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Small farmer forest management practices in the Amazon: An analysis of the conditions that promote innovation
abgeschlossen 12/2010
Small-scale farming in the Amazon: a one way or the way ahead for sustainable development: a case study from the Trans-Amazon highway in Brazil
abgeschlossen 12/2019
Development of a national forestry master in Argentina
abgeschlossen 12/2013
Forest community organization in a changing market environment: the case of Mexican ejidos
abgeschlossen 01/2016
Learning for adaptation to Climate Change: Analysis of adaptation strategies of smallholders in the Argentinean Chaco forest as a basis for effective mobilization of local potentials on sustainable natural resource management
abgeschlossen 10/2013
German bilateral development cooperation in the forest sector: A critical reflection based on the analysis of forest-related development initiatives from Indonesia, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
abgeschlossen 12/2015
Restoration and reclamation of mined-out areas and other degraded lands for biodiversity conservation and rural development in Burkina Faso: a chance for local people?
abgeschlossen 10/2017
Governance of knowledge and applied research about community forestry in Honduras
abgeschlossen 03/2018
Putting environmental discourses into policies: The case study of Bolivia
abgeschlossen 01/2021
Support to the Development of Agroforestry Concessions in Peru (SUCCESS)
abgeschlossen 02/2018
Climate Change and Urban (Political) Violence in Sub-Sahara Africa
abgeschlossen 01/20
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