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Girma Amente

Ehemaliger Mitarbeiter


Rehabilitation and sustainable use of community forests in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia (abgeschlossen 12/2005)


Amente G., Huss J. and Tennigkeit T. 2004 Forest regeneration without planting: the case of community managed forests in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia. In: international symposium on the rehabilitation of dry land forests in Ethiopia: ecology and management, September 21-24/2004, Mekelle University (submitted to Ethiopian journal of natural resources). (in press)

Amente, G. and Tadesse, T. 2004 The contribution of participatory forest management towards good governance: the case of WAJIB approach in Ethiopia. Proceedings of the 5th annual conference of the Ethiopian foresters association on “New forest management: the contribution of forests to the national economy”, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 18-19 2004. (in press)

Amente, G. 2004 Eco-tourism in the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia: a potential tool in improving livelihoods and promoting forest conservation. In: GTZ (ed.) Tourism and development-the win-win performance, Hanover, Germany.

Amente, G. and Schmit, J. 2002 Research concept to introduce silvicultural Systems management in WAJIB managed degraded forests of Adaba-Dodola forest priority area. Proceedings of national workshop on “Forest resources of Ethiopia:  status, challenges and opportunities”, IBCR, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27-29 November 2002.

Amente, G. 2002 Nature of Conflicts and Resolution Methods in Peri-urban fuel wood plantations of Ethiopia: a case study of Modjo fuel wood plantation. Proceedings of national workshop on “Some trends in rural development policies and issues in Ethiopia”, PSIR and Debub University, Awassa, Ethiopia, April 29-1 May 2002.



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