Dr. Partap Khanna
Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
Einsatz der Nah-Infrarot Spektroskopie (NIRS) zur Ermittlung der Masse und Verteilung von Feinwurzeln in Waldböden (abgeschlossen 3/2006)
Refereed/Journal Publications
1. 1967. Khanna, P.K. Inorganic phosphate fractions as related to soil test values by common methods. Plant and Soil 26, 277-284.
2. 1967. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Phosphatfraktionierung im Boden und isotopisch austauschbares Phosphat verschiedener Phosphatfraktionen. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkunde 117, 53-65.
3. 1968. Khanna, P.K. and N.P. Datta. Distribution of inorganic soil phosphorus in some Indian soils as affected by added phosphates. Indian J. Agr. Sci. 38, 668-676.
4. 1968. Ulrich, B. and P.K. Khanna. Schofield'sche Potentiale und Phosphatformen in Böden. Geoderma 2, 65-77.
5. 1968. Khanna, P.K. and N.P. Datta. Amount of easily exchangeable soil potassium as affected by varying moisture and temperature conditions. Potash Review, sub. 5, Soil testing and Plant analysis, 31 suite.
6. 1969. Ulrich, B. and P.K. Khanna. Ökologisch bedingte Phosphatumlagerung und Phosphatformenwandel bei der Pedogenese. Flora, Abt. B, 158, 594-602.
7. 1972. Ulrich, B. and P.K. Khanna. Desorption and dissolution of salts from soils as a function of soil : water ratio. Soil Sci. 114, 250-253.
8. 1975. Ulrich, B., P.K. Khanna, R. Mayer and J. Prenzel. Modelling of bioelement cycling in woodland ecosystems with respect to simulation of bioelement uptake and management effects. Procedures and examples of integrated ecosystem research, Sweden, Technical report 1, 142-163.
9. 1976. Fölster, H., G. De las Salas and P.K. Khanna. A tropical evergreen forest site with perched water table, Magdalena valley, Colombia-Biomass and bioelement inventory of primary and secondary vegetation. Oecol. Plant. 11(4), 297-320.
10. 1976. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer, P.K. Khanna, G. Seekamp, and H. Fassbender. Input, Output und Internal Umsatz von chemischen Elementen bei einem Buchen- und einem Fichtenbestand. In Müller, P. (ed.). Verhandlugen Gesellsch. f. Ökologie, Göttingen p17-28, Dr W. Junk Publ. The Hague.
11. 1976. Oza, A.M., M. Singh, N.S. Verma, and P.K. Khanna. Varietal differences in the uptake of phosphorus from soil and applied source by barley (Hordium vulgare). J. Nuclear Agric. Bio. 5, 79-81.
12. 1978. Khanna, P.K. and F. Beese. The behaviour of sulfate on salt input in a podzolic brown earth. Soil Sci. 125, 16-22.
13. 1978. Khanna, P.K. and B. Mishra. Behaviour of soil manganese in acid soils in Western Germany in relation to pH and air drying. Geoderma 20, 289-297.
14. 1978. Nair, P.K.R. and P.K. Khanna. Potassium dynamics in the soil-plant system of tropical plantation crops. In Sekhon, G.S. (ed.). Potassium in soils and crops p415-431, Potash Res. Inst. of India, New Delhi.
15. 1978. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer, P.K. Khanna, and J. Prenzel. Ausfilterung von Schwefelverbindungen aus der Luft durch einen Buchenbestand. Z. Pflanzenernäh. Bodenkd. 141, 329-335.
16. 1979. Mishra, B., P.K. Khanna, and B. Ulrich. A simulation model for organic phosphorus transformation in forest soil ecosystem. Ecological Modelling 6, 31-46.
17. 1979. Mishra, B. and P.K. Khanna. Effect of fertilizer phosphorus on transport of P and other ions through an undisturbed column of an acid brown earth. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 142, 562-569.
18. 1979. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer, and P.K. Khanna. Fracht an chemischen Elementen in den Niederschlägen im Solling. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 142, 601-615.
19. 1979. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer and P.K. Khanna. Deposition von Luftverunreinigungen und ihre Auswirkungen in Waldökosystemen im Solling. Schriften aus der Forstl. Fakultät d. Univ. Göttingen u.d. Niedersäch. Forstl. Versuchsanstalt vol. 58. J.D. Sauerländer's Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 291pp.
20. 1980. Khanna, P.K., and P.K.R. Nair. Evaluation of fertilizer practices to coconut under pure and mixed cropping systems in the West Coast of India based on a system analysis approach. In K.T. Joseph (Ed) Proc. Conf. Classification and Management of Tropical Soils, 1977, p457-466, Malaysian Soc. Soil Sci., Kuala Lumpur.
21. 1980. Meiwes, K.J., H. Heinrichs and P.K. Khanna. Schwefel in Waldböden Nordwest - Deutschlands und seine vegetationsabhängige Akkumulation. Plant and Soil 54, 173-183.
22. 1980. Meiwes, K.J., P.K. Khanna and B. Ulrich. Retention of sulphate by an acid brown earth and its relationship with the atmospheric input of sulphur to forest vegetation. Z. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenkd. 143, 402-411.
23. 1980. Cheney, N.P., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Release of carbon to the atmosphere in Australian vegetation fires. In G.I. Pearman (Ed.), Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Australian Research, p153-158. Aust. Acad. Sci. Canberra.
24. 1980. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer and P.K. Khanna. Chemical changes due to acid precipitation in a loess derived soil in central Europe. Soil Sci. 130, 193-199.
25. 1980. Woods, P.V., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Variability in some pools and transfers of nitrogen in three eucalypt forests. In R.A. Rummery and F.J. Hingston, (eds.) 'Managing the Nitrogen Economies of Natural and Man-made Forest Ecosystems' p62-73. CSIRO, Division of Land Resources Management, Perth, Australia.
26. 1981. Khanna, P.K. Leaching of nitrogen from terrestrial ecosystems - patterns, mechanisms and ecosystem responses. In F.E. Clark and T. Rosswal (eds), Nitrogen Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. Processes, Ecosystem Strategies, and Management Impacts. Ecological Bull. (Stockholm). Vol. 33, 343-352.
27. 1981. Ulrich, B., P. Benecke, W.F. Harris, P.K. Khanna and R. Mayer. Soil processes. In D. Reichle (ed.) 'Dynamic properties of forest ecosystems'. IBP synthesis vol. 23, 265-339. Cambridge University Press.
28. 1981. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Changes in the chemistry of throughfall under stands of beech and spruce following the addition of fertilizers. Acta Oecologica Oecol. Plant. 2(16) no.2, 155-163.
29. 1981. Meiwes, K.J. and P.K. Khanna. Distribution and cycling of sulphur in the vegetation of two forest ecosystems in an acid rain environment. Plant and Soil 60, 369-375.
30. 1981. Khanna, P.K. Soil analyses for evaluation of forest nutrient supply. In 'Proc. Aust. Forest Nutrition Workshop, Productivity in Perpetuity', -p231-238. Aust. Forestry Council, Canberra, Australia.
31. 1982. Raison, R.J. and P.K. Khanna. Modification of rainwater chemistry by tree canopies and litter layers. In E.M. O'Loughlin and P. Cullen, (eds.), 'Prediction in Water Quality' p69-86. Aust. Acad. Science, Canberra.
32. 1982. Khanna, P.K. Characteristics of soil solution after the burning of eucalypt forest fuels. Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Congress, Feb. 1982, New Delhi. Vol. 6 Abstracts: Voluntary papers p117.
