Dr. Steffen Entenmann
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Zimmer 4020
Tel. 0761/203-8606
Fax 0761/203-3781
Global Environmental Changes (M.Sc.)
Carbon Forestry (M.Sc.)
Plantation Forestry (M.Sc.)
Natural Resource Management in Central Asia (M.Sc.)
Waldnutzungssysteme (B.Sc.)
Integrated Land Use Systems (M.Sc.)
Capacity Building in Carbon Forestry (CBCF)
11.2018 – 10.2021
Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
The project supports forestry experts from developing countries in getting access to trainings in the field of sustainable forest management approaches that are aimed at conserving / increasing the carbon content in forest ecosystems (Carbon Forestry). As part of the project, selected participants receive a scholarship as a financial support for their participation in the course” Carbon Forestry”. The course is offered annually by the Chair of Silviculture of Freiburg University.
Forestry Higher Education Advancement in Laos (FORHEAL)
10.2017 – 10.2020
Funding: EU Erasmus + Program
Main goal of the project is to strengthen the forest-related higher education system in Laos to improve domestic capacity to sustainably manage forests for the benefit of the people and the environment, while at the same time enabling Laos to effectively respond to the demands and opportunities of international processes (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement on Climate Change).
07.2014 – 08.2016
Funding: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)/Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Main goal of the project was to provide scientific support to the Advisory Council for the policy reports “Pathways to a socially accepted livestock husbandry in Germany” and “Climate change mitigation in agriculture, forestry and the downstream sectors food and wood products”.
Funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Three week summer school from 11th to 29th of July, 2016 focusing on Foundations and Methods of Agricultural Economics and Policy for Sustainable Mountainous Development. The school was jointly organized by the College of Natural Resources, Royal University of Bhutan, Lobesa as well as Humboldt-University of Berlin (HU Berlin) and University of Hohenheim.
Lignocellulose: Land use, potential and market effects
11.2014 – 10.2017
Funding: Bioeconomy Research Program Baden-Württemberg
The main aim of the project is to build scenarios for using lignocellulose biomass in future production of materials. These scenarios are affected by the potential of agricultural land for producing lignocellulose, and therefore the project takes into account agricultural markets and land use within the scenarios.
EU nature protection financing for the implementation of Natura 2000 in private forests
12.2013 – 04.2014
Funding: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) Germany with funds of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)/ Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the spending for nature conservation in the EU (especially regarding Natura 2000). Main focus was on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Institutional analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the integrated approach. Expert interviews were conducted to identify obstacles in the administration of the fund. Development of best-practice examples for nature conservation funding under the consideration of political and administrative preconditions.
Compensatory measures in forests for the conservation of biological diversity
Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)/Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Against the background of the Amendment of the Intervention Regulation of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, compensation measures in forests, forest edges and afforestation activities were analysed with regards to their potential contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. This included an in-depth review of national and international literature and relevant regulations.
Protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policies
Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)/Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
This project analysed the potential risks and opportunities of different REDD+ options regarding the CBD goals for forest biodiversity conservation. Based on the analyses, suggestions were developed on how to create the biggest possible synergies between biodiversity goals and the implementation of REDD+. Furthermore, biodiversity data and monitoring methodologies that are available at different geographic scales were compiled in the case study countries Peru and Kenya.
