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Marco Renán Robles Morillo

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Assessment of Goods and Services from land use systems of small farmers in Amazon



Robles, M. 2005. Proposal of environmental monitoring on Cofan Territory located in Cayambe-Coca and Cofan Bermejo Reserves. EcoCiencia. Conservation of Managed Indigenous Areas Project (CAIMAN). Quito, Ecuador. 62 p.

Robles, M; Campaña, J; Camacho, J. 2005. Evaluation of Management of protected areas located in Condor Biorreserve. EcoCiencia. Paks in Peril Project. Quito, Ecuador. 89 p.

Robles, M. 2004. Analysis of key factors for the establishment of a community-based forestry enterprise in the Reserva Etnica Awa. Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). Thesis Magister Scientae. Turrialba, Costa Rica. 98p.

Schenk, K; Robles, M. 2004. Feasibility Study to conform a Community Forest Enterprise (EFC) in the Awa territory. Ecuadorian Awa Communities Federation (FCAE). Ibarra, Ecuador. 270 p.

Arroyo, B; Quiroga, V; Robles, M. 2001. Ecologic-Economic Zoning of Sucumbios Province. IX Latin-American Symposium of Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems. Misiones, Argentina. 2p.

Robles, M. 1999. Ecologic-Economic Zoning of Sucumbios Province. Thesis Geographic Engineer. Army Polytechnic School (ESPE). Sangolqui, Ecuador. 122p.


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