Kalk im Nationalpark Hainich/Thüringen. Wäldökologie Online, 3, 67-81.    

Huss, J., Butler Manning, D. (2003): Natural regeneration of beech forests in Europe – Germany: Approaches, problems, recent advances and recommendations. NatMan Working Report, 42. 11 pp.

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