Choi HS, Harald G, Entenmann S, Wiesmeth M, Blesl M, Wagner M (2019): Potential trade-offs of employing perennial biomass crops for the bioeconomy in the EU by 2050: impacts on agricultural markets in the EU and the world. GCB Bioenergy doi:10.1111/gcbb.12596
Choi HS, Entenmann S (2019): Land in the EU for perennial biomass crops from freed-up agricultural land: A sensitivity analysis considering yields, diet, market liberalization and world food prices. Land Use Policy 82:292-306
Entenmann S (2017): Optionen für eine zukunftsfähige Nutztierhaltung (Options for a viable animal husbandry). ZAG Journal 2017/01:8-10
Entenmann S (2017): Herausforderungen und Chancen für eine zukunftsfähige Nutztierhaltung. Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 69:42-44
Bauhus J, Rock J, Spellmann H, Dieter M, Lang C, Richter K, Bolte A, Rüter S, Bösch M, Entenmann S (2017): Beiträge der Forst- und Holzwirtschaft zum Klimaschutz. AFZ-Der Wald 2017:10-14
Weingarten P, Bauhus J, Arens-Azevedo U, Balmann A, Biesalski H-K, Birner R, Bitter AW, Bokelmann W, Bolte A, Bösch M, Christen O, Dieter M, Entenmann S, Feindt M, Gauly M, Grethe H, Haller P, Hüttl RF, Knierim U, Lang F, Larsen JB, Latacz-Lohmann U, Martinez J, Meier T, Möhring B, Neverla I, Nieberg H, Niekisch M, Osterburg B, Pischetsrieder M, Pröbstl-Haider U, Qaim M, Renner B, Richter K, Rock J, Rüter S, Spellmann H, Spiller A, Taube F, Voget-Kleschin L, Weiger H (2016): Klimaschutz in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie den nachgelagerten Bereichen Ernährung und Holzverwendung. Berichte über Landwirtschaft Sonderheft 222:1-410
Spiller A, Gauly M, Balmann A, Bauhus J, Birner R, Bokelmann W, Christen O, Entenmann S, Grethe H, Knierim U, Latacz-Lohmann U, Martínez J, Nieberg H, Qaim M, Taube F, Tenhagen B-A, Weingarten P (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 221:1-172
Spiller A, Grethe H, Entenmann S (2015): Verringerung eskalierender Konflikte - Gutachten „Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung“. Fleischwirtschaft 4/2015:12-18
Grethe H, Spiller A, Entenmann S (2015): Comment: Both science and society wants improved EU farm animal welfare. AgraEurope 26.03.2015:1-5
Entenmann S, Kaphegyi TA, Schmitt CB (2014): Forest biodiversity monitoring for REDD+: a case study of actors' views in Peru. Environmental Management 53:300-317
Entenmann S, Schmitt C, Konold W (2014): REDD+-related activities in Kenya: actors’ views on biodiversity and monitoring in a broader policy context. Biodiversity and Conservation 23:3561-3586
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2013): Actors’ perceptions of forest biodiversity values and policy issues related to REDD+ implementation in Peru. Biodiversity and Conservation 22:1229-1254
Pistorius T, Schmitt CB, Benick D, Entenmann S, Reinecke S (2011): Greening REDDplus – challenges and opportunities for integrating biodiversity safeguards at and across policy levels. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 182:82-98
Futter MN, Ring E, Högbom L, Entenmann S, Bishop KH (2010): Consequences of nitrate leaching following stem-only harvesting of Swedish forests are dependent on spatial scale. Environmental Pollution 158:3552-3559
Ulrichs C, Entenmann S, Goswami A, Mewis I (2006): Abrasive und hydrophil/lipophile Effekte unterschiedlicher inerter Stäube im Einsatz gegen Schadinsekten am Beispiel des Kornkäfers (Sitophilus granarius). Gesunde Pflanzen 58:173-181
Bücher, Buchkapitel, Berichte
WBAE, WBW (2016): Climate change mitigation in agriculture and forestry and in the downstream sectors of food and timber use. Summary of the Report. Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE)and Scientific Advisory Board on Forest Policy (WBW) at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Berlin, Germany, 8 pp
WBAE, WBW (2016): Klimaschutz in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie den nachgelagerten Bereichen Ernährung und Holzverwendung. Gutachten (Climate change mitigation in agriculture and forestry and in the downstream sectors of food and timber use). Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy, Food and Consumer Health Protection (WBAE) and Scientific Advisory Board on Forest Policy (WBW) at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Berlin, Germany, 410 pp
Entenmann S, Schaich H (2015): EU-Naturschutzfinanzierung zur Umsetzung von Natura 2000 im Privatwald - Beispiele und Erfahrungen aus Deutschland (EU nature protection financing for Natura 2000 in private forests - Examples and Experiences from Germany). In: Schrank J, Olbrich G (Eds.) Natura 2000 und Wald Handbuch und Fachbeiträge zur Umsetzung des europäischen Schutzgebietsnetzwerks Natura 2000 in Österreichs Wäldern. Kuratorium Wald, E.C.O, Vienna, Austria, pp 123-126
