Prof. Dr. Benno Pokorny
Academic senior councillor
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Tel. 0761/203-3680
Fax 0761/203-3781
Routine tasks
Involvement in the institute administration
Supervision of PhD, Master and BSc students
Member of the PhD board
Ecosystem Management (M. Sc.) -compulsory module (2nd semester)
Plantation Forestry -elective module M.SC.
Carbon Forestry
- Global Forest Governance
Winter semester
Forest Utilisation Systems -B. Sc. minor subject "International Forestry"
Forest Utilisation and Rural Development -B.Sc. minor subject "International Forestry"
Rural Development (Integrated Case Study II) -compulsory module 3rd semester M.Sc. MEG
- Global Societal Change -compulsory module 1st semester M. Sc. MEG
Research projects
Current projects:
- Climate Change and Urban (Political) Violence in Sub-Sahara Africa
- Forest community organization in a changing market environment: the case of Mexican ejidos
- Governance of knowledge and applied research about community forestry in Honduras
- Lost in the woods: Forest livelihood options for people i7n the protected areas in the Mayan jungle
- Putting environmental discourses into policies: The case study of Bolivia
- Restoration and reclamation of mined-out areas and other degraded lands for biodiversity conservation and rural development in Burkina Faso: a chance for local people?
- Small farmers’ strategies in dealing with crisis: Responses of rural socio-ecological systems to political crises in Zimbabwe
- Small-scale farming in the Amazon: a dead-end road or the way ahead for sustainable development: a case study from the Trans-Amazon highway in Brazil
- Support to the Development of Agroforestry Concessions in Peru (SUCCESS)
- The potential for endogenous development for indigenous communities: A comparative study of indigenous realities in Southeast Mexico
Concluded projects:
- Development of a national forestry master in Argentina (concluded 10/2013)
- Learning for adaptation to Climate Change. Analysis of adaptation strategies of smallholders in the Argentinean Chaco forest as a basis for effective mobilization of local potentials on sustainable natural resource management
- Forest management by small farmers in the Amazon - An opportunity to enhance forest ecosystem stability and rural livelihood (concluded 01/2009)
Assessment of goods and services from land use systems of small farmers in Amazon
Benefits for smallholders from forest product plantations in the Amazon
Small farmer forest management practices in the Amazon: An analysis of the conditions that promote innovation
Structural restrictions faced by traditional Amazonian communities for improving their livelihoods through forest management in negotiations with external stakeholders
- Sustainable Management of Production Forests at the Commercial Scale in the Brazilian Amazon Project PD 57/99 Rev. 2 (F) (concluded 06/2008)
- Scientific support of the Sino-German GTZ program “Sustainable Management of forests in Western China”, in particular the activities of component 2 “Sustainable Forestry” (concluded 12/2007)
- Development of an auditing system for forest management projects in the Brazilian Amazon (concluded12/2006)
- Cost Accounting and Efficiency of Forest enterprises in the Brazilian Amazon (concluded 12/2005)
Pokorny B., Robiglio V., Reyes, M., Vargas R., Patin᷉a C., Cesar F. (2021): The potential of agroforestry concessions to stabilize Amazonian forest frontiers: a case study on the economic and environmental robustness of informally settled small-scale cocoa farmers in Peru. Land Use Policy, 102, 105242.
De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Katila, P. Galloway G. And Pacheco, P. (2018): Community forestry and the Sustainable Development Goals: A two way street. Forests, 9/6, 331.
Katila, P., de Jong, W., Galloway, G., Pokorny, B. and Pacheco, P. (2017): Building on synergies: Harnessing community and smallholder forestry for Sustainable Development Goals. Policy Brief. IUFRO, Vienna. 24p.
Tourinho, M.M., Pokorny, B., Melo Júnior, L.C.M., Santos, S.R.M. and Gama, J.RV. (2017): Traditional knowledge as an ethical fundamental for the conservation of biodiversity in the floodplains of the Amazon. Novos Cadernos NAEA 20(1), 153-168.
Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C., Boekhout Van Solinge, T., Cashore, B., Cerutti, P.O., Gan, J., Leipold, S., Pacheco, P., Pokorny, B., PURRET, A., SOTIROV, M. And TACCONI, L. (2016): Conclusions. In: Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C. And Purret, A. (Eds.). Illegal logging and related timber trade – dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna. Chapter 8, 133-136.
Pacheco, P., Cerutti, P.O., Edwards, P.D., Lescuyer, G., Mejía, E., Navarro, G., Obidzinski, K., Pokorny, B. And Sist, P. (2016): Multiple and intertwined impacts of illegal forest activities. In: Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C. and Purret, A. (eds.). Illegal logging and related timber trade – dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna. Chapter 6, 99- 116.
Perozo, D., Pokorny, B., Nieto Caraveo, L., Schlueter, S. (2016): Analysis of endogenous development as a proposal for rural development in Northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Potentials and limitations. Proceedings ESADR 2016, P05 Transformações sociotécnicas na agricultura familiar: potencialidades e limites na construção de novos projetos de desenvolvimento rural. 1479-1498.
Pokorny, B. (2016): Securing local livelihoods depending on forest commons: The case of the ‘Forest Government’ of the State of Acre in the Western Brazilian Amazon. In: FAO 2016. Governing Tenure Rights to Commons. A guide to support the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security. Governance of tenure technical guide 8, FAO, Rome, Case 7, p. 57.
Pokorny, B., Pacheco, P., Cerutti, O.P., Boekhout Van Solinge, T., Kissinger, G. And Tacconi, L. (2016): Drivers of illegal and destructive forest use. In: Kleinschmit, D., Mansourian, S., Wildburger, C. and Purret, A. (eds.). Illegal logging and related timber trade – dimensions, drivers, impacts and responses. A Global Scientific Rapid Response Assessment Report. IUFRO World Series Volume 35. Vienna. Chapter 4, 61-78.
Bharat, K., Schmerbeck, J. , Pokorny, B. (2015): Difference in value of selected ecosystem services from native shola forest and exotic tree plantations in the upper Palni hills of south India. In: Naudiyal, N. and Schmerbeck,J (eds). Land-use related biodiversity in India: Seminar Proceedings 2014. Department of Natural Resources, TERI University, 23-27. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1856.5200.
Medina, G., Almeida, C., Novaes, E., Godar, J., Pokorny, B. (2015): Development conditions for family farming: Lessons from Brazil. World Development, 74, 386–396.
Medina, G., Potter, C., Pokorny. B. (2015): Farm business pathways under agri-environmental policies: Lessons for policy design. Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro, 23(1), 5-30.
Osei-Tutu, P., Pregernig, M., Pokorny, B. (2015): Interactions between formal and informal institutions in community, private and state forest contexts in Ghana. Forest Policy and Economics 54: (2015) 26-35.
Pokorny, B. (2015): Forest certification. Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox. FAO, Rome.
Pokorny, B. (2015): Forest finance Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox. FAO, Rome.
Pokorny, B. (2015): German bilateral development cooperation in the forest sector: A critical reflection based on the analysis of forest-related development initiatives from Indonesia, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Report. University of Freiburg.
Pokorny, B., De Jong, W. (2015): Smallholders and forest landscape transitions: locally devised development strategies of the tropical Americas. International Forestry Review Vol. 17(S1), 1-19.
Pokorny, B., De Jong, W., Pottinger, A. (2015): Special Issue: Smallholders and forest landscape transitions: Locally devised development strategies of the tropical Americas. International Forestry Review, 17 (S1), 142p.
Pokorny, B., Serra, A. (2015): La capacidad de usuarios de la tierra a lo largo de la Transamazónica Brasilera del Estado de Pará a contribuir a un desarrollo sostenible de la región. In: Aguirre Mejia, P. (ed.). Sustentabilidad: Principios y prácticas. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Vol.1, 115-126.
