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Dr. Simon Bilodeau Gauthier

Gastwissenschaftler / Postdoctoral Researcher

simon bilodeau gauthier

Tennenbacherstr. 4
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Tel. 0761/203-8628
Fax 0761/203-3781


 ⇒ Homepage at Centre for Forest Research (Québec, Canada)


Research Projects





    ****   Master Thesis available for 2012 !  ****

Topic:  „Fine root biomass production and functional diversity of European forests“



- Functional biodiversity
- Tree species richness
- Ecosystems functions & services
- European forest types
- Belowground processes
- Root growth & interactions
- Utilisation of soil resources & nutrient cycling
- Sustainable forestry

Key references:
- Scherer-Lorenzen et al. 2005, Springer
- Nadrowski et al. 2010, Curr. Opin. Enviro. Sust. 2 
- Zeugin et al. 2010, For. Eco. Man. 260


Assess the production of fine root biomass in relation to soil depth, within mixtures of 1- to 5-tree species in six different types of mature forests in Europe.

Research Questions:

  •  How does fine root biomass production vary between different levels of tree species richness?
  •  What is the vertical distribution pattern of tree fine roots? How does it compare between species? Is it affected by levels of species richness?
  •  What is the effect of forest ecosystem types on fine root biomass production?
  •  Could species richness increase fine root production through complementary use of soil resources?



In the field:

- Collect soil + root cores from the study plots in different parts of Europe.

In the lab:

- Separate soil from fine roots in preparation for analyses.
- Wash, dry, and weigh fine roots.

In the office:

- Compile and analyse data on fine root biomass per soil depth, for the different species mixtures.
- Possibility of collaborating on scientific manuscripts.


- Willingness to work in the field. (Travel and accommodation expenses are covered.)
- Patience and attention to details.
- Good knowledge of English.

For questions or to manifest your interest:

Simon Bilodeau-Gauthier, Room 4088,
Jürgen Bauhus,


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