33. 1982. Matzner, E., P.K. Khanna, K.J. Meiwes, M. Lindheim, J. Prenzel and B. Ulrich. Elementflüsse in Waldökosystemen im Solling - Datendokumentation. Göttinger Bodenkundliche Ber. 71, 1-267.
34. 1982. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and W.J.B. Crane. Effects of intensified harvesting on rates of nitrogen and phosphorus removal from Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus forests in Australia and New Zealand. N.Z. J. For. Sci. 12, 394-403.
35. 1982. Mishra, B. and P.K. Khanna. Contribution of different soil P fractions to the labile pool of phosphorus as measured by isotopic dilution technique. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 30(4), 484-488.
36. 1983. Woods, P.V., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Litter and soil temperatures during and after a prescribed burn in E. pauciflora forest, and the effect of altered microclimate on subsequent rates of litter decomposition. Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust. 12, 174-175.
37. 1983. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Losses of nitrogen during prescribed burning in a Eucalyptus pauciflora forest. Proc. Ecol. Soc. Aust. 12, 172-173
38. 1983. Matzner, E., P.K. Khanna, K.J. Meiwes and B. Ulrich. Effects of fertilization on the fluxes of chemical elements through different forest ecosystems. Plant and Soil 74, 343-358.
39. 1983. Raison, R.J., P.V. Woods and P.K. Khanna. Dynamics of fine fuels in recurrently burnt eucalypt forests. Aust. For. 46, 294-302.
40. 1984. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Soil characteristics influencing nutrient supply in forest soils. In G.D. Bowen and E.K.S. Nambiar (Eds), Nutrition of Plantation Forests, p79-117. Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd.
41. 1984. Ulrich, B., K.J. Meiwes, N. König and P.K. Khanna. Untersuchungsverfahren und Kriterien zur Bewertung der Versaurung und ihrer Folgen in Waldböden. Der Forst-und Holzwirt 39, 278-286.
42. 1984. Meiwes, K.J., N. König, P.K. Khanna, J. Prenzel and B. Ulrich. Chemische Untersuchungsverfahren für Mineralböden, Auflagehumus und Wurzeln zur Charakterisierung und Bewertung der Versaurung in Waldböden. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme/ Waldsterben 7, 1-67.
43. 1984. Matzner, E., P.K. Khanna, K.J. Meiwes, E. Cassens-Sasse, M. Bredemeier and B. Ulrich. Ergebnisse der Flüssemessungen in Waldökosystemen. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme/Waldsterben 2, 29-49.
44. 1984. Meiwes, K.J., P.K. Khanna and B. Ulrich. Hinweise zur Bewertung der Versaurung von Waldböden und zur Stabilität und Elastizität von Waldökosystemen. Allgemeine Forst Zeitschrift 39, 1247-1251.
45. 1985. Weaver, G.T., P.K. Khanna and F. Beese. Retention and transport of sulfate in a slightly acid forest soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 49, 746-750.
46. 1985. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Mechanisms of element transfer to the atmosphere during vegetation fires. Can. J. For. Res. 15, 132-140.
47. 1985. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Transfer of elements to the atmosphere during low-intensity prescribed fires in three Australian subalpine eucalypt forest. Can. J. For. Res. 15, 657-664.
48. 1985. Matzner, E., P.K. Khanna, K.J. Meiwes and B. Ulrich. Effects of fertilization and liming on the chemical soil conditions and element distribution in forest soils. Plant and Soil 87, 405-415.
49. 1985. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Processes associated with the acidification of soils and their influence on the stability of spruce stands in Solling area. In E. Klimo and R. Saly (Eds), Proc. Intern. Symp. 'Air pollution and Stability of coniferous forest ecosystems'. p.23-35, Publ. Univ. of Agriculture, Brno, CSSR pp398.
50. 1986. Khanna, P.K., G.T. Weaver and F. Beese. The effect of sulfate on ionic transport and balance in a slightly acidic forest soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 50, 770-776.
51. 1986. Walker, J., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Fire. In J.S. Russell and R.F. Isbell (eds.) 'Australian soils - The Human Impact' Queensland Univ. Press, p186-216.
52. 1986. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and R.A. Falkiner. Exchange characteristics of some acid organic-rich forest soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 24, 67-80.
53. 1986. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Effects of fire intensity on solution chemistry of surface soil under a Eucalyptus pauciflora forest. Aust. J. Soil Res. 24, 423-434.
54. 1986. Raison, R.J., P.V. Woods and P.K. Khanna. Decomposition and accumulation of litter after fire in sub-alpine eucalypt forests. Aust. J. Ecology 11, 9-19.
55. 1986. Meiwes, K.J., P.K. Khanna and B. Ulrich. Parameters for describing the soil acidification and their relevance to the stability of forest ecosystems. Forest Ecol. and Management 15, 161-179.
56. 1986. Mishra, B. and P.K. Khanna. Mobility and transformation of fertilizer phosphorus in a forest soil. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 34, 743-748.
57. 1987. Khanna, P.K., J. Prenzel, K.J. Meiwes, B. Ulrich and E. Matzner. Dynamics of sulfate retention by forest acid soils under acidic rain environment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51, 446-452.
58. 1987. Raison, R.J., M.J. Connell and P.K. Khanna. Methodology for studying fluxes of mineral-N in situ. Soil Biol. Biochem 19, 521-530.
59. 1987. Khanna, P.K., R.A. Falkiner and R.J. Raison. Leaching of fertilizer N and consequent effects on the chemistry of a forest soil. In P.E. Bacon, J. Evans, R.R. Storrier, and A.C. Taylor (eds.) 'Nitrogen Cycling in Temperate Agricultural Systems' Vol II, 282-288. Aust. Soil Sci. Soc. Inc. Riverina Branch.
60. 1987. Raison, R.J., M.J. Connell and P.K. Khanna. Application of sequential soil coring and in situ incubations to the study of N-cycling in plant communities. In P.E. Bacon, J. Evans, R.R. Storrier and A.C. Taylor (eds.) 'Nitrogen cycling in Agricultural Systems' Vol I, 237-243. Aust. Soil Sci. Soc. Inc. Riverina Branch.
61. 1988. Marcar, N.E., P.K. Khanna and P. Snowdon. Manganese nutrition and cycling in forest ecosystems. In M.J. Webb, R.O. Nable, R.D. Graham and R.J. Hannam (eds.) International Symposium on Manganese in Soils and Plants. Contributed papers p.85-89. Manganese Symposium 1988 Inc. Adelaide.
62. 1989. Snowdon, P. and P.K. Khanna. The nature of growth responses in long-term field experiments with special reference to Pinus radiata. p173-186 In W.J. Dyck and C.A. Mees (eds), Research Strategies for long term site productivity. Proc. IEA/BE A3 Workshop, Seattle, WA. Aug. 1988 IEA/BE A3 Report No. 8 Forest Research Institute, New Zealand Bulletin 152, 257p.
63. 1990. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna, M.J. Connell and R.A. Falkiner. Effects of water availability and fertilization on nitrogen cycling in a stand of Pinus radiata. Forest Ecology and Management 30, 31-43.
64. 1990. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Mechanisms leading to a sustained growth response to N-fertilization in a stand of Pinus radiata. p221-233 In Gessel, S.P., D.S. Lacate, G.F. Weetman and R.F. Powers. Sustained Productivity of Forest Soils. Proc. 7th North American Forest Soils Conf., Univ. British Columbia Faculty of Forestry Publ. Vancouver, B.C. 525p.
65. 1990. Bekunda, M.A., P.J. Smethurst, P.K. Khanna and I.R. Willett. Effect of post harvest residue management on labile soil phosphorus in a Pinus radiata plantation. Forest Ecol. Management 38, 13-25.
