Ana Karol
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau
Room 02046(2.OG)
Tel. 0761/203-8607
Fax 0761/203-3781
Career Brief
2012-2013: Guest researcher. University of Freiburg. Alexander von Humboldt, International Climate Protection Fellow.
2008-2012: FUNDAPAZ (Fundación para el Desarrollo en Justicia y Paz)
2006-2008: International Msc of Science in Rural Development (Erasmus Mundus)
2004-2006: National Ministy of Social Development. Local Development and Social Economy national plan “manos a la obra”
2012-2013: Alexander von Humboldt Foundation award to conduct a one year research at the Uniersity of Freiburg to analyze different adaptation strategies of local people who lives in the forest of the Argentinean Chaco Region as a basis for effective mobilization of local potentials on sustainable natural resource management.
2006-2008: Alßan scholarship award (European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America) to complete MSc studies in Rural Development in the European Union
Selected publications
Paz, R., V. Gonzalez, A. Karol and N. Pece (2011): Pequeña producción y cadena de valor desde el enfoque sial. El caso de la lechería caprina en Santiago del Estero, Argentina. In “De la leche al queso. Queserías rurales en América Latina”. IICA-CIRAD. Porrua Eds. México. ISBN 978-607-401-502-7
Duarte, M. and A. Karol (2009): Looking for the greys playing with extremes. Rural Development Initiatives in Latin America: Between Dependence and Autonomy”. Article prepared for delivery at the 2009 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 11-14.
Karol, A. (2008): Addressing rural development challenges through collective strategies. A comparative analysis between two agrarian cooperatives in Argentina and Italy. M.Sc. Thesis. Elaborated and defended at Wageningen University within the framework of the European Erasmus Mundus Programme “International Master of Science in Rural Development”. Published at