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Effective Development Support through Consideration of Endogenous Potentials: An Analysis of Three Case Studies in India.


Against the background of the Millennium Declaration 2000, ratified in New York by 189 countries, the research will identify options for promoting poor smallholders in rural areas in their attempt to effectively use and manage their natural resources for sustainable development. While acknowledging the link between intact natural resources and the livelihoods of the poor, the research will provide important insights for international and national development organisations in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), especially MDG 1 – halving the proportion of people living in extreme poverty and hunger, and MDG 7 – ensuring environmental sustainability.

After observing limited success of external development initiatives in offsetting the deterioration in the condition of natural resources worldwide, the research works with the hypothesis that the more effective consideration of endogenous processes based on local knowledge and institutions is one key for successful rural development initiatives. The research compares the concepts of modernisation and diffusion of innovation with those of dependence theory and education for liberation to draft practical recommendations for effectively linking external and endogenous processes to achieve sustainable development contributing to local well-being. While focussing on the role, potential and capacity of local governmental organisations relevant for local development, the research intends to study the compatibility of external and endogenous processes as a basis for discussing options for more effective development strategies. Finally, key variables for identifying and promoting endogenous development potentials will be derived.

The research uses a GTZ project (Indo-German Changar Eco Development Project) in Himachal Pradesh, India and two millennium villages of the German Agro Action (DWHH) in Jharkhand & West Bengal, India respectively as case studies.

Keywords: endogenous processes, endogenous development, development cooperation, millennium development goals, local institutions

SupervisorDr. Benno Pokorny
ResearcherSiddharth Prakash
SponsorFriedrich-Naumann-Foundation German Agro Action- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DWHH/ GAA)
TimeframeApril 2007 – März 2010
Main partnersGerman Agro Action- Deutsche Welthungerhilfe (DWHH/ GAA) German Agency for Technical Cooperation - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit - GTZ


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