66. 1990. Landsberg, J., J. Morse and P.K. Khanna. Tree dieback and insect dynamics in remnants of native woodlands on farms. Proc. Ecological Soc. Aust. 16, 149-165.
67. 1990. Raison, R.J., H. Keith and P.K. Khanna. Effect of fire on the nutrient supplying capacity of forest soils. pp.39-54. In W.J. Dyck and C.A. Mees (Ed.) Impact of Intensive Harvesting on Forest Site Productivity. Proc. IEA/BE A3 Workshop, South Island, New Zealand March 1989. IEA/BE T6/A6 Report 2. FRI, Rotorua, New Zealand Bulletin no. 159.
68. 1991. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Ecochemistry of temperate deciduous forests. p.121-163. In E. Röhrig and B. Ulrich (ed.) Ecosystems of the World 7 'Temperate Deciduous Forests.' Elsevier Amsterdam.
69. 1992. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison, R.A. Falkiner, I.R. Willett and M.J. Connell. Effects of NPK fertilization on the chemistry of a yellow podzolic soil under Pinus radiata. Forest Ecol. Management 52, 65-85.
70. 1992. Raison, R.J., M.J. Connell, P.K. Khanna and R.A. Falkiner. Effects of irrigation and nitrogen-fertilization on fluxes of soil mineral-N in a stand of Pinus radiata. Forest Ecol. Management 52, 43-64.
71. 1992. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna, M.L. Benson, B.J. Myers, R.E. McMurtrie and A.R.G. Lang. Dynamics of Pinus radiata foliage in relation to water and nitrogen stress II. Needleloss and temporal changes in total foliage mass. Forest Ecol. Management 52, 159-178.
72. 1992. Khanna, P.K. Managing plant nutrients in soils based on the principles of cycling processes p.298-311. In Bajwa M.S., N.S Pasricha, P.S. Sidhu, M.R. Chaudhary, D.K. Benbi and V. Beri (Eds.) Proc. Intern. Symp. on Nutrient Management for Sustained Productivity Vol.1. 380p.
73. 1993. Falkiner, R.A., P.K. Khanna and R.J. Raison. Effect of superphosphate addition on N-mineralization in some Australian forest soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 31, 285-296.
74. 1993. Hossain, A.K.M.A., P.K. Khanna and J.B. Field. Acid/peroxide digestion procedure for determining total nitrogen in Chloroform - fumigated and non-fumigated soil extracts. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 25, 967-969.
75. 1993. Bauhus, J., P.K. Khanna. and R.J. Raison. The effect of fire on carbon and nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in an Australian forest soil. Aust. J. Soil Res. 31, 621-639.
76. 1993. Raison, R.J., A.M. O'Connell, P.K. Khanna and H. Keith. Effects of repeated fires on nitrogen and phosphorus budgets and cycling processes in forest ecosystems. In L. Trabaud and R. Prodon (eds) Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems. Ecosystem Research Report 5, 347-363. Commission of the European Communities.
77. 1994. Bauhus, J. and P.K. Khanna. Carbon and nitrogen turnover in two acid forest soils of southeast Australia as affected by phosphorus addition and drying and wetting cycles. Biol. Fertil. Soils 17, 212-218.
78. 1994. Romanya J., P.K. Khanna and R.J. Raison. Effects of slash burning on soil phosphorus fractions and sorption and desorption of phosphorus. Forest Ecol. and Management 65, 89-103.
79. 1994. Khanna P.K., R.J. Raison and R.A. Falkiner. Chemical properties of ash components derived from Eucalyptus litter and its effects on forest soils. Forest Ecol. and Management 66, 107-125.
80. 1994. Kirschbaum, M.U.F., D.A. King, H.N. Comins, R.E. McMurtrie, B.E. Medlyn, S. Pongracic, D. Murty, H. Keith, R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna and D.W. Sheriff. Modelling forest response to increasing CO2 concentration under nutrient-limited conditions. Plant, Cell and Environment 17, 1081-1099.
81. 1994. Khanna, P.K. Evaluating various indices for measuring N and P status of forest stands with examples from pine and eucalypt sites. Interciencia 19, 366-373.
82. 1994. Rahman, S., J.B. Field and P.K. Khanna. Nutrient deficiency and its improvement for growing Eucalyptus camaldulensis seedlings in an aluminium rich acid forest soil. Indian J. Forestry 17, 218-224.
83. 1995. Hossain, A.K.M.A., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Effects of fertilizer application and fire regime on soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and nitrogen mineralization in an Australian sub-alpine eucalypt forest. Biology and Fertility of Soils 19, 246-252.
84. 1995. Ashwath, N., P.J. Dart, D.G. Edwards and P.K. Khanna. Tolerance of Australian tropical and subtropical acacias to acid soil. Plant and Soil 171, 83-87.
85. 1995. Serrasolsas, I. and P.K. Khanna. Changes in heated and autoclaved forest soils of S.E. Australia. I. Carbon and nitrogen. Biogeochemistry 29, 3-24.
86. 1995. Serrasolsas, I. and P.K. Khanna. Changes in heated and autoclaved forest soils of S.E. Australia. II. Phosphorus and phosphatase activity. Biogeochemistry 29, 25-41.
87. 1995. Connell, M. R., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. N mineralization in relation to site history and soil properties in a range of Australian forest soils. Biology and Fertility of Soils 20, 213-220.
88. 1995. Raison, R.J. and P.K. Khanna. Sustainability of forest soil fertility: Some proposed indicators and monitoring considerations. In: Proceedings IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finnland. August 1995. p 27.
89. 1996. Khanna, P.K., B. Ludwig and R.J. Raison. Comparing modelled and observed effects of ash additions on chemistry of a highly acid soil. Aust. J. Soil Res. 34, 999-1013.
90. 1996. Reuter, D.J., A.D. Moore, P.K. Khanna, D. Tennant, G.D. McLean, R.J. French and F.J. Hingston. Indicators of farm productivity and financial performance. Pages 47-66. In J. Walker and D.J. Reuter (eds.) Indicators of Catchment Health: a technical perspective. CSIRO, Melbourne, pp174.
91. 1997. Khanna, P.K. Comparison of growth and nutrition of young monocultures and mixed stands of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management 94, 105-113.
92. 1997. Crockford, R.H. and P.K. Khanna. The chemistry of throughfall, stemflow and litterfall in fertilized and irrigated Pinus radiata. Hydrological Processes 11, 1493-1507.
93. 1997. Fölster, H. and P. K. Khanna. Dynamics of nutrient supply in plantation soils. In: E.K.S. Nambiar and A. Brown (eds.) Management of Soil, Nutrients and Water in Tropical Plantation Forests. Pp 339-378. ACIAR Monograph no 43, xii+571p. Canberra, Australia.
94. 1997. Marcar, N. E. and P. K. Khanna. Reforestation of salt-affected and acid soils. In: E.K.S. Nambiar and A. Brown (eds.), Management of Soil, Nutrients and Water in Tropical Plantation Forests. Pp 481-525. ACIAR Monograph no 43, xii+571p. Canberra, Australia.
95. 1997. Ludwig, B., D. Hölscher, P. K. Khanna, J. Prenzel and H. Fölster. Modelling of sorption experiments and seepage data of an Amazonian Ultisol subsoil under cropping fallow. Zeitschrift. Pflanzenernähr. Bodenk. 160, 447-454.
96. 1997. Ludwig, B., P. K. Khanna, R. J. Raison and K. L. Jacobsen. Modelling changes in cation composition of a soil after clearfelling a eucalypt forest in East Gippsland, Australia. Geoderma 80, 95-116.