WBA (2015): Pathways to a socially accepted livestock husbandry in Germany. Executive Summary. Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy (WBA) at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, 6 pp
WBA (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung. Gutachten (Pathways to a socially accepted livestock husbandry in Germany). Scientific Advisory Board on Agricultural Policy (WBA) at the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, 425 pp
Entenmann S, Schaich H (2014): Natura 2000 im Privatwald. Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten durch die EU-Naturschutzfinanzierung (Natura 2000 in private forests. Options through EU nature protection financing). Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), Berlin, Germany, 54 pp
Schmitt CB, Entenmann S, Delgado J, Wendt V (2013): Actors perceptions of issues in biodiversity assessment and monitoring under REDD+: Case studies from Peru, Ecuador, Kenya and Ethiopia. In: Pistorius T, Schmitt CB (Eds.) The protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policies: policy options and case studies on greening REDD+ BfN Skripten 344. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn, Germany, pp 102-142
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2013): Consideration of biodiversity in REDD+ projects – the cases of Peru and Kenya. In: Pistorius T, Schmitt CB (Eds.) The protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policies: policy options and case studies on greening REDD+ BfN-Skripten 344. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn, Germany, pp 44-101
Pistorius T, Schmitt CB, Benick D, Entenmann S, Reinecke S (2013): Introduction. In: Pistorius T, Schmitt CB (Eds.) The protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policies: policy options and case studies on greening REDD+ BfN Skripten 344. Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), Bonn, Germany, pp 1-6
Entenmann S (2012): Actividades REDD+ en el Perú. Análisis de proyectos piloto de REDD+ en los departamentos de Madre de Dios y San Martín, con especial enfoque en sus implicancias sobre la biodiversidad (REDD+ activities in Peru. Appraisal of REDD+ pilot projects in the departments Madre de Dios and San Martín with a special focus on biodiversity implications). PROFONANPE, Lima, Peru, 92 pp
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2011): REDD+ as a contribution to conservation and connectivity of World Heritage Forest Sites. In: Patry M, Horn R, Haraguchi S (Eds.) Adapting to change The state of conservation of World Heritage Forests in 2011. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France, pp 32-38
Pistorius T, Schmitt CB, Benick D, Entenmann S (2011): Greening REDD+: challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation. 2nd revised edition. Institute for Forest- and Environmental Policy, Institute for Landscape Management, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany, 43 pp
Entenmann S (2010): Certification of REDD+ pilot projects for biodiversity conservation. In: Sheil D, Putz FE, Zagt RJ (Eds.) Biodiversity conservation in certified forests ETFRN News 51. Tropenbos International, Wageningen, The Netherlands, pp 157-162
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2010): Biodiversity monitoring and REDD+. Background paper for the workshop: Greening REDD+, 14.-16.04.2010 in Freiburg. Institute for Landscape Management, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany, 13 pp.
Benick D, Entenmann S, Pistorius T, Schmitt CB (2010): Greening REDD+: challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation. Workshop summary: Greening REDD+. Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy, Institute for Landscape Management, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany, 5 pp
UNECE (2009): Land Administration Review: Bulgaria. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Housing and Land Management (UNECE), Geneva, Switzerland, 28 pp
UNECE (2009): Guidance and good practice in the implementation of fees and charges for real property registration and cadastre services. ECE/HBP/WP.7/2009/4. 20 March 2009. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Housing and Land Management (UNECE), Geneva, Switzerland, 15 pp.
UNECE (2008): Country Profiles on the Housing Sector: Belarus. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Housing and Land Management (UNECE), Geneva, Switzerland, 67 pp.
