Awards & Honours
Adrian Dănescu receives the 2019 Thurn und Taxis Forestry Prize
Florian Schnabel receives Hansjürg-Steinlin Preis 2019 for outstanding M.Sc. thesis
Angela de Avila has received IUFRO award for outstanding dissertation
Valentina Vitali receives the Göttinger Prize for Forest Ecosystem Research 2018
Dr. Angela de Avila has received Thurn und Taxis Incentive Award for Forest Sciences 2017
Prof. Dr. Christian Messier receives Humboldt Research Award
Jürgen Bauhus and Jan Bannister obtain "IUFRO Scientific Awards 2014"
Julia Sohn was awarded the „Göttinger Preis Waldökosystemforschung“ 2014
Steinlin-Preis 2013 for Jan Bannister and Gregor Seitz
"Thurn und Taxis Förderpreis 2012" for Patrick Pyttel
"GfÖ-Master Award 2011" for Tamalika Chakraborty
"Deutscher Forstwissenschaftspreis 2010" for Dr. Stefanie Gärtner
Hansjürg Steinlin-Preis 2009 for Raffael Kratzer