Dr. Joachim Schmerbeck
Visiting Scientist, GIZ Team leader, HP-FES, India
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Services
Team Leader (DV)
T +91 177 – 2625353 Ext 5006
M +91 7042314345
- Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Services Project (ongoing)
- Landscape related Biodiversity in India (closed 2015)
- Forest dynamics of the Central Himalaya and related changes in the supply of ecosystem services (completed 2015)
- Impact of fire and grazing on leopard’s prey in Kumbhalgarh Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan (Ongoing)
- NRM Project in West Bengal: Development and implementation of a NRM – programme for disaster mitigation in eight dioceses of West Bengal in close cooperation with local institutions. (completed 2009)
- Community Based Disaster Risk Management Projects in the States of West Bengal and Orissa, India; Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) in seven communities in the Sunderbans and in Orissa. (completed 2009)
- Facilitating Agriculture Regeneration Measures (FARM): NRM project aiming at the improvement of income from agriculture and minimizing the indebtedness of farmers in two diocese in Maharashtra. (completed 2009)
- „Reforestation and Coastal Protection” (ReCAP): Ecological rehabilitation in the frame of Community Based Disaster Preparedness (CBDP) in the coastal region of Tamil Nadu in close cooperation with local institutions. (completed 2009)
- Networking Forest Plantations in a crowded world: optimising ecosystem services through improved planning and management strategie (completed 2007)
- Forest fire management in India: integrating ecological and cultural contexts and consequences (completed 2009)
- Studies on long term forest management strategies of Mixed mountain forests (completed 2005)
- Determinants of Sustainable Management of Natural Resources: The Case of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in India (completed 2004)
- Ecology
MSc. Environmental Studies and Resource Management (TERI University, 2010-2015) - Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation
MSc. Environmental Studies and Resource Management (TERI University, 2010-2015) - Forest Management (kein Link weil nicht dieses Semester)
MSc. Environmental Studies and Resource Management (TERI University, 2011-2015) - Vegetation Science and Site Classification
MSc. Environmental Studies and Resource Management (TERI University, 2010-2015) - Application of Environmental Science
MA Sustainable Development Practises (TERI University, 2011-2015) - Ökosystemökologie der Tropen, Einführung in die Bedeutung der Wälder für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, Nebenfach Internationale Waldwirtschaft (2008-2009, Uni Freiburg)
- Erhebung der Ökosystemgüter und -dienstleistungen von Waldökosystemen im Schwarzwald, Block (2006, Uni Freiburg)
- since 2015: Team leader, GIZ, Himachal Pradesh Forest Ecosystem Services Project
- 2009-2015: Associate Professor at TERI University New Delhi, DAAD Fachlektor
- 2008-2009: Projekt Manager for Welthungerhilfe in Disater preparendes projects
- 2006-2009: Consultancy in the field of Natural Resource Management for Caritas Germany
- 1998-2002: Doctoral course for Dr. rer.silv. “Patterns of forest use and its influence on degraded dry forests: A case study in Tamil Nadu, South India2005-2006: Scientific staff at the Silviculture Institute of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
- 1996–1998: State Forest Candidate Forest Adminstration of Baden Württemberg, Forest Department Karlsbad
- 1989-1995: Masters in Forest Science TU Munic
- 1987-1989: Apprenticeship tree nursery
- Rai R K and Schmerbeck J (2018): Why forest plantations are disputed? An assessment of locally important Ecosystem Services fom the Cryptomeria japonica plantations in the Darjeeling Hills, India, in: Goncalves A C (2018): Conifers, Intech Open, London http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.81057
- Naudiyal N and Schmerbeck J (2018): Linking forest successional dynamcis fo community dependence on provisioning ecosystem services from the Central HImalayan forests of Uttarakhand. Environmental Managemement 62 (5): 915-958
- Naudiyal N and Schmerbeck J (2018): Impact of anthropogenic disturbances on frest succession in the mid-montane forests of Central Himalaya. Plant Ecology 219(2):169-183
- Naudiyal N and Schmerbeck J (2017): Diospyros ebenum, In: Roloff A, Weisberger H, Lang U, Stimm B (Eds.): Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse, Wiley-VHC, Weinheim.