97. 1998. Ludwig, B., P. K. Khanna, R. J. Raison and K. L. Jacobsen. Modelling cation composition of soil solutions under ashbeds following an intense slashfire in a eucalypt forest. Forest Ecol. Management 103, 9-20.
98. 1998. Khanna, P.K. Nutrient cycling under mixed tree systems in southeast Asia. Agroforestry Systems 38, 99-120.
99. 1997. Raison, R. J., K. L. Jacobsen, M. J. Connell and P. K. Khanna. Temperate Forests - The role of research in guiding the sustainable management of Australian Temperate Eucalypt Forests: with examples from East Gippsland, Victoria. pp 272-289. In: C. Copeland and D. Lewis (eds.) Saving Our Natural Heritage? The Role of Science in Managing Australia’s Ecosystems: Halstead Press.
100. 1998. Kirschbaum, M.U.F., B.E. Medlyn, D.A. King, S. Pongracic, D. Murty, H. Keith, P.K. Khanna, P. Snowdon and R.J. Raison. Modelling forest-growth response to increasing CO2 concentration in relation to various factors affecting nutrient supply. Global Change Biology 4, 23-41.
101. 1998. Ludwig, B., J. Prenzel and P. K. Khanna. Modelling cations in three acid soils with differing acid input in Germany. European J. Soil Sci. 49(3), 437-445.
102. 1998. Ludwig, B., P. K. Khanna. and J. Prenzel. Use of coupled equilibrium model to describe the buffering of protons and hydroxy ions in some acid soils. Zeitschrift Pflanzenern. Bodenkunde 161, 547-554.
103. 1998. Wichiennopparat, W., P.K. Khanna and P. Snowdon. Contribution of acacia to the growth and nutrient status of eucalypts in mixed-species stands at Ratchaburi, Thailand. In: Turnbull, J.W. Crompton, H.R. and K. Pinyopusarerk (eds) Recent Developments in Acacia Planting. Proc. Intern. Workshop Hanoi, Vietnam 27-30 Oct. 1997, pp281-287.
104. 1998. Khanna, P.K. Dynamics of water relations as basis of plant growth and yield. Book Review. Soil & Tillage Research 48, 136-137.
105. 1998. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Effect of mono versus mixed species tree plantings on nutrient cycling in soils. In: A.D. Noble and P.J. Randall. 1998. How Trees Affect Soils. RIRDC Publ no. 98/16, 108-111.
106. 1998. Kun Tian and P. Khanna. Use of iron oxide-impregnated filter paper for extraction of available phosphorus in forest soils. Acta Pedologica Sinica. 35 (3), 419-422 [Chinese].
107. 1999. Khanna, P.K, P. Snowdon and J. Bauhus. Carbon pools in forest ecosystems of Australasia and Oceania. p51-70. In: Lal, R., J.M. Kimble and B.A. Stewart (eds) Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems. CRC/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL..
108. 1999. Ludwig, B., P. K. Khanna. and J. Prenzel. Some equilibrium approaches to study the retention and release of sulfate in some highly acid German subsoils. J. Environmental Qual. 28, 1327-1335.
109. 1999. Ludwig, B., K.J. Meiwes, P.K. Khanna, R. Gehlen, H. Fortmann and E. E. Hildebrand. Comparison of different laboratory methods with lysimetry for soil solution composition – experimental and model results. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 162, 343-351.
110. 1999. Bauhus J. and P.K. Khanna. The significance of microbial biomass and activity in forest soils. In : Rastin, N. and J. Bauhus (eds) Going Underground – Ecological Studies in Forest Soils. pp 77-110. Research Signpost, Trivendrum, India.
111. 1999. Ludwig, B., P. Khanna., Ralf Balkenhol, G. Friedrich and R. Dohrmann. Pyrite oxidation in a sediment sample of an open-cut brown coal mine: mineral formation, buffering of acidity and modelling of cations and sulfate. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 162, 499-509.
112. 1999. Ludwig, B., P. Khanna., D. Hölscher and B. Anurugsa. Modelling changes in cations in the topsoil of an Amazonian Acrisol in response to additions of wood ash. European J. Soil Sci. 50, 717-726.
113. 2000. Bauhus, J., P.K. Khanna and N. Menden. Aboveground and belowground interactions in mixed plantations of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Can. J. For. Res. 30, 1886-1894.
114. 2000. Khanna, P. K. and M. Madeira. Issues, Accomplishments and Progress in Forest Soils Research. In I. Kheoruenromne & S. Theerawong (eds) Proceedings of International Symposium on Soil Science: Accomplishments and Changing Paradigm Towards the 21st Century, pp. 62-68, 17-18 April 2000, Bangkok, Thailand. The Soil and Fertilizer Society of Thailand, The Land Development Department, The International Union of Soil Sciences
115. 2001. Khanna, P.K., B. Ludwig, J. Bauhus, and C.O’Hara. Assessment and significance of labile organic C pools in forest soils. Chapter 12, pp167-182. In: Lal, R., J.M. Kimble, R.F. Follett, and B.A.Stewart (eds) Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon. CRC/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FLorida, USA.
116. 2001. Ludwig, B. and P.K. Khanna. Use of near infrared spectroscopy to determine inorganic and organic carbon fractions in soil and litter. Chapter 25, pp 361-370. In: Lal, R., J.M. Kimble, R.F. Follett, and B.A.Stewart (eds) Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon. CRC/Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FLorida, USA.
117. 2001. Ludwig, B., P.K. Khanna, B. Anurugsa, and H. Fölster. Assessment of cation and anion exchange and pH buffering in an Amazonian Ultisol. Geoderma 102, 27-41.
118. 2001. Mindrup, M., K.J. Meiwes and P.K. Khanna. Long-term dynamics of a spruce stand fertilised periodically for more than 50 years. In W.J. Horst et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition – Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research. Developments in Plant and Soil Sciences vol. 90, 908-909. Kluwer Acad. Publ. Netherlands.
119. 2002. Meiwes, K.J., P.K. Khanna, and M. Mindrup. Retention of Ca and Mg in the forest floor of a spruce stand after application of various liming materials. Forest Ecol. Management. 159, 27-36.
120. 2002. Ludwig, B., S. Rumpf, M. Mindrup, K.J. Meiwes, and P.K. Khanna. Effects of lime and wood ash on soil-solution chemistry, soil chemistry and nutritional status of a pine stand in Northern Germany. Scand. J. For. Res. 17, 225-237.
121. 2002. Paul, K.I, P.J. Polglase, J.G. Nyakuengama, and P.K. Khanna. Change in soil carbon following afforestation. Forest Ecology and Management 168, 241-257.
122. 2002. Chodak, M., B. Ludwig, P. Khanna and F. Beese. Use of infrared spectroscopy to determine biological and chemical characteristics of organic layers under spruce and beech stands. J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci. 165, 27-33.
123. 2002. Meiwes, K.J., H. Meesenburg, H. Bartens, P. Rademacher and P.K. Khanna. Akkumulation von Auflagehumus im Solling – Mögliche Ursachen und Bedeutung für den Nährstoffkreislauf. Forst und Holz 75, 428-433.
124. 2002. Paul, K.I, P.J. Polglase, A.M. O’Connell, J.C. Carlyle, P.J. Smethurst, and P.K. Khanna. Soil nitrogen availability predictor (SNAP): a simple model for predicting mineralisation of nitrogen in forest soils. Aust. J. Soil Res. 40, 1011-1026.
125. 2002. Khanna, P.K., M. Madeira and A. Fabião. Preface - Sustainability of forest soils. Forest Ecology and Management 171, 1-2.