Choi H-S, Entenmann S, Grethe H (2016): Uncertain land availability for energy cops in the EU by 2050. Conference: 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE 2016), 2016.06.06.-09. in Amsterdam. In: EUBECE (Ed.) EUBCE24: book of abstracts and summaries, EUBECE, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 192-192
Choi H-S, Entenmann S, Grethe H, Wagner S (2015): Modelling supply of lignocellulosic biomass in the agricultural sector. Conference: Status Meeting Bioeconomy, 2015.10.28 in Hohenheim. In: BioEconomyResearch (Ed.) Status Meeting Proceedings, Hohenheim University, Hohenheim, Germany
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2013): REDD+ related activites in different forest types and biodiversity indicators: a case study of actors' views in Kenya. Conference: Perspectives on forest conservation. An interdisciplinary workshop, 2013.06.19.-21. in Freiburg. In: Winkel G, Maier C (Eds.) Perspectives on forest conservation, Freibug, Germany, p 25
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2012): Exploring the gap between monitoring needs and monitoring capacity for biodiversity in REDD+: the case of Peru. Conference: Beyond Carbon: ensuring justice and equity in REDD+ across levels of governance, 2012.03.23.-24. in Oxford. In: Schroeder H (Ed.) Abstract book, Oxford, UK, pp 47-48
Entenmann S, Reinecke S, Benick D, Schmitt CB, Pistorius T (2012): Greening REDD+: challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation. Progress of research in the BfN-funded project "The Protection of Forests under Global Biodiversity and Climate Policy." Conference: European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change - Science, Practice and Policy, 2011.04.12.-13. in Bonn, Germany. In: Korn H, Kraus K, Stadler J (Eds.) Proceedings of the Conference. BfN-Skripten 310, Bonn, pp 51-53
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2011): The role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation activities in Peru. Conference: BES 2011 Annual Symposium, 2011.03.28.-30. in Cambridge, UK. In: Burslem D, Coomes D (Eds.) BES 2011 Symposium Proceedings, Cambridge, UK, pp 40-41
Pistorius T, Benick D, Schmitt CB, Entenmann S (2010): Projekt „Schutz der Wälder unter internationaler Klima- und Biodiversitätspolitik" (Project "Protection of forests under international climate- and biodiversity policy"). Conference: 2nd BfN-Scientific Conference "Biological diversity and climate change“, 2010.03.02.-03. in Bonn. In: Epple C, Korn H, Kraus K, Stadler J (Eds.) Biologische Vielfalt und Klimawandel. Tagungsband mit den Beiträgen. BfN-Skripten 274, Bonn, Germany, pp 63-64
Entenmann S (2010): Options for biodiversity monitoring within REDD+. Conference: ASGE 2010. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment. 3rd International Summer School and Conference, 2010.08.03.-06. in Arequipa, Peru. In: Behr F-J, Anakkathil Purushothaman P, Beltrán Castañón CA (Eds.) Universtiy Publications 109, Universtiy of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany, p 77
Benick D, Pistorius T, Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2010): Schutz der Wälder unter globaler Klima- und Biodiversitätspolitik (Protection of forests under international climate and biodiverstiy policy). Conference: 2nd BfN-Scientific Conference "Biological diversity and climate change“, 2010.03.02.-03. in Bonn. In: Epple C, Korn H, Kraus K, Stadler J (Eds.) Biologische Vielfalt und Klimawandel. Tagungsband mit den Beiträgen. BfN-Skripten 274, BfN, Bonn, Germany, p 93
Benick D, Entenmann S, Pistorius T, Schmitt CB (2010): Protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policy, 2010.05.10.-21. in Nairobi, Kenya. In: SCBD (Ed.) Biodiversity and climate change: achieving the 2020 targets. Abstracts of posters presented. Technical Series No. 51, SCBD, Montreal, Kanada, pp 75-76
