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Dr. Georgios Skiadaresis


Georgios Skiadaresis

 Stefan-Meier-Straße 76
  79106 Freiburg im Breisgau     


  Zimmer 815
  Tel. 0049 (0)761-203 3676
  Fax 0049 (0)761-203 3781












Dietrich, V., Skiadaresis, G., Schnabel, F., Leban, J.‑M., Potvin, C., Bauhus, J., & Schwarz, J. A. (2024): Identifying the impact of climate extremes on radial growth in young tropical trees. A comparison of inventory and tree-ring based estimates. Dendrochronologia.

Kohler M., Gorges J., Andermahr D., Kölz A., Leder B., Nagel R.-V., Mettendorf, B., Le Thiec D., Skiadaresis G., Kurz M., Sperisen C., Seifert T., Csilléry K., Bauhus J. (2024): A direct comparison of the radial growth response to drought of European and Oriental beech. Forest Ecology and Management.

Tegel, W., Muigg, B., Skiadaresis, G., Vanmoekerke, J., Seim, A. (2022): Dendroarchaeology in Europe. Front. Ecol. Evol. 10:823622

Schnabel, F., Purrucker, S., Schmitt, L., Engelmann, R.A., Kahl, A., Richter, R., Seele‐Dilbat, C., Skiadaresis, G. and Wirth, C. (2022):  Cumulative growth and stress responses to the 2018–2019 drought in a European floodplain forest. Global change biology, 28(5), pp.1870-1883.

van der Maaten-Theunissen, M., Trouillier, M., Schwarz, J., Skiadaresis, G., Thurm, E.A. and van der Maaten, E. (2021): pointRes 2.0: New functions to describe tree resilience. Dendrochronologia, 70, p.125899

Skiadaresis G., Muigg B., Tegel W. (2021): Historical Forest Management Practices Influence Tree-Ring Based Climate Reconstructions. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:727651.

Obladen N., Dechering P., Skiadaresis G., Tegel W., Keßler J., Höllerl S., Kaps S., Hertel M., Dulamsuren C., Seifert T., Hirsch M., Seim A. (2021): Tree mortality of European beech and Norway spruce induced by 2018-2019 hot droughts in central Germany. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 307, 108482.

Skiadaresis G., Schwarz J., Stahl K., Bauhus J. (2021): Groundwater extraction reduces tree vitality, growth and xylem hydraulic capacity in Quercus robur during and after drought events. Sci Rep, 11, 5149

Muigg B., Skiadaresis  G., Tegel W.,  Herzig F., Krusic P. J ., Schmidt U. E., Büntgen U. (2020):  Tree rings reveal signs of Europe’s sustainable forest management long before the first historical evidence. Sci Rep, 10, 21832   

Erfurt M., Skiadaresis G., Tijdeman E., Blauhut V., Bauhus J., Glaser R., Schwarz J., Tegel W., Stahl K. (2020): A multidisciplinary drought catalogue for southwestern Germany dating back to 1801. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 2979–2995.

Tegel W., Seim A., Skiadaresis G., Ljungqvist F.C., Kahle H.P., Land A., Muigg B., Nicolussi K., Büntgen U. (2020): Higher groundwater levels in western Europe characterize warm periods in the Common Era. Scientific Reports, 10(1), pp.1-8.

Schwarz J., Skiadaresis G., Kohler M., Kunz J., Schnabel F., Vitali V., Bauhus J. (2020): Quantifying Growth Responses of Trees to Drought—a Critique of Commonly Used Resilience Indices and Recommendations for Future Studies. Current Forestry Reports 

Skiadaresis G., Schwarz J., Bauhus J. (2019): Groundwater extraction in floodplain forests reduces radial growth and increases summer drought sensitivity of pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L.). Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, 5 

Skiadaresis G., Saha S., Bauhus J. (2016): Oak group planting produces a higher number of future crop trees, with better spatial distribution, than row planting. Forests, 7, 289 – 304.

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