Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: What do criteria and indicators assess? An analysis of five C&I sets relevant for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon.
International Forestry Review 5 (1). 20-28.
The diversity of criteria and indicators (C&I) sets is often a cause for uncertainty and confusion, and probably one of the reasons for the still unsatisfactory acceptance of C&I as a support for implementation of sustainable forest management. In order to address this erosion of confidence in C&I the paper evaluates the diversity of five C&I sets (CIFOR, ACM, FSC, ITTO and Tarapoto) relevant for the Brazilian Amazon by analyzing frequencies of C&I in relation to parameters about content and quality. The study demonstrated that the C&I sets, although addressing the social, technical, ecological and economic dimensions of sustainability, exhibit different thematic foci. A general lack of validity was attested as well as missing specificity and practicability of the indicators. In order to increase objectivity and transparency, the C&I have to reflect more clearly and unambiguously what is actually assessed. It is recommended to include a discussion about verifiers and assessment methods in the development of C&I sets. To avoid misunderstandings and to introduce the possibility for less complex and more practicable C&I sets, we recommend constriction of the objective of the assessment to more clearly serve the potential clients and frame-conditions for its application.
Keywords: Criteria and Indicators, sustainability, forest management, Amazon region