Pokorny, B., Serra, A. (2015): Melhorias nas experiências produtivas: lições aprendidas. In: Medina, G.; Barbosa C. W. S. (eds.) Experiências produtivas de agricultores familiares da Amazônia (2nd ed.. Kelps). Goiânia, 153-178.
Pokorny, B., Serra, A. (2015): Melhorias nas experiencias produtivas: licoes aprendidas. In: Experiências produtivas de agricultores familiares da Amazônia. Gabriel Medina e Cláudio Wilson Soares Barbosa (Editores). Goiânia: Kelps, 198 p. il. Segunda edição. ISBN: 978-85-400-1211-0
Pokorny, B., Serra, A. (2015): Melhorias nas Experiencias Produtivas: Licoes Aprendidas. In: Experiências produtivas de agricultores familiares da Amazônia. Gabriel Medina e Cláudio Wilson Soares Barbosa (Editores). Goiânia: Kelps, 198 p. il. Segunda edição. ISBN: 978-85-400-1211-0
Billard, C., Gond, V., Oszwald, J., Arnaud De Sartre, X. Pokorny, B. (2014): Smallholders’ agricultural practices trajectories in Amazonia. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 319/1, 53-64.
Del Gatto, F., Pokorny, B. (2014): FLEGT VPA and REDD+ and community tenure rights in Honduras. ETFRN News 55. Linking FLEGT and REDD+ to Improve Forest Governance. Challenges and opportunities for improved forest management, Tropenbos International, Wageningen, 101-108.
Medina, G., Pokorny, B. (2014): Avaliação financeira do manejo florestal comunitário. Kelps, Goiánia, Brazil. 216p. ISBN 978-85-8106-493-2
Osei-Tutu, P., Pregernig, M., Pokorny, B. (2014): Legitimacy of informal institutions in contemporary local forest management: insights from Ghana. Biodiversity Conservation, 23, 3587–3605. DOI 10.1007/s10531-014-0801-8
Pokorny, B. (2014): Amazon development. In: Krieger, J. (ed). The Oxford companion to international relations. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. ISBN 978-0-19-973887-8
Pokorny, B. (2014): Unintended effects of international forest initiatives at the local level. ETFRN News 55. Linking FLEGT and REDD+ to Improve Forest Governance. Challenges and opportunities for improved forest management. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, 93-100.
Pokorny, B., Godar, J., Hoch, L., Johnson, J., De Koning, J., Medina, G., Steinbrenner, R., Vos, V., Weigelt, J. (2014): A produção familiar como alternativa de desenvolvimento sustentável para a Amazônia. Lições aprendidas de iniciativas de uso florestal por produtores familiares na Amazônia boliviana, brasileira, equatoriana e peruana. 2nd edition. CIFOR, Bogor. Kelps, Goiánia, Brazil, 174p.
ISBN: 978-60-2150-427-7
Pokorny, B., Pacheco, P. (2014): Money from and for forests: A critical reflection on the feasibility of market approaches for the conservation of Amazonian forests. Journal of Rural Studies, 36, 441-452.
Pokorny, B., Serra, A. (2014): La capacidad de usuarios de la tierra a lo largo de la Transamazónica Brasilera del Estado de Pará a contribuir a un desarrollo sostenible de la región. In: Aguirre, P and Muñoz, R. (eds.). Biodiversidad, conocimiento local y cambio climático en la región Andino - Amazónica: Muchos desafíos un solo objetivo. Proceedings I Seminario Internacional, 5 y 6 de mayo de 2014, Ibarra – Ecuador, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 43-53. ISBN 978-3-95404-868-7
Pokorny, B., Scholz, I. and de Jong, W. 2013. REDD+ for the poor or the poor for REDD+? About the limitations of environmental policies in the Amazon and the potential of achieving environmental goals through pro-poor policies. Ecology and Society 18(2): 3.