126. 2002. Bauhus, J., P.K. Khanna, P. Hopmans and C. Weston. Is soil carbon a useful indicator of sustainable forest management? A case study from native eucalypt forests of south-eastern Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 171, 59-74
127. 2002. Ludwig, B., P.K. Khanna, J. Bauhus and P. Hopmans. Near infrared spectroscopy of forest soils to determine chemical and biological properties related to soil sustainability. Forest Ecology and Management 171, 121-132.
128. 2003. Paul, K.I, P.J. Polglase, A.M. O’Connell, J.C. Carlyle, P.J. Smethurst and P.K. Khanna. Defining the relation between soil water content and net nitrogen mineralization. European J. Soil Sci. 54 (1), 39-47.
129. 2003. Marcin, C., P. Khanna and F. Beese. Hot water extractable C and N in relation to microbiological properties of soils under beech forests. Biol. Fertil. Soils 39, 123-130.
130. 2003. Paul, K.I, P.J. Polglase, A.M. O’Connell, J.C. Carlyle, P.J. Smethurst, P.K. Khanna and D. Worledge. Soil water under forests (SWUF): a model of water flow and soil water content under a range of forest types. Forest Ecology and Management 182, 195-211.
131. 2004. Forrester, D. J. Bauhus, and P.K. Khanna. Growth dynamics in a mixed-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Forest Ecology and Management .
132. 2004. Paul, K., P. Polglase, J Bauhus, J. Raison, and P. Khanna. Modelling Change in Litter and Soil Carbon Following Afforestation or Reforestation: Calibration of the FullCAM 'Beta' Model. National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No.40, Australian Greenhouse Office, 102pp.
133. 2004. Marcin Chodak, Partap Khanna, Balazs Horvath, Friedrich Beese. Near infrared spectroscopy for determination of total and exchangeable cations in geologically heterogeneous forest soils. Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
134. 2007. Forrester, D. I., Schortemeyer, M., Stock, W. D., Bauhus, J., Khanna, P. K. and A. L. Cowie. Assessing nitrogen fixation in a mixed- and single-species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii. Tree Physiology, 27, 1319-1328.
Consultancy Reports (incomplete)
1. 1990. Khanna, P.K. Consultancy report on the project 'Advanced centres on post-graduate agricultural education and research submitted to FAO on Agroforestry research on Hydrology and Water Management in Dr Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry SOLAN, INDIA 22p.
2. 1990. Khanna, P.K. and P. Snowdon. Forest Soils Research at the Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Longdong, Peoples Republic of China, 9p.
3. 1992. Khanna, P.K. Consultancy report to FAO on the sub-project 'Soil fertility and Plant Nutrition' - Nutrient cycling processes and management under Agro-forestry System in the Department of Soil Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana India 21p.
4. 1993. Fölster, H. and P.K. Khanna. Consultancy report to FAO "To evaluate the outgoing and planned activities of the Centro Amazonico de Investigacion Aubiental A. de Humboldt (CAIAH). 20.11.92 to 4.12.92 in Caracas, Puerto Ayacucho and La Esmeralda Venezuela.
5. 1997. Contributed to a report on ‘Assessment of forest management practices for the Eden RFA’, submitted to Forests Taskforce Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberra ACT.
6. 1998. Contributed to a report on ‘Forest model to predict global change impacts on ecosystem productivity and carbon storage’ submitted to National Greenhouse Advisory Committee. CSIRO Client Report no. 257.
7. 1998. Contributed to the CSIRO comments on the draft document “Greenhouse Challenge Sinks Workbook - Quantifying the Greenhouse Benefits of Vegetation Management”, submitted to Australian Greenhouse Office.
8. 1999. Khanna, P.K. (with assistance from J. Bauhus, P. Snowdon, and W. Wichiennopparat). Eucalypt and acacia mixed species experiments. Client Report No. 661 to ACIAR.
9. 1999. Gould, J., P.K. Khanna, P. Hutchings, R.J. Raison and P. Cheney. Assessment of the effectiveness and environmental risk of use of retardants to assist in wildfire control in Victoria. Consultancy Report to the Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Client Report No. 672.
10. 1999. Snowdon, P., P.K. Khanna, R.J. Raison, M. Kirschbaum. Assessment of the impact of inclusion of forest management practice as an additional activity under article 3.4 of the Kyoto protocol on the emissions profile of Australia. Consultancy report to Australian Greenhouse Office. Client Report No. 660.
11. 1999. Kirschbaum, M. and P.K. Khanna. Comments on the potential to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases from the land-based sectors. AGO.
12. 2007. Khanna, P.K., Bauhus, J. , Meiwes, K.J., Kohler, M., Rumpf, S., Schönfelder, E.. (2 Assessment of changes in the Phosphorus status of forest ecosystems in Germany – Lierature review and analysis of existing data. A report to the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, 85 S.
13. 2008. Rumpf, S., Khanna, P. K., Bauhus, J., Meiwes, K. J., Kohler, M., Schönfelder, E.. Phosphor-Versorgung - Zustand und Tendenzen sowie ihre Bedeutung für die Energieholznutzung. Forst und Holz, 63/9, 37-40.
Conference (Unrefereed) Papers (about 160 – not all included in the list)
U1. Datta, N.P., J. Venkateswarlu, M.B. Kamath and P.K. Khanna. Evaluation of phosphatic fertilizers using P-32 as a tracer. Seminar on Application and Results with NP fertilizers particularly Nitrophosphates with different citrate and water soluble contents held at FCI Ltd., Sindri.
U2. 1970. Singh, M., A.M. Oza and P.K. Khanna. Effect of increasing plant densities of various high yielding wheat varieties having different rooting patterns on the yield and utilization of fertilizer phosphorus. Proc. Symposium on use of Radiations and Radio-isotopes in Soil Studies and Plant Nutrition (paper published).
U3. 1970. Khind, C.S., N.P. Datta and P.K. Khanna. Utilization and movement of calcium labelled lime in an acid soil. Proc. Symposium on the Use of Radiations and Radio-isotopes in Soil Studies and Plant Nutrition, 339-46 (paper published).
U4. 1971. Ulrich, B., and P.K. Khanna. Methodische Untersuchungen über Kationengehalt der Bodenlösung und Schofield'sche Potentiale. Göttinger Bodenkundl. Berichte 19, 121-48 (Paper published).
U5. 1973. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer, P.K. Khanna and J. Prenzel. Modelling of Bioelement cycling in a Beech forest of Solling district. Göttinger Bodenkundl. Berichte 29, 1-54 (Paper published).
U6. 1973. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Ion exchange equilibria in an acid soil. Göttinger Bodenkundl. Berichte 29, 211-30 (Paper published).
U7. 1974. Khanna, P.K. and B. Ulrich. Gaponkoeffizienten als Maß für die Kationenselektivität der Bodenaustauscher. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 18, 218-228 (Paper published).
U8. 1974. Khanna, P.K. Some relationships concerning bioelement cycling. Göttinger Bodenkundl. Berichte 30, 177-185 (Paper published).
U9. 1974. Ulrich, B., R. Mayer and P.K. Khanna. Die Modellierung des Kationen-Austauschverhaltens in einem Simulationsmodell des Kationenkreislaufs eines bodensauren Buchenwaldes. International Congress Soil Sci. Moscow (Paper published).
U10. 1974. Khanna, P.K., D.L. De Angelis and J. Prenzel. Modellierung des Kationenaustausches in Ökosystem-Modellen. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 20, 309-15 (Paper published).
U11. 1975. Khanna, P.K. Saisonalität der Flüsse von Stickstofformen in einem Buchen- und einem Fichtenwaldökosystem. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 22, 359-364 (Paper published).
