Restoration of degraded natural forests in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam
abgeschlossen 12/2004
Zuammenfassung | |
In the North Central Coastal region of Vietnam most natural forests have disappeared or are highly degraded. Therefore, forest restoration is receiving increasing attention but scientific support is urgently needed. The local forest users are demanding practical advice on how to increase production of the desired timber products. The purpose of this study is to provide analytical tools and silvicultural recommendations. The detailed objectives are: (1) identification of the features and analysis of the structure of degraded natural forests, (2) evaluation of the timber species composition in different degraded forest types, (3) selection of indigenous timber species for forest restoration and (4) the recommendation of appropriate silvicultural systems for the degraded forests of the region. Degraded natural forests in the North Central Coast region of Vietnam are diverse in terms of species diversity and structure. Uncontrolled timber extraction has altered the forest structure, species composition and distribution. A cluster analysis served to classify the prevailing forest types. Three forest types were identified in the Baigao production forest. The significant differences between the forest types related to disturbance frequency and intensity. A filter analysis revealed the 14 tree species most appropriate for the restoration of degraded natural forests in the region. From this list ten tree species were recommended to cater for ecological restoration needs. In order to transform production forests into valuable timber forests seven tree species were identified. These species were deemed most appropriate for this objective on the basis of both the local and the export market for their timber and timber products. Approximately 20 % of the studied forest areas were found to require enrichment planting on the basis of ecological considerations because tree species fundamental to the respective forest types had disappeared. The planting of seven key tree species was deemed necessary to achieve the targets for production forests for approximately 80 % of the total forest area. | |
Projektbearbeitung: | Ho Dac Thai Hoang |
Projektleitung: | Prof. Dr. J. Huss |
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