Pokorny B. 2013. Smallholders, forest management and rural development in the Amazon. Earthscan Forest Library/Routledge, Oxon. 212p.
Pokorny, B., De Jong, W., Godar, J., Pacheco, P., Johnson, J. (2013): From large to small: reorienting rural development policies in response to climate change, food security and poverty. Published online in: Forest Policy and Economics.
Godar, J., Tizado, E. J., Pokorny, B., Johnson, J. (2012): Typology and Characterization of Amazon Colonists: A Case Study Along the Transamazon Highway. Human Ecology, 40 (2): 251-267. http://DOI: 10.1007/s10745-012-9457-8
Godar, J., Tizado, J., Pokorny, B. (2012): Who is responsible for deforestation in the Amazon? A spatially explicit analysis along the Transamazon Highway in Brazil. Forest, Ecology and Management, 267, 58-73.
Hoch, L., Pokorny. B., De Jong, W. (2012): Financial attractiveness of smallholder tree plantations in the Amazon: bridging external expectations and local realities. Agroforestry System. DOI: 10.1007/s10457-012-9480-1
Medina, G., Pokorny, B. (2012): Avaliação financeira do manejo florestal comunitário. Novos Cadernos NAEA, 14(2), 25-36.
Pokorny, B., Johnson, G., Medina, A., Hoch, L. (2012): Market-based conservation of the Amazonian forests: Revisiting win–win expectations. Geoforum 43 (3), 387-401. doi:10.1016/j.geoforum.2010.08.002
De Jong, W., Borner, J., Pacheco, P., Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C. (2011): Los bosques amazónicos en la encrucijada: presiones, respuestas y desafíos. In: de Jong, W. and Mery, G. (eds.) 2011. Desafíos de los bosques amazónicos y oportunidades para el manejo forestal comunitario. Finnish Forest Research Institute, IUFRO Occasional Paper No. 25, 2-30.
De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Cornejo, C., Stoian, D. (2011): Oportunidades y desafíos para el manejo forestal comunitario: lecciones de América Tropical. In: de Jong, W. and Mery, G. (eds.) 2011. Desafíos de los bosques amazónicos y oportunidades para el manejo forestal comunitario. Finnish Forest Research Institute, IUFRO Occasional Paper No. 25, Finland. 31-55.
Herrero-Jàuregui, C., Pokorny, B., Casado, M. A. (2011): Coming down to Earth: a critical analysis of a project for the commercialization of non-timber forest products in a community of the Eastern Amazon. Brazilian Journal of Forestry Research, 31/66, 131 – 142.
Pokorny, B., Godar, J., Hoch, L., Johnson, J., De Koning, J., Medina, G., Steinbrenner, R., Vos, V.,Weigelt, J. (2011): La producción familiar como alternativa de un desarrollo sostenible para la Amazonía: Lecciones aprendidas de iniciativas de uso forestal por productores familiares en la Amazonía boliviana, brasilera, ecuatoriana y peruana. CIFOR, Bogor. 178p.
De Jong, W., Borner, J., Pacheco, P., Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C. (2010): Amazon forests at the crossroads: pressures, responses, and challenges. In.: Mery G.; Katila, P.; Galloway, G.; Alfaro, R.I.; Kanninen, M.; Lobovikov, M.; Varjo, J. (eds.). Forests and society – responding to global drivers of change. IUFRO World Series, 25, 283-298.
Meza, V., Navarro, G. , Pokorny, B. (2010): Percepción y decisión económica de productores locales: el rol del pago por servicios ambientales para dos tipos de bosque en la región Huetar norte, Costa Rica”. Ambientales, 40, 44-54.