U12. 1975. Mayer, R., B. Ulrich and P.K. Khanna. Die Ausfilterung von Luftverunreinigungen durch Wälder - Einflüsse auf die Azidität der Niederschläge und deren Auswirkungen auf die Böden. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 22, 339-348 (Paper published).
U13. 1976. Khanna, P.K., K.J. Meiwes and F. Beese. Sulfat-Transport und -Festlegung in einer podzoligen Braunderde aus Löß. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. 23, 107-112 (Paper published).
U14. 1977. Meiwes, K.J. and P.K. Khanna. Adsorptions- und Desorptionsverhalten von sauren Braunerden für Sulfat und deren Zusammenhänge zum Sulfat-Input durch Immission. Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch, 25, 169-174 (Paper published).
U15. 1978. Khanna, P.K. and P.K.R. Nair. Application of systems analysis in evaluating the nutrient requirement of plants. National Symp. Land and Water Management in the Indus basin (India). Published report.
U16. 1979. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Preliminary studies on the composition of the soil solution under two eucalypt forests. Proc. Soils Conference, Yanco, NSW. Aust. Soc. Soil Sci. Riverina Branch 154-163.
U17. 1979. Raison, R.J. and P.K. Khanna. List of references relating to the distribution and cycling of nitrogen in tropical wet forest ecosystems. Report SCOPE Workshop on nitrogen cycling in Southeast Asian wet monsoonal ecosystems, Chieng Mai. Published report.
U18. 1979. Khanna, P.K. Can the cycle of mineralization and immobilization of minerals be modified to increase their recovery? Workshop Division of Water and Land Resources on Nutrient Cycling Processes (Unpublished report).
U19. 1980. Khanna, P.K. Effects of fire intensity on some chemical properties of soils under Eucalyptus pauciflora forest. Aust. Soil Sci. Soc. National Conference Sydney (Abstract published).
U20. 1980. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna, P.V. Woods and A. Godkin. Loss of nitrogen from litter and understorey shrubs during prescribed burning in sub-alpine eucalypt forests. In 'Managing the nitrogen economies of natural and man-made forest ecosystems' R.A. Rummery and F.J. Hingston, CSIRO Division of Land Resources Management 291-292 (Abstract published).
U21. 1981. Raison, R.J. and P.K. Khanna. Implications of accelerated removal of biomass and nutrients from forest sites. In 'Economics and techniques of thinning plantations in Australia and New Zealand' IUFRO Meeting, Canberra, ACT. (Published abstract).
U22. 1981. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Effects of prescribed burning on soil properties and aspects of nutrient cycling in a Eucalyptus pauciflora forest. Proc. Aust. For. Nutrition Workshop, Canberra, August p327 (Abstract published).
U23. 1981. Woods, P.V., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Methodology for studying the decomposition of litter in eucalypts forests. Proc. Aust. For. Nutrition Workshop, Canberra, August p385 (Abstract published).
U24. 1981. Connell, M.J., R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Dynamics of litter (dry weight, N and P) in relation to prescribed burning in sub-alpine eucalypt forests. Proc. Aust. For. Nutrition Workshop, Canberra, August, p.336 (Abstract published).
U25. 1982. Khanna, P.K. Schofield's potentials as an indicator of source and sink relationships for cations in soils. Soil Sci. Conf. Canberra, Aust. Soc. Soil Sci. ACT Branch (paper published).
U26. 1982. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna and P.V. Woods. Effects of prescribed burning on the dynamics of litter and the balance of nitrogen in an E. pauciflora forest. Poster presented to Ecol. Soc. Aust., Symp. on 'Mountain ecology in the Australian region', Canberra, May.
U27. 1982. Woods, P.V., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Litter and soil temperatures during and after a prescribed burn in E. pauciflora forest, and the effects of altered microclimate on subsequent rates of litter decomposition. Poster presented to Ecol. Soc. Aust. Symp. on 'Mountain ecology in the Australian region', Canberra, May.
U28. 1983. Raison, R.J., P.V. Woods and P.K. Khanna. Fuel dynamics in recurrently burnt eucalypt forests. Institute of Foresters of Australia Triennial Conf. Melb., August. (Abstract published).
U29. 1984. Khanna, P.K., F. Beese and G.T. Weaver. A model based description of the transport of sulfate in a slightly acid forest soil. Proc. IUFRO Symp. Wald und Wasser 'Prozesse in Wasser - und Stoffkreislauf von Waldgebieten' Grafenau, West Germany.
U30. 1986. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and B.A. Falkiner. Determination of exchangeable aluminium and exchange capacity of acid organic rich soils. Aust. Soc. Soil Sci. ACT Branch Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U31. 1986. Raison, R.J., M.J. Connell and P.K. Khanna. In situ measurement of the mineralization and uptake of soil nitrogen. Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Congress Aug. 1986.
U32. 1986. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Atmospheric transfer of elements during vegetation fires and the effects of element deposition in ash on soil properties. Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Congress Aug. 1986.
U33. 1986. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and M.J. Connell. Measurement of N fluxes in situ. IUFRO 18th World Congress, Ljubiljana, Yugoslavia.
U34. 1987. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison, R.A. Falkiner and M.J. Connell. Effects of the transformation and movement of fertilizer N on the chemistry of a yellow podzolic soil. Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Symposium on 'Advances in nitrogen cycling in agricultural ecosystems' Brisbane (abstract published).
U35. 1987. Connell, M.J., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Mineralization of N by contrasting Australian forest soils. Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Symposium on 'Advances in nitrogen cycling in agricultural ecosystems' Brisbane (abstract published).
U36. 1987. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison, R.A. Falkiner and M.J. Connell. Litter dynamics in relation to water and nutrient supply in a Pinus radiata stand. IUFRO seminar on 'Management of Water and Nutrient relations to increase forest growth' Canberra. (abstract published).
U37. 1988. Bekunda, M.A., R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna and I.R. Willett. Mineralization of organic P and N in relation to microbial activity in contrasting forest soils. National Soils Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U38. 1988. Hossain, A.K.M.F., R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna and J.B. Field. Determination of microbial biomass N in forest soils: A direct extraction procedure and its relationship with N mineralization. National Soils Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U39. 1988. Keith, H., R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna, J.R.L. Hoare and J.R. Noble. Effects of low intensity prescribed burning and N-fertilization on soil mineral-N dynamics in a snowgum forest. National Soils Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U40. 1988. Connell, M.J., R.J. Raison and P.K. Khanna. Effects of sieving and air-drying on the mineralization of N by contrasting Australian forest soils. National Soils Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U41. 1988. Khanna, P.K., R.A. Falkiner and R.J. Raison. Chemical changes in a yellow podzolic soil resulting from fertilizer transformation processes. National Soils Conference, Canberra (Abstract published).
U42. 1988. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Mechanisms leading to sustained growth response to N-fertilization in a stand of Pinus radiata. 7th North American Forest soils conference, Vancouver, Canada.
U43. 1989. Raison, R.J., M. Keith and P.K. Khanna. Effects of fire on the nutrient supplying capacity of forest soils. EPA/CPC-10 Workshop, New Zealand.
U44. 1989. Aswathappa, N. and P.K. Khanna. Does water stress affect ranking for acid soil tolerance of acacia species. Workshop Mt Gambier (Abstract published).
U45. 1989. Landsberg, J., P. Khanna and K. Old. Stress related Eucalyptus dieback in remnants of native woodlands on farms of New South Wales, Australia. IUFRO Symposium on 'Managmenet of nutrition in forests under stress' Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany.