Schoenmuth B, Scharnhorst T, Entenmann S, Büttner C (2008): Gibt es Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Rüstungsaltstandorten zur Biomasseproduktion? (Options for using armour production sites for biomass production). Conference: Dechema-Symposium "Strategien zur Boden- & Grundwassersanierung", 2008.11.24.-25. in Frankfurt. In: Dechema (Ed.) Zusammenfassung des Symposiums, Dechema, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Entenmann S, Mewis I, Ulrichs C (2007): Abrasive und hydrophil/lipophile Effekte unterschiedlicher inerter Stäube im Einsatz gegen Schadinsekten am Beispiel des Kornkäfers Sitophilus granarius L. und Anwendung amorpher Diatomeenerden im Freiland (Abrasive/hydrophilic effects of different inert dusts as pesticides agains Sitophilus granarius L. and application of amorphous diatomaceous earth under field conditions). Conference: 44th annual meeting of the German Society for Horticultural Science, 2007.02.21.-24. in Erfurt, Germany. In: Albinus B (Ed.) BHGL Schriftenreihe, Tagungsband 25/2007, Bonn, Hannover, pp 57-58
Ulrichs C, Mucha-Pelzer T, Entenmann S, Mewis I, Goswami A (2007): Nano-structured silica – physically active insecticides for urban environments. Conference: DPG/BCPC Symposium, 2007.05.10.-12. in Berlin, Germany. In: Alford D, Feldmann F, Hasler J, von Tiedemann A (Eds.) Symposium Proceedings Vol. 82, Braunschweig, Germany, pp 116-117
Vorträge (Auswahl)
Entenmann S (2017): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung (Pathways to a socially acceptable animal husbandry). Presentation held on 2017.03.21. in Vienna, Austria. Event: 34th meeting of the Animal Protection Council of Austria. Organisator: Federal Ministry for Health and Women
Entenmann S (2016): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung. Über Aspekte des Tierwohls und Umweltschutzes in der Gastronomie und in Tourismusbetrieben (Pathways to a socially acceptable animal husbandry. On animal welfare and enviromental protection in catering and tourism). Presentation held on 2016.11.09. in Vienna, Austria. Event: Good Conscience - Good Taste. Organisator: Department of Environmental Protection Vienna (MA22), Office of Ombudsman for Animal Protection Vienna (TOW)
Entenmann S (2016): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung (Pathways to a socially acceptable animal husbandry). Presentation held on 2016.10.20 in Erlangen, Germany. Event: 130th Conference of the LAG/BLTK Bavaria. Organisator: Working Group on Meat Hygiene and Animal Protection Bavaria (LAG), Veterinary Board Bavaria (BLTK)
Entenmann S (2016): Wege für eine gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung (Pathways for a socially acceptable animal husbandry). Presentation held on 2016.10.05 in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany. Event: 38th Conference of the Working Group on Barn Climate. Organisator: Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia
Entenmann S (2016): Neue Wege in der Tierhaltung – Ist ein radikaler Umbau erforderlich? (New ways in animal husbandry. Do we need a radical change?). Presentation held on 2016.01.12 in Herford, Germany. Organisator: Chamber of Agriculture North Rhine-Westphalia, German Farmers' Union District Chapter Herford-Bielefeld
Entenmann S (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung (Pathways to a socially acceptable animal husbandry). Presentation held on 2015.11.19 in Schwerte, Germany. Event: Lecture at the conference "Landwirtschaft ohne Grenzen? Für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft der Zukunft". Organisator: Protestant Academy Villigst. Institute for Church and Society
Entenmann S (2015): Wege für eine gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung (Pathways for a socially acceptable animal husbandry). Presentation held on 2015.10.29 in Coesfeld, Germany. Event: Lecture at the discussion meeting "Pathways to a socially acceptable animal husbandry" with Friedrich Ostendorff MdB. Organisator: BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen, Regional Chapter Coesfeld
Entenmann S (2015): Wege zu einer gesellschaftlich akzeptierten Nutztierhaltung – Konsequenzen für die deutsche Schweineproduktion (Pathways to a socially accepted livestock husbandry in Germany. Consequences for the pig production in Germany). Presentation held on 2015.06.20 in Verden (Aller), Germany. Event: 16. Bauerntag: Gesellschaftliche Trends - Gefährdung der landwirtschaftlichen Existenz? Organisator: VzF GmbH, Centre of Competence on Food Industry Lower Saxony (NieKE)
