Sie sind hier: Startseite News & Events Floodplain forests under threat: researchers at the University of Freiburg warn of the effects of summer drought

Floodplain forests under threat: researchers at the University of Freiburg warn of the effects of summer drought

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 Photo: Albert Reif

A team from the Institute of Forest Sciences at the University of Freiburg shows that the extraction of ground water for industry and households is increasingly damaging floodplain forests in Europe given the increasing intensity and length of drought periods in the summer. The scientists have published their results in the journal  „Frontiers In Forests and Global Change".


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Original publication:

Skiadaresis G, Schwarz J A, Bauhus J (2019): Groundwater extraction in floodplain forests reduces radial growth and increases summer drought sensitivity of pedunculate oak trees (Quercus robur L.). Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2, 5 (open access).



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