U46. 1989. Meiwes, K.J. and P.K. Khanna. Significance of foliar analysis, litterfall and soil analysis in assessing the nutrition status of trees under stress due to acidity. IUFRO Symposium on 'Management of nutrition in forests under stress' Feiburg, Federal Republic of Germany.
U47. 1990. Hossain, A.K.M.A., P.K. Khanna and R.J. Raison. A simple and direct method of extracting microbial biomass in acid forest soils. 14th International Congress of Soil Sci. Kyoto, Japan (abstract published).
U48. 1990. Bekunda, M.A., R.J. Raison, P.K. Khanna and I.R. Willett. Linkages between the mineralization of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in forest soils. 14th Intern. Congress of Soil Sci. Kyoto, Japan (abstract published).
U49. 1990. Khanna, P.K. The developments and prospects of forest soil science. First Intern. Seminar on Forest Soils. Harbin, China (paper published).
U50. 1990. Khanna, P.K. Measurements of changes in the nitrogen dynamics of forest soils due to management. First Intern. seminar on Forest Soils Harbin, China (paper published).
U51. 1990. Falkiner R.A., P.K. Khanna and R.J. Raison. Effect of superphosphate addition on nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in several forest soils. Aust. Soil Sci. Soc. Tetra Branch Conference: Soil and Land Use in 1990's. July 2-4 Bendigo.
U52. 1991. Khanna, P.K., K.J. Meiwes and J. Bauhus. Nitrogen dynamics in some beech forests as measure of resilience to changes due to management practices and anthropogenic impacts. First European Symposium on Terrestrial Ecosystems, Forests and Woodlands. May 1991 Florence, Italy (paper published).
U53. 1991. Khanna, P.K., R.A. Falkiner and R.J. Raison. Chemical properties of ash components derived from Eucalyptus litter and some effects of ash on forest soils. Workshop 'Amelioration of Forest Soils' June 1991 Vaxjo Sweden.
U54. 1991. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and J. Bauhus. Constraints to nitrification in soils under Eucalyptus native forests. 3rd Aust. Forest Soils and Nutrition Conference. Oct. 1991, Melbourne (Abstract published).
U55. 1991. Raison, R.J., K.L. Jacobsen, M.J. Connell and P.K. Khanna. Nutrition of low elevation mixed species Eucalypt forests in East Gippsland, Victoria. 3rd Aust. Forest Soils and Nutrition Conference. Oct. 1991, Melbourne (Abstract published).
U56. 1991. Falkiner, R.A., P.K. Khanna, R.J. Raison and H. Keith. Changes in nitrogen mineralization and nitrification after addition of phosphorus to several forest soils. 3rd Aust. Forest Soils and Nutrition Conference. Oct. 1991, Melbourne (Abstract published).
U57. 1991. Raison, R.J., K.L. Jacobsen, M.J. Connell, P.K. Khanna, J. Bauhus, R.A. Falkiner, S.J. Smith, P. Peotrowski and H. Keith. Nutrient cycling and tree nutrition. In: CSIRO Division of Forestry, Interim Report on Collaborative Silvicultural Systems Research in East Gippsland pp 5-62.
U58. 1992. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Release of mineral-N following heating or autoclaving of some forest soils and its relationship with microbial N and rates of N mineralization. 4th National Soils Conf. Adelaide (Abstract published).
U59. 1992. Khanna, P.K. Evaluating various indices for measuring N and P status of forest soils. 2nd International Symposium of Forest-Soil Relationships. 22-27 Nov. 1992, Guayana, Venezuela (Abstract published).
U60. 1992. Raison, R.J., K.L. Jacobsen and P.K. Khanna. Soil carbon changes following clearfelling and regeneration of mixed-species eucalypt forest in East Gippsland, Victoria. IEA workshop on ‘Impacts of harvesting and site preparation on carbon cycling in forests’. Inverness, Scotland.
U61. 1993. Serrasolsas, I. and P.K. Khanna. Mineralization of phosphorus and nitrogen in some forest soils heated to different temperatures. XI International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry. 27 Sept. - 1 Oct. 1993. Salamanca, Spain.
U62. 1993. Ashwath, N. P.J. Dart, D.G. Edwards and P.K. Khanna. Acid soil tolerance of Australian tropical and subtropical acacias. Third International Symp. on Plant-Soil Interactions at low pH. 12-16 Sept. 1993. Brisbane, Australia.
U63. 1993. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna, K.L. Jacobsen, M.J. Connell and H. Keith. Phosphorus limitation to the productivity of mixed-species eucalypt forest of East Gippsland. Meeting Ecol. Soc. Australia.
U64. 1993. Raison, R.J., K.L. Jacobsen, M.J. Connell, P.K. Khanna, H. Keith, S.J. Smith and P. Peotrowski. Nutrient cycling and tree nutrition. In: CSIRO Division of Forestry, Second progress report on collaborative research in regrowth forest of East Gippsland pp 8-89.
U65. 1993. Raison, R.J., P.K. Khanna, K.L. Jacobsen, M.J. Connell and H. Keith. Phosphorus limitation to productivity of mixed-species eucalypt forest of East Gippsland. Paper presented to Ecological Society of Australia conference, Canberra.
U66. 1993. Khanna, P.K. Konzept des Naehrstoffkreislaufes im Waldboden - Prinzipien, Anwendung und Grenzen. Vortrag - Univ. Bodenkultur, Wien (copy available).
U67. 1994. Khanna, P.K., K. Jacobsen and R.J. Raison. Soil carbon and N-mineralization after clearfelling mature Eucalyptus forest in south east Australia. Trans. 15th World Congress of Soil Science, Acapulco, Mexico, July 1994. Vol 9- Supplement pp 308-309, International Soil Science (extended abstract published).
U68. 1994. Khanna, P.K. Eucalypt/Acacia mixtures. ACIAR Newsletter 17,2-3.
U69. 1994. Khanna, P.K. Improving and sustaining productivity of eucalypts in South-east Asia, ACIAR project 9115, sub-project B: Site sustainability/ Eucalyptus- Acacia mixtures. Technical Report to ACIAR, pp34 + appendices.
U70. 1995. Khanna, P.K. Site and stand management. Impacts of timber harvesting and slash management. In : Compilation of Scientific Commentaries, Review of the Code of Forest Practices for Timber Production (a report commissioned by Conservation and Natural resources, Victoria), CSIRO, Division of Forestry, Canberrra, p74-78.
U71. 1995. Contribution to multiauthor report on ‘Impacts of dryland farming on catchment health’ - a systematic approach to Indicators for Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation of Catchment Health.
U72. 1995. Khanna, P.K. and R.J. Raison. Effect of mono versus mixed species tree plantings on nutrient cycling in soils. Symposium on Trees on Farms, Canberra. In: A.D. Noble and P.J. Randall. 1998. How Trees Affect Soils. RIRDC Publ no. 98/16, 108-111.
U73. 1995. Raison, R.J. and P.K. Khanna. Sustainability of forest soil fertility: Some proposed indicators and monitoring considerations. in : Caring for the Forest ; Research in a Changing World. Abstracts of Invited Papers IUFRO XX World Congress 6-12 August 1995, Tampere, Finnland IUFRO, p 27.
U74. 1995. Wichiennopparat, W., P.K. Khanna, P. Jongsuksuntigool and B. Puriyakorn. Above-ground biomass and nutrient accumulation by Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Acacia auriculformis in mixed species plantaation at Ratchaburi, Thailand. In : D. Simorangkir (ed). Proc. Intern. Conf. Tropical Forest Ecosystems. 3rd Conf. on Forest Soils (ISSS-AISS-IBG), vol. 8, pp 302-308 Poster Session, Mulawarman Univ.Press, Samarinda, Indonesia.