Pokorny, B., Godar, J., Hoch, L., Johnson, J., De Koning, J., Medina, G., Steinbrenner, R.,Vos, V.,Weigelt, J. 2010): a produção familiar como alternativa de um desenvolvimento sustentável para a amazônia. Lições aprendidas de iniciativas de uso florestal por produtores familiares na amazônia boliviana, brasileira, equatoriana e peruana. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, 174p.
Pokorny, B. Sabogal, C., de Jong, W., Pacheco, P., Porro, B., Louman, D., Stoian, D. (2010): Challenges of community forestry in tropical America. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 303 (1), 43-66.
Hoch, L., Pokorny, B., De Jong, W. (2009): How successful is tree growing for smallholders in the Amazon? International Forestry Review, 11(3), 299-310.
Medina, G., Pokorny, B., Campbell, B.M. (2009): Community forest management for timber extraction in the Amazon frontier. International Forestry Review, 11(3), 408-420.
Medina, G., Pokorny, B., Weigelt, J. (2009): The power of discourse: Hard lessons for traditional forest communities in the Amazon. Forest Policy and Economics, 11, 392–397.
Olegário, J. P. C., Silva, J. N. M., Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C., Zweede, J. (2009): Systems for Sustainable Forest Management. Tropical Forest Update 18(4), 9-11.
De Jong, W. , Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C., Louman, B., Stoian, D. (2008): Antecedentes, realidad y oportunidades del manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina. - In: Sabogal C., De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Louman, B., (ed.): Manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina. Experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro; Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia, 35-76.
Medina, G., Pokorny, B. (2008): Avaliacao financeira do manejo florestal comuniário. Policy Brief. IBAMA/Universidad de Freiburg, 6 p.
Medina, G., Pokorny, B. (2008): O uso da floresta por comunidades amazônicas. Jornal do Brasil, Domingo.
Pokorny, B., Bauhus, J., Seebauer, M., Dai, C., Schmitt, J., Frei, H. J., Butler-Manning, D., Gärtner, S. (2008): Sustainable Forest Management in Western China: A manual for the Xiaolongshan Forest Burea. Ed.: Institute of Silviculture, Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences University of Freiburg, 98 p.
Pokorny, B., Johnson, B. (2008): Community forestry in the Amazon: The unsolved challenge of forests and the poor. ODI Natural Resource Perspectives, 112, 4 p.
Pokorny, B., Johnson, J., (2008): Estrategias de acompanamiento al manejo forestal comunitario. - In: Sabogal C., De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Louman, B., (ed.) 2008. Manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina. Experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia, 229 – 278.
Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C., De Jong, W., Stoian, D., Louman, B., Pacheco, P., Porro, N. (2008): Experiencias y retos del manejo forestal comunitario en América Tropical. Recursos Naturales y Ambientales, 54, 81-98.
Sabogal, C., De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Louman, B. (2008): Síntesis y recomendaciones. In: In: Sabogal C., De Jong, W., Pokorny, B., Louman, B., (ed.): Manejo forestal comunitario en América Latina. Experiencias, lecciones aprendidas y retos para el futuro. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Bogor, Indonesia, 279 – 294.
Pokorny, B., Cayres, G., Nunes, W. (2007): Community level work with C&I: Assessing limits and opportunities. In: Guijt I. (ed). Negotiated Learning: Collaborative Monitoring in Resource Management. Resources for the Future, Washington DC.
Sabogal, C., Lentini, M., Pokorny, B., Silva, J. N. M., Zweede, J., Verissimo, A. and Boscolo, M. (2007): Manejo forestal empresarial en la Amazonía brasileña. Restricciones y opportunidades para la adopción de buenas prácticas de manejo. Recursos Naturales y Ambientales, 49, 81-89
Sabogal C., Lentini, M., Pokorny, B., Silva, J. N. M., Zweede, J., Veríssimo, A. and Boscolo, M. (2006): Manejo Florestal Empresarial na Amazônia Brasileira. Restrições e Oportunidades. Relatório Síntese. Cifor, Imazon, Embrapa e IFT, Belém, 29 p.