- Naudiyal N, Schmerbeck J and Gärtner S. (2017): What influences the plant community composition on Delhi ridge? The role played by Prosopis juliflora and anthropogenic disturbances. Tropical Ecology 58(1) 33-43
- Naudiyal N, Schmerbeck J, (2016): Prosopis juliflora, In: Roloff A, Weisberger H, Lang U, Stimm B (Eds.): Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse, Wiley-VHC, Weinheim.
Schmerbeck J. and Fiener P. (2015) Wildfires, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity in Tropical Dry Forest in India. Environmental Management, 56, 355-372 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-015-0502-4
Oberlack C, La Haela Walter P, Schmerbeck J, Tiwari BK. (2015). Institutions for Sustainable Governance of Forests: Equity, Robustness and Cross-level Interactions in Mawlyngbna, Meghalaya, India. International Journal of the Commons 9(2), 670-698
Schmerbeck J. and Fiener P. (2015) Wildfires, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity in Tropical Dry Forest in India. Environmental Management, 56, 355-372 http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00267-015-0502-4
- Schmerbeck, J., Kohli A. and Seeland K. (2015). "Ecosystem services and forest fires in India — Context and policy implications from a case study in Andhra Pradesh." Forest Policy and Economics 50(0): 337-346.
Schmerbeck J. and Naudiyal N. (2014): Acacia auriculiformis, In: Roloff, A.; Weisgerber, H.; Lang, U.; Stimm, B. (Eds.): Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 65. Erg. Lfg. 01/14
Schmerbeck, J. and Kraus D. (2014): "Wildfires in India: Tools and Hazards", in Paton D., McCaffrey S., Tedim F. and Shroder J.F (eds): Wildfire Hazards, Risks, and Disasters, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo
Schmerbeck J., Pouyet J. and Patnaik S. (2012): Can development interventions reduce human pressure on forest? A case study of a long term observation in India. Conference proceeding, Tropentag 2012, Göttingen, Germany, September 19-21, 2012
- Kohli A., Schmerbeck J. and Seeland K. (2011): Forest Fires for Domestic and Commercial Use of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study in Andhra Pradesh, South India. Conference paper. Sustaining Commons: sustaining our Future, thirteenth biennial conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons. January 10-14 Date: 2011, Hyderabad
- Bauhus J. & Schmerbeck J. (2010): Silvicultural options to enhance and use forest plantation biodiversity, in Bauhus J., v.d. Meer P. and Kanninen M. (Eds.) Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests, Earth Scan, London∙ Washington DC, p. 96-139#
- Schmerbeck J. and Seeland K. (2007): Fire supported forest utilisation of a degraded dry forest as a means of sustainable local forest management in Tamil Nadu/South India, Land Use Policy 24, 62–71.
- Bauhus J and Schmerbeck J. (Hrsg.) (2006): Ecosystem goods and services from planted forests (Abstracts of the scientific forum of the International congress on cultivated forests 3rd – 7th October 2006, Bilbao, Spain). Freiburger Forstliche Forschung Heft 68, 1 –236
- Bauhus J and Schmerbeck J. (2006): Managing forest plantations for ecosystem goods and services. Aborvitao AV, 31 September 2006.
- Schmerbeck J. (2004): Auswirkung der menschlichen Nutzung auf die Vielfalt und Struktur der Südindischen Trockenwälder, Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt 4, editor. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn.
- Schmerbeck J. and Knoke T. (2003): Auswirkungen der Waldnutzung in einem Waldökosystem in Tamil Nadu, Süd-Indien, in: Waldbau - weltweit, Beiträge zur internationalen Waldbauforschung, Forstliche Forschungsberichte 192/2003, pp. 195-209, editor: Mosandl R., El Kateb H. and Stimm B.
- Schmerbeck J. (2003): Patterns of forest use and its influence on degraded dry forests: A case study in Tamil Nadu, South India, Berichte aus Holz- und Forstwirtschaft Shaker Verlag, Aachen.