Abgeschlossene Projekte: Arbeitsbereich "Waldwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung"
Restoration of degraded natural forests in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam
concluded 12/2004
Scientific support of the Sino-German GTZ program “Sustainable Management of forests in Western China”, in particular the activities of component 2 “Sustainable Forestry”
concluded 12/2007
Small farmer forest management practices in the Amazon: An analysis of the conditions that promote innovation
concluded 12/2010
Small-scale farming in the Amazon: a one way or the way ahead for sustainable development: a case study from the Trans-Amazon highway in Brazil
concluded 12/2019
Sustainable Management of Production Forests at the Commercial Scale in the Brazilian Amazon Project PD 57/99 Rev. 2 (F)
concluded 01/2008
Tropical forest dynamic after logging: natural regeneration and growth of commercial tree species in the south-east Cameroon
concluded 10/2010