Guiding early silvicultural interventions through predicting canopy and crown dynamics in plantations of sub-tropical eucalypts
concluded 06/2008
This project aims to establish the scientific basis for silvicultural treatments of eucalypt plantations for clear wood production. While eucalypt plantations in north-eastern NSW have dramatically increased in recent times, the knowledge base for the production of clear, branch-free wood from the tree species used does not exist. A physiological, mechanistic understanding of crown and canopy dynamics as well as branch shedding will form the scientific foundation for stand manipulations such as pruning and thinning to enhance wood quality. Project outcomes will provide the basis for a stand management simulation model for the most important eucalypt species.
Specifically the project is testing the following three management related hypotheses:
- The plasticity of green crowns (length, shape, number and size of branches) in response to stand density and spatial arrangement is greater in the more shade-tolerant eucalypts than in the intolerant eucalypts.
- The effect of green crown pruning on biomass production in eucalypts can be related to the amount of foliage removed, the nutrient status of the pruned foliage, the water status of pruned trees and the shade tolerance of the species.
- Leaf area index and thus green crown length is more closely related to site quality, water and nutrient availability, in the more shade-tolerant eucalypts than in shade intolerant species.
Project partners: | Australian National University, State Forests of New South Wales, Freiburg University |
Funding: | Australian Research Council |
Duration: | Feb. 2004 – Dec. 2007 |