Silva, N. J. M., Pokorny, B., Sabogal, C., De Carvalho, J. O. P. and Zweede, J. (2006): Partnership for good forest management. A joint initiative of researchers and timber industries in the Brazilian Amazon. Tropical Forest Update, 4, 10-13.2005
Pokorny, B.; Cayres, G., Nunes, W. (2005): Participatory extension as basis for the work of rural extension services in the Amazon. Agriculture and Human Values, 22, 435-450.
Pokorny B., Merry, F. (2005): Contabilidade de custos e eficiência de produção da indústria madeireira na Amazônia Brasileira. Final Report. Cifor/IPAM/EMBRAPA/BASA. 128p.
Pokorny, B., Steinbrenner, M. (2005); Collaborative Monitoring of Production and Costs of Timber Harvest Operations in the Brazilian Amazon Ecology and Society (online), 10 (1):
Sabogal, C., Pokorny, B., Silva, N., Bernado, P., Massih, F.,Boscolo, M., Lentini, M., Sobral, L.,Verissimo, A. (2005): Manejo florestal empresarial na Amazônia brasileira. Restrições e oportunidades para a adoção de boas práticas de manejo. Final Report. Cifor/Embrapa, Belém. 199 p.
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal C., J.N.M. Silva, J. Lima and P. Bernardo. 2004. C&I para el monitoreo de operaciones forestales. Un caso en Brasil. Revista Forestal Centroamericana. ..abstract
Sabogal C., F. Carrera, V. Colán, B. Pokorny and B. Louman. 2004. Manual para la planificación y evaluación del manejo forestal operacional en bosques de la Amazonía Peruana. Proyetcto INRENA-CIFOR-FONDEBOSQUE, Lima. 279p ..abstract
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.). 2004. Fórum sobre florestas, gestão e desenvolvimento: opções para Amazônia. CIFOR, Belém. 188p
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.). 2004. Forum sobre bosques, gestión y desarollo: opciones para la Amazonía. CIFOR, Belém. 192p ..abstract
Hurtienne T. and B. Pokorny. 2004. Prêto e branco ou bem colorido: discrepâncias na percepção sobre florestas entre pesquisadores e agricultores familiares. IN: Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.). Fórum sobre florestas, gestão e desenvolvimento: opções para Amazônia. CIFOR, Belém. 62-72
Hurtienne T. and B. Pokorny. 2004. Blanco e negro o bien colorido: discrepancias en la percepción de los bosques por investigadores y agricultores familiares. IN: Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.). Forum sobre bosques, gestión y desarollo: opciones para la Amazonía. CIFOR, Belém. 63-73 ..abstract
Pokorny B. and H. Desmond. 2004. Networking and information management for enhancing the implementation of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. Discussion Paper presented at the International Conference on the Contribution of Criteria and Indicator in Cebu City. FAO, Rome
Pokorny B. and H. Desmond. 2004. Constitution de réseaux et gestion de l’information pour renforcer la mise en oeuvre de critères et indicateurs de gestion durable des forêts.
Pokorny B., Prabhu R., McDougall C. and Bauch R. 2004. Local Stakeholders’ Participation in Developing Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management. Journal of Forestry 102 (1), 35-40 ..abstract
Pokorny B, Cayres G. and Nunes W. 2003: Participatory analysis of heterogeneity, an approach to consolidate collaborative initiatives at community level. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 13 (2). 161 - 175 ..abstract
Pokorny B. and Schanz H.: Empirical determination of political cultures as basis for effective coordination of forest management systems. Society and Natural Resources 16 (10). 887 – 908 ..abstract
Prabhu R., P. Abbot, D. Blay, K. Buchanan, F. Castañeda, A. Danso, M. Dudley, J.M. Kim, A. Marjokorpi, M. Nkosi, B. Pokorny, R. Prasad, H. Seppanen, H. Thiel, D. Wijewardena, P. Wright 2003. Strengthening institutional capacity and stakeholder partnerships for implementing criteria and indicators and facilitating the exchange of information between all stakeholders. Background Paper presented at the International Conference on the Contribution of Criteria and Indicator in Guatemala City. FAO, Rome.
