Dr. Joachim Schmerbeck
Guest Scientist
Forest fire management in India: integrating ecological and cultural contexts and consequences (abgeschlossen 10/2009)
- Networking Forest Plantations in a crowded world: optimising ecosystem services through improved planning and management strategie (abgeschlossen 03/2007)
Ecology of the world's forests: Module "Ecosystem Ecology in the Tropics"
-B. Sc. International Forestry (until summer semester 2009)Determination of Ecosystem Goods and Services of Forest Ecosystems in the Black Forest -elective course 705b (winter semester 2005/2006)
- http://www.teriuniversity.ac.in/index.php
SCHMERBECK J (2011): Linking dynamics and locally important ecosystem services of South Indian dry Forests: an approach, Resource, Energy, and Development 8(2): 149-172
SCHMERBECK J. Kohli A., and Seeland K. (2011): Forest Fires for Domestic and Commercial Use of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study in Andhra Pradesh, South India. Conference paper. Sustaining Commons: sustaining our Future, thirteenth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. January 10-14 Date: 2011, Hyderabad
Bauhus J. & SCHMERBECK J. (2010): Silvicultural options to enhance and use forest plantation biodiversity, in Bauhus J., v.d. Meer P. and Kanninen M. (Eds.) Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests, Earth Scan, London∙ Washington DC
SCHMERBECK J. & SEELAND K. (2007): Fire supported forest utilisation of a degraded dry forest as a means of sustainable local forest management in Tamil Nadu/South India, Land Use Policy 24, 62–71.
BAUHUS J. & SCHMERBECK J. (Hrsg.) (2006): Ecosystem goods and services from planted forests (Abstracts of the scientific forum of the International congress on cultivated forests 3rd – 7th October 2006, Bilbao, Spain). Freiburger Forstliche Forschung Heft 68, 1 –236
BAUHUS J. & SCHMERBECK J.(2006): Managing forest plantations for ecosystem goods and services. Aborvitao AV, 31 September 2006.
SCHMERBECK J. (2004): Auswirkung der menschlichen Nutzung auf die Vielfalt und Struktur der Südindischen Trockenwälder, Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt 4, editor. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn.
SCHMERBECK J. & KNOKE T. (2003): Auswirkungen der Waldnutzung in einem Waldökosystem in Tamil Nadu, Süd-Indien, in: Waldbau - weltweit, Beiträge zur internationalen Waldbauforschung, Forstliche Forschungsberichte 192/2003, pp. 195-209, editor: Mosandl R., El Kateb H. and Stimm B.
SCHMERBECK J. (2003): Patterns of forest use and its influence on degraded dry forests: A case study in Tamil Nadu, South India, Berichte aus Holz- und Forstwirtschaft Shaker Verlag, Aachen.