Entenmann S (2015): Finanzierung von Natura 2000 im Privatwald - Beispiele und Erfahrungen aus Deutschland. Vorstellung der Studie „Natura 2000 im Privatwald. Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten durch EU-Naturschutzfinanzierung“ (Financing Natura 2000 in private forests - examples and experiences from Germany. Presentation of the study "Natura 2000 in private forests. Options for implementation through EU nature conservation financing"). Presentation held on 2015.01.26 in Vienna, Austria. Event: NATURA 2000. Forest. Legal aspects and financing. Organisator: Kuratorium Wald
Schaich H, Entenmann S (2014): EU-Naturschutzfinanzierung im Privatwald (EU nature conservation financing in private forests). Presentation held on 2014.02.2014 in Hannover, Germany. Event: 3rd network meeting of the Federal NABU Association for the BfN Projekt "EU-Financing for Nature Conservation 2014-2020". Organisator: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
Entenmann S, Schaich H (2014): Natura 2000 im Privatwald – Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten durch die EU-Naturschutzfinanzierung (Natura 2000 in private forests - options for implementation through EU nature conservation financing). Presentation held on 2014.07.09 in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany. Event: 4th network meeting of the Federal NABU Association for the BfN Projekt "EU-Financing for Nature Conservation 2014-2020". Organisator: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU)
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2013): REDD+ related activites in different forest types and biodiversity indicators: a case study of actors' views in Kenya. Presentation held on 2013.06.20 in Freiburg, Germany. Event: Perspectives on forest conservation. An interdisciplinary workshop. Organisator: Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy, Albert-Ludwigs-University
Entenmann S, Reinecke S (2012): Greening REDD+: challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation. Progress of research in the BfN-funded project "The Protection of Forests under Global Biodiversity and Climate Policy". Presentation held on 2012.04.13 in Bonn, Germany. Event: European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change - Science, Practice and Policy. Organisator: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)
Entenmann S (2012): Biodiversity values in climate change mitigation activities: forest biodiversity conservation and REDD+ in Peru. Presentation held on 2012.05.03 in Freiburg, Germany. Event: 24th Ph.D. Workshop on International Climate Policy. Organisator: Albert‐Ludwigs‐Universität, Faunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems
Entenmann S (2012): Exploring the gap between monitoring needs and monitoring capacity for biodiversity in REDD+: the case of Peru. Presentation held on 2012.03.24 in Oxford, UK. Event: Beyond Carbon: ensuring justice and equity in REDD+ across levels of governance. Organisator: St. Anne's College, Oxford University
Schmitt CB, Entenmann S (2011): Biodiversity values in climate change mitigation activities: forest biodiversity conservation and REDD+ in Peru. Presentation held on 2011.09.22 in Freiburg, Germany. Event: Forest biodiversity in a changing climate. An international conference. Organisator: Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy, Institute for Landscape Management, Albert-Ludwigs-University
Entenmann S, Schmitt CB (2011): The role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation activities in Peru. Presentation held on 2011.03.29 in Cambridge, UK. Event: BES Symposium 2011. Organisator: British Ecological Society (BES), Cambridge University
Entenmann S (2010): Biodiversity monitoring and REDD+. Presentation held on 2010.04.14 in Freiburg, Germany. Event: Greening REDD+. An international workshop. Organisator: Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy, Institute for Landscape Management, Albert-Ludwigs-University
Entenmann S (2010): Options for biodiversity monitoring within REDD+. Presentation held on 2010.08.06 in Arequipa, Peru. Event: ASGE 2010. Applied Geoinformatics for Society and Environment. 3rd international Summer School and Conference. Organisator: Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria
Entenmann S (2010): Cambio climático, proyectos de carbono forestal y REDD+ (Climate change, forest carbon projects and REDD+). Presentation held on 2010.09.16 in Pucallpa, Peru. Organisator: Universidad Nacional de Ucayali