Pokorny B, Cayres G., Nunes W., Segebart D., Drude R. and Steinbrenner M. 2003: Adaptive Collaborative Management. Criteria and indicators to assess sustainability. Manejo Colaborativo Adaptativo. Criteria e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade. CIFOR: Bogor. 35p ..abstract
Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: Compatibilidade de conjuntos de critérios e indicadores para avaliar a sustentabilidade do manejo florestal na Amazônia Brasileira. CIFOR: Bogor. 135 p. ..abstract
Pokorny B., Cayres G., Nunes W., Segebart D. and Drude R. 2003: First experiences with Adaptive Co-Management in Pará, Brazilian Amazon. In: Sabogal C., Silva N. (eds.) Integrated Management of Neotropical Rain Forests by Industries and Communities. Embrapa, Belém. 258-280. ..abstract
Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: What do criteria and indicators assess? An analysis of five C&I sets relevant for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon. International Forestry Review 5 (1). 20-28. ..abstract
Pokorny B., Sabogal C., Prabhu R. and Silva J.N.M. 2003: Introducing criteria and indicators for monitoring and auditing forest management in the Brazilian Amazon. In: Sabogal C., Silva N. (eds.) Integrated Management of Neotropical Rain Forests by Industries and Communities. Embrapa: Belém. 390-409. ..abstract
Merry F.D., Amacher G.S., Lima E., Nepstad D.C., Pokorny B. and Scholz I. 2003. A Risky Forest Policy in the Amazon? Science 299, 1843. (Correction published in the 18 April 2003 issue on page 431) Siehe unter 13.
Pokorny B., Vasconcelos L. (eds.) 2002: Curuá-Una. 50 anos de pesquisa. CD-ROM. ISBN 85-7295-025-7
. FCAP: Belém. ..abstract
Pokorny B., Sabogal C., de Camino R. 2001: Metodologías para evaluar la aplicación de criterios e indicadores para el manejo forestal en bosques tropicales de América Latina. Revista Forestal Centroamericana 36. 14-19. ..abstract
Pokorny B., Bauch R. 2000: Estudo aplicativo de critérios e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade em uma empresa florestal em Tailândia, Pará, na Amazônia brasileira. Documentos 34. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental: Belém. 117p. ..abstract
Pokorny B. and Sousa R. 2000: Diagnóstico sócio-econômico da indústria madeireira Peracchi no Tailândia, Estado do Pará. Documentos 33. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental: Belém. 105p. ..abstract
Emrich A., Pokorny B. and Sepp C. 2000. The Significance of Secondary Forest Management for Development Policy. GTZ, Eschborn. 102p
Pokorny B. 1998. Conversion of second-growth Nothofagus Forests in Chile into managed stands. Plant Research and Development 47/48, 145-165
Pokorny B. 1997. Stand der Sekundärwaldforschung. Forstarchiv 68, 228-237
Pokorny B. and Brassiolo M. 1997. Aptitud del sistema tradicional de extracción de madera con bueyes para raleos selectivos en Renovales de Raulí-Roble-Coigüe en Chile central. Quebracho 5, 10-25
Pokorny B. 1997. Zur Überführung mittelchilenischer Nothofagus-Sekundärwälder in Wirtschaftswälder. Forstarchiv 68, 109-117
Pokorny B. 1996. Zur Überführung von mittelchilenischen Nothofagus-Renovalesbeständen in Wirtschaftswälder. PhD Thesis. Forestry Faculty, University of Freiburg, Freiburg. 199p
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