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James Johnson

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PhD research: "Small farmer forest management practices in the Amazon: an analysis of the conditions that promote innovation"

Position in ForLive: Responsible for regional integration of ForLive



R.G. Barber , y J.M. Johnson, (1989) Establish windbreaks to protect your crops and soils. Technical bulletin No. 3. CIAT/MBAT Santa Cruz, (Spanish) December 1989

R.G. Barber y J M. Johnson, (1993), Technical recommendations for the establishment of windbreaks for annual crop production. Technical report No. 2, CIAT/MBAT, Santa Cruz, (Spanish) September de 1993

J.M. Johnson, and G. Thiele,. (1993), Development pathways for alley farming in lowland Bolivia: the theory. Mimeo, CIAT/MBAT Santa Cruz.

Davies, P., Hoyos, F., Garcia, B., Johnson, J., Llanos, J.L. (1993) "Alternative Development Farm Models for the Choré Forest Reserve Buffer Zone". CIAT/BTAM. CIPCA seminar, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

R.G. Barber y J M. Johnson, (1994) Changes in chemical soil fertility under alley cropping over four years.. Reseach advances No. 15, CIAT/MBAT, Santa Cruz, (Spanish) October, 1994.

G. Thiele, J.M. Johnson y J. Wadsworth (1994), Socio-economic Sketch map of northern Bolivia. Technical Report No. 23, CIAT/MBAT, May 1994

Davies, P., Garcia, B., Johnson, J., Llanos, J.L. (1994) "Developing Avenues of Escape from the Forest fallow Crisis: First Experiences with Alley Farming in the Bolivian Amazon" in International Conference on Management and Rehabilitation of Secondary Forest and Degraded Lands", CPATU/USAD Forestry Service, Santarém, Brazil.

M. Saldías, J.M. Johnson, A. Lawrence, R. Quevedo y B. García, (1994), Guide for the use of trees in agroforestry systems CIAT/MBAT, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Museo de Historia Natural Noel Kempff Mercado del UAGRM, (Spanish). Santa Cruz, Bolivia 1994.

J.M. Johnson y J.M. Tarima (1995), Species selection for use in Windbreaks Technical report, CIAT/MBAT Santa Cruz (Spanish).

J.M. Johnson y E. Magariños (1995), Alternatives for the integration of agroforestry and forest management practices. Technical report, CIAT/MBAT, Santa Cruz, (Spanish) February 1995

J.M. Johnson (1995) Sustainability indicators of vegetation growth Presented at the Agro-pastoral Workshop organised by PROCITROPICO and CIAT - Colombia, Santa Cruz, (Spanish) October 1995.

J.M. Johnson (1995) Evaluation of the agroforestry research at Centro Agroambiental do Tocantins. Marabá, Para, Brasil, (Spanish) May 1995.

Davies, P., Johnson, J. (1995). Buffer Zones in Lowland Bolivia: Conflicts, Alliances and New Opportunities. Rural Development Forestry Network Paper 18b. Spring 1995. ISSN 0968-2627. Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London.

J.M. Johnson, J.V. Wilkins, S. Adlard, R.G. Barber, and J. Wadsworth, (1995) A multidisciplinary evaluation of forage alley research. Eds G. Thiele, J. Wadsworth y E. Ditchburn. Technical Report No. 23, CIAT/MBAT, Santa Cruz, (Spanish) April 1995

J.M. Johnson (1997) Report on the monitoring of the campesino sustainable forest management project on colonist farms to the north of Santa Rosa del Sara. (Choré Forest Reserve. Strategic Plan for the Development of the Ichilo and Sara Provinces PRODISA-Ip-GTZ., (Spanish) June 1997.

J.M. Johnson y R. Vélez R, (1998) . Villa Tunari: forest management in a coca growing municipality. Case study published in Municipalities and forest management in the bolivian tropics Editors Pablo Pacheco B., and David Kaimowitz. (Spanish) CIFOR, CEDLA, TIERRA y BOLFOR.

D. Kaimowitz, Pacheco, P, Johnson, J., Pavez, I., Vallejos, C. and Vélez, R. (1998) Local governments and Forests in the Bolivian lowlands. Rural Development Forestry Network. Network paper 24b, Winter 1998-99. Overseas Development Institute.

L-M. Calvo, Johnson, J. M. and van Dam, C (1999) Report on the mid-term evaluation of the indigenous peoples participatory, sustainable forest management project APCOB-HIVOS, Santa Cruz, October 1999.


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