Entenmann S (2010): Opciones para el monitoreo de la biodiversidad en el mecanismo de REDD+ (Options for biodiversity monitoring for REDD+). Presentation held on 2010.08.18 in Lima, Peru. Organisator: Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
Schoenmuth B, Scharnhorst T, Entenmann S, Pestemer W, Büttner C (2008): Rückhaltpotenzial und Langzeitschicksal von TNT in Nadelbäumen (Retention and long-term fate of TNT in coniferous trees). Presentation held on in Berlin, Germany. Event: KORA-Status Seminar. Organisator: Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Dechema)
Entenmann S (2007): Abrasive und hydrophil/lipophile Effekte unterschiedlicher inerter Stäube im Einsatz gegen Schadinsekten am Beispiel des Kornkäfers Sitophilus granarius L. und Anwendung amorpher Diatomeenerden im Freiland (Abrasive/hydrophilic effects of different inert dusts as pesticides agains Sitophilus granarius L. and application of amorphous diatomaceous earth under field conditions). Presentation held on 2007.02.23 in Erfurt, Germany. Event: 44th annual meeting of the GSHS. Organisator: German Society for Horticultural Science (GSHS)
Entenmann S (2014): Consideration of forest biodiversity conservation in REDD+ implementation: an analysis of actors' views in Kenya and Peru. Dissertation (Dr. rer. nat.). Chair for Landscape Management, Faculty for Environment and Natural Resources, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany
Entenmann S (2008): Fate of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) in morphological and biochemical compartments of conifer trees. M. Sc. Thesis. Chair for Phytomedicine, Institute for Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Entenmann S (2006): Untersuchungen zum insektiziden Wirkungsmechanismus inerter Stäube auf Sitophilus granarius L. (Col.: Curculionidae) und Anwendung amorpher Diatomeenerden unter Freilandbedingungen (Investigations on the effect of inert dusts as an insecticide on Sitophilus granarius L. (Col.: Curculionidae) and application of amorphous diatomaceous earth under field conditions). B. Sc. Thesis. Chair for Urban Horticulture, Institute for Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Curriculum vitae
02/2010-06/2014: PhD-Thesis "Consideration of forest biodiversity conservation in REDD+ implementation: an analysis of actors' views in Kenya and Peru"; University of Freiburg, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences
10/2006-02/2009: M. Sc. "Integrated Natural Resource Management"; Humboldt-University, Berlin / Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
10/2003-09/2006: B. Sc. "Horticultural Sciences"; Humboldt-University, Berlin
08/2000-07/2002: Vocational training as a gardener (tree nursery); Helmut Selders Tree nurseries, Haan
08/1996-06/1999: Abitur with major in economics; Jakob-Friedrich-Schöllkopf School, Kirchheim-Teck
08/2014-10/2016: Associate of the Scientific Advisory Council for Agricultural Policy and Food at the BMEL (WBAE), University of Hohenheim, Institute of Agricultural Policy and Markets, Chair of Food and Agricultural Policy
10/2009-07/2014: Research Associate/ PhD candidate at the University of Freiburg, Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chair of Landscape Management
02/2009-06/2009: Research Associate at the Department of Aquatic Science and Assessment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
11/2008-01/2009: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, UNECE Housing and Land Management Unit, Geneva
05/2007-10/2008: Internship and M.Sc. Thesis at the JKI Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Berlin
03/2007-04/2007: Institute of Soil Landscape Research, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg
10/2005-04/2006: DAAD-Scholarship: Research on agricultural topics in arid regions, San Juan, Argentina
Scholarship according to the State Law on Graduate Funding from the State of Baden-Württemberg for a dissertation 11/2012-01/2013
Erasmus-Scholarship for my M. Sc. studies in Sweden 10/2007-05/2008.
Daniel-Thaer Award for the best graduation (B. Sc.) of the Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture of the Humboldt- University Berlin in 2006
Research stay founded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Argentina 10/2005-04/2006