Abgeschlossene Projekte im Arbeitsbereich Waldbau
Assessment of potential trade-offs between strategies to increase carbon stock and adaptive capacities of forests under climate change
concluded 2016/07
BuTaKli: subproject ALU1: Does mixing beech (fagus sylvatica) and fir (abies alba) improve the tolerance of trees to drought stress?
concluded 01/2020
Can the drought tolerance of European beech be improved by thinning interventions?
concluded 05/2016
Can the drought tolerance of Norway spruce and European beech be improved through liming?
concluded 02/2019
Can the resistance and resilience of trees to drought be increased through thinning to adapt forests to climate change?
concluded 07/2015
ConFoBi: Subproject A2 Retention of structural elements in selectively used forests
concluded 01/2020
Conservation through utilization – multifunctional development of coppice forests in Rhineland-Palatinate
concluded 12/2011
Decay dynamics and carbon sequestration of lying coarse woody debris (CWD) of Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris
concluded 2016/12
Development of a simulation framework to analyze synergies and trade-offs between different multiple production goals and related carbon dynamics in the sub-tropical forests of China (subproject of the BMBF project “Lin²Value")
concluded 09/2015
Development of methods to characterise plant available phosphorus in large scale forest soil inventories
concluded 03/2015
Development of tree quality, productivity, and diversity in oak (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) stands established by cluster planting
concluded 12/2012
Ecological Effects of Energy Nurse Crops - Forest Restoration and Biomass Production
concluded 12/2014
Effects of nurse tree species on growth, environment and physiology of underplanted Toona ciliata (F. Muell.).
concluded 03/2009
Effects of tree species diversity on availability, uptake and use efficiency of nutrients in a subtropical tree species diversity experiment
concluded 01/2020
Energie-Vorwälder - Alternative Bewirtschaftungsformen zur Steigerung der energetisch nutzbaren Biomasse im Wald durch Integration von schnellwachsenden Baumarten
concluded 12/2011
Factors controlling phosphorous availability and their relevance for phosphorous nutrition of forest stands (DFG SPP 1685)
concluded 01/2018
Functional significance of forest biodiversity for timber quality - effects of interspecific competition on crown characteristics and stem properties
concluded 01/2018
FUNWOOD - The effect of forest management intensity on the diversity of wood-decaying fungi and dead wood decomposition
concluded 01/2018
Gap dynamics and regeneration in a near-natural calcareous beech forest in the Hainich National Park
concluded 12/2007