U75. 1995. Mindrup, M. K.J. Meiwes and P.K. Khanna. Determination of exchangeable Ca and Mg in limed forest soils and humus layers. In : D. Simorangkir (ed). Proc. Intern. Conf. Tropical Forest Ecosystems. 3rd Conf. on Forest Soils (ISSS-AISS-IBG), vol. 8, pp 226. Poster Session, Mulawarman Univ.Press, Samarinda, Indonesia.
U76. 1996. Müller-Using, B. and P.K. Khanna. Professor Fölster im Ruhestand. Forst und Holz 51, 476-477.
U77. 1996. Khanna, P.K. Nutrient cycling under mixed tree systems in southeast Asia. Agronomy Abstracts. Annual meetings. Indianapolis Nov 3-8, 1996. p. 40.
U78. 1996. Meiwes, K.J., M. Mindrup and P.K. Khanna. Changes in chemical parameters of humus layers under a beech forest following liming. Proc. Intern. Workshop on Mineral Cycling and Air Pollution fluxes in Reforested Heathland, Ulfborg, Denmark, Aug. 26-28,1996, pp56-57.
U79. 1997. Wichiennopparat, W., P.K. Khanna and P. Snowdon. Contribution of acacia to the growth and nutrient status of eucalypts in mixed-species stands at Ratchaburi, Thailand. Third International Acacia Workshop, 27-30 October 1997. Hanoi, Vietnam.
U80. 1997. Khanna P.K. and J. Bauhus. Soil carbon pools in forest ecosystems of Australia and the Pacific region and the impact of land use. Workshop ‘Carbon pools and dynamics in tropical ecosystems’ Dec. 1997, Belem, Brazil.
U81. 1997. Ludwig, B., Khanna, P.K., and F. Beese (1997): A coupled equilibria model to describe the effects of acid inputs and forest practices on chemistry of forest soils: 3 case studies. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 55: 115-118.
U82. 1998. Khanna, P.K., B. Ludwig, J. Bauhus, I. Serrasolsas and J. Raison. Changes due to management practices in chemical and biological parameters of soils under eucalypt stands. Congress Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Montpellier.
U83. 1998. Bauhus, J. and P.K. Khanna. The significance of microbial biomass in forest soils. Congress Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Montpellier.
U84. 1997. Khanna, P.K. Book Review - Wasser in Boden und Pflanze - Dynamik des Wasserhaushalts als Grundlage von Pflanzenwachstum und Ertrag. Professor Dr Wilfried Ehlers. Eugen Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany.
U85. 1998. Khanna, P.K., J. Raison, and M. Kirschbaum. Responses of carbon and nutrient cycling in Australian forest soils to global change. Workshop on ‘Impacts of global change on Australian temperate forests’ 25-27 Feb. 1998, CSIRO Wildlife and Ecology.
U86. 1998. Ludwig, B., J. Prenzel, and P.K. Khanna. Modelling of cations in some acid sub-soils from different acid input areas. Congress Intern. Soc. Soil Sci. Montpellier.
U87. 1998. P.K. Khanna and others. Comments on the draft document “Greenhouse Challenge Sinks Workbook – quantifying the greenhouse benefits of vegetation management”.
U88. 1998. P.K. Khanna (with inputs from Roger Gifford, Miko Kirschbaum and John Raison) Consideration of import and export of wood and wood products in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. Biosphere Working Group of CSIRO’s Climate Change Research Program.
U89. 1998. P.K. Khanna. Gains from planting eucalypts and acacias together. Onwood 23, 4.
U90. 1998. Keith H., R.J. Raison, P.J. Ryan, K.L. Jacobsen, M.E Freeney and P.K. Khanna. Organic matter quality under Eucalyptus delegatensis stands of contrasting productivity. Ninth North American Forest Soils Conference Aug 9-14, 1998.
U91. 1998. Khanna, P.K., J. Bauhus, C.O’Hara and R.J. Raison. Assessment and significance of labile organic C pools in forest soils. International workshop on Assessment methods for soil C pools. 2-5 Nov. 1998. Columbus, Ohio, USA.
U92. 1999. Bauhus, J., P. K. Khanna, P. Hopmans, and C. Weston. Soil organic matter as an indicator for sustainable forest soil management in Australia’s native forests. IFA conference, Hobart Oct. 99.
U93. 1999. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and K.L. Jacobsen. Growth of eucalypts on regeneration seedbeds after clearfelling a mixed species stand in East Gippsland, Victoria. IFA conference, Hobart Oct. 99.
U94. 1999. Prenzel, J., Bernard Ludwig and Partap Khanna. Einige Gleichgewichts-Ansätze zum Studium der Sulfatsorption in sauren Unterböden. Mitteilungen der deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91, I:461-462.
U95. 1999. Meiwes, K.J., B. Ludwig, Partap Khanna, H. Fortmann and E. Hildebrand. Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Gewinnung von Bodenlösungen - experimentelle und Modellergebnisse. Mitteilungen der deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 91, I:444.
U96. 1999. More than a monoculture. Australasian Science July 1999, 38-39. Report compiled by B. Lehane based on our work. 1999.
U97. 1999. Fire - Finding the best prescription. Ecos 100, 3. Compiled by Alastair Sarre.
U98. 2000. K.J. Meiwes, M. Mindrup and P.K. Khanna. Retention of Ca and Mg in the litter layer of a spruce stand after application of various liming materials. Ecosystem Restoration: Ecological and Economical Impacts of Restoration Processes in Secondary Coniferous Forests. Vienna, Sept. 2000.
U99. 2000. J. Bauhus, P.K. Khanna, P. Hopmans and C. Weston. Evaluation of soil organic matter as an indicator for sustainable forest soil management of Australia’s native forests. International symposium on Managing Forest Soils for Sustainable Productivity. Portugal, Sept. 2000.
U100. 2000. Khanna, P.K., R.J. Raison and K.L. Jacobsen. Growth of eucalypts on various seedbeds after clearfelling a mixed species coastal forest in East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. International symposium on Managing Forest Soils for Sustainable Productivity. Portugal, Sept. 2000.
U101. 2000. Ludwig, B., P.K. Khanna and J. Bauhus. Use of near infrared spectroscopy to determine some chemical and biological properties of forest soils. International symposium on Managing Forest Soils for Sustainable Productivity. Portugal, Sept. 2000.
U102. 2000. Meiwes, P.K. Khanna and M. Mindrup. Comparing humus layers from different forest types in north Germany for their role in buffering protons. International symposium on Managing Forest Soils for Sustainable Productivity. Portugal, Sept. 2000.
U103. 2001. Bauhus, J., Khanna, P.K., Hopmans, P., Ludwig, B. and C. Weston. Evaluation of soil organic matter as a meaningful indicator of important soil properties and processes in native forest ecosystems (Montreal Process Indicator 4.1d). Final report of a project conducted of the Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation (PN99.803).
U104. 2001. Ludwig, B., Khanna, P. und J. Bauhus. Einsatz von Nahinfrarotspektroskopie zur Bestimmung einiger chemischer und biologischer Eigenschaften australischer Waldböden. Mitteilungen der deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 96:357.
U105. 2001. Ludwig, B., Khanna, P. and J. Prenzel (2001): Modelling environmentally important chemical processes in soils. J. Inorg. Biochem. 86, 68.
U106. 2002. Mindrup, M, K.J. Meiwes, and P.K. Khanna. Longterm nutrient dynamics of a spruce stand fertilized periodically for more than 50 years. Poster – Intern. Plant Nutrition Conf. Hannover.