Der Wissenschaftliche Beirat für Waldpolitik (WBW) hat am 3. November 2021 sein Gutachten zur Anpassung von Wäldern und Waldwirtschaft an den Klimawandel veröffentlicht. Auf der Basis aktueller wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse benennt der Beirat darin die wesentlichen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wälder und die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten in den verschiedenen Bereichen der Waldnutzung. In 13 Handlungsfeldern spricht der dass die vielfältigen Ökosystemleistungen der Wälder auch zukünftigen Generationen zur Verfügung stehen. Eine zentrale Empfehlung des Gutachtens lautet, Waldbesitzende für die Anpassungsfähigkeit ihrer Wäl
Also in this section
- David Forrester receives Heisenberg-Scholarship
- European forest scientists discuss suitability of close-to-nature silviculture for adapting temperate European forests to climate change
- Jürgen Bauhus and Jan Bannister obtain "IUFRO Scientific Awards 2014"
- New book: Ecosystem Goods and Services from Plantation Forests
- New book: A produção familiar como alternativa de um desenvolvimento sustentável para a Amazônia
- Retention Forestry - the way to go, say international experts in "BioScience"
- Pilgerodendron uviferum old-growth can be eliminated from the landscape by severe fires - Publication in "Ecosystems"
- Meta-analysis confirms suitability of group planting of oaks - Publication in "Forest Ecology & Management"
- Long and shady shelterwood situations may lead to instable root systems in naturally regenerated Douglas fir
- Douglas fir is not more storm resistant than Norway spruce - Results from long-term forest growth experiments in southwestern Germany
- PioWood: New research project on utilization of fast growing pioneer trees
- Periodic thinning operations seem to promote the dominance of non-indigenous northern red oak in the regeneration layer of European mixed hardwood forests
- Growth of spruce and fir benefits from mixed-species neighbourhoods of these species
- Increased tree species richness & similar stand productivity: oak cluster planting compared to traditional row planting.
- Wild Service Tree outlasts continuous cover of Sessile Oak.
- Friederike Lang und Jürgen Bauhus in den Wissenschaftlichen Beirat für Waldpolitik berufen
- Tree species interactions in mixed stands are not static - they change temporally and spatially
- Oak-Cluster planting: Intra- and interspecific competition differently influence stem quality
- A new index of forest management intensity
- Estimating the light absorption by individual species within mixed-species forests