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New publication: Mixed tropical tree plantations are more resistent to drought stress

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Fünf-Baumarten-Mischung auf einem Feld des Sardinilla-Experiments. Foto: Florian Schnabel

Forests with a large variety of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures: scientists from the University of Freiburg have confirmed this with data from the world’s oldest field trial on the diversity of tropical tree species. The team around PhD student Florian Schnabel has published its results in the journal Global Change Biology.


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Original publication:

Schnabel, F., Schwarz, J., Dănescu, A., Fichtner, A., Nock, C., Bauhus, J., Potvin, C. (2019): Drivers of productivity and its temporal stability in a tropical tree diversity experiment. Global Change Biology, 00, 1-16, (open access).

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