Sebastian Mayr
Research Associate
D-79104 Freiburg im Breisgau
Room 813
Tel. 0761/203-3680
Reseach interests:
agroforestry, agri-environmental measures (AEMs), payments for
ecosystem services, policy evaluation, policy instruments, carbon
markets, carbon dioxide removal (CDR), climate policy.
Agroforst, Agrarumwelt- und Klimamaßnahmen (AUKMs), Honorierung
von Ökosystemleistungen, Politikevaluierung, Politikinstrumente,
Kohlenstoffmärkte, Kohlenstoffentnahme, Klimapolitik.
The CDR-PoEt project (Carbon Dioxide Removal Options: Policies and Ethics) is a principle-based, stakeholder-led, transparent approach to researching possible political instruments and fairness implications for carbon dioxide removal (CDR). Concrete policy options for scaling agroforestry practice are identified and evaluated on the basis of guiding principles that will allow examining its economic, socio-cultural and institutional feasibility.
The doctorate researchers will work in two case study regions: the Brazilian Amazon and the trinational Upper Rhine.
Duration: Nov. 2021 - Oct. 2024
Peer-reviewed journal publications:
Mayr, S., Pokorny, B., Montero-de-Oliveira, F.-E., Reinecke, S. (forthcoming): Scaling agroforestry through Payments for Ecosystem Services: A scoping review.
Benichou, L. & Mayr, S. (2014): Rogeaulito: a world energy scenario modeling tool for transparent energy system thinking. Frontiers in Energy Research 1, 13
Erdmenger, C., Lehmann, H., Müschen, K ., Tambke, J., Mayr, S., Kuhnhenn, K. (2009): A climate protection strategy for Germany—40% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990. Energy Policy 37 (1), 158-165
Other publications:
Galt, H., Brescia, D., Mayr, S. (2017): Linking the Clean Development Mechanism with the Green Climate Fund: Insights from Practitioners and Decision Makers in Africa.
Michaelowa, A., Greiner, S., Hoch,S., Le Saché, F., Brescia, D., Galt, H., Mayr, S. (2016): The Paris Agreement: The future relevance of UNFCCC-backed carbon markets for Africa. Policy Brief.
Mayr, S. (2014): Book Review: Europeanization of Environmental Policy in the New Europe by Mats Braun. LSE Review of Books.
Mayr, S. (2014): Book Review: The Greenest Nation ? by Frank Uekötter, LSE Review of Books.
Mayr, S. (2009): CDM Projekte im Süden: Ein langer Weg bis zur Genehmigung, in: Berne Declaration: E-Mission Impossible: Das globale Feilschen um die Reduktion der Treibhausgase,14-16
Möller, K., Mayr, S. (2008): Klimaschutzprojekte in der Schweiz, Vollzugsweisung zur Durchführung von Kompensationsmassnahmen.
Mayr, S., Michaelowa A. (2008): Empirical analysis of performance of CDM projects from registration to CER issuance. Climate Strategies.
Conference contributions:
Mayr, S., Pokorny, B., Montero-de-Oliveira, F.-E., Reinecke, S. (2024): Scaling agroforestry through Payments for Ecosystem Services: A scoping review. Poster presentation at the 3rd international conference on Negative CO2 emissions. 18-21 June 2024. Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford.
Mayr, S. (2024): Effectiveness of Payments for Ecosystem Services in support of Agroforestry in the trinational Upper Rhine. In: Lojka, B. and Hoffmannová, S. (2024): EURAF 2024. Abstract book. Agroforestry – regenerating landscapes and diversifying production in Europe. 28.–31. 5. 2024. Brno. (p. 399). Poster presentation.
Mayr, S., Pokorny, B., Montero-de-Oliveira, F.-E., Reinecke, S. (2024): Scaling agroforestry through Payments for Ecosystem Services: A scoping review. In: Lojka, B. and Hoffmannová, S. (2024): EURAF 2024. Abstract book. Agroforestry – regenerating landscapes and diversifying production in Europe. 28.–31. 5. 2024. Brno. (p. 402). Oral presentation.
Hajdukovic, I., Coello, J., Armengot, L., Dibari, C., Jimenez-de-Santiago, D., Jiménez Martinez, M., Kasargodu Anebagilu, P., Mayr, S., Niether, W. (2024): Carbon farming: an emerging opportunity to promote agroforestry. In: Lojka, B. and Hoffmannová, S. (2024): EURAF 2024. Abstract book. Agroforestry – regenerating landscapes and diversifying production in Europe. 28.–31. 5. 2024. Brno. (p. 395-396). Poster presentation.
Montero-de-Oliveira, F.-E., Mayr, S., Reinecke, S. (2024): CDR PoEt - Chancen und Herausforderungen für neue
Agroforstsysteme in Deutschland und darüber hinaus. In: Agrarforschung zum Klimawandel Konferenz der Deutschen Agrarforschungsallianz, 11.-14.03.2024, Potsdam. (p.34, p.39)
Bellon, S., Werner, S., Amato, F., Ortiz, D., Savin, C. Mayr, S., Warlop, F., Cornie, S.K., Falquet, M., Rousselou, E. (2022): Applying the Principles of Syntropic Agriculture to Mediterranean Situations. 6th European Agroforestry Conference, EURAF2022, Nuoro, Italy on May 16-20, 2022.
Mayr, S. (2007): Market Survey: Analysts and Market Participants Forecasts for 2008-2012. Summary of the Major Carbon Market Studies. International Emissions Trading Conference 2007, Prague Congress Centre, May 15, 2007.
Teaching contributions:
Agroforestry systems, Seminar at Master's Level, 2024, University of Freiburg.
Ecosystem Management, Seminar at Master's Level, 2023, University of Freiburg. (TA)
Energy Economics, Seminar at Master's Level,2012, Sciences Po Paris (TA)
Decarbonisation Pathways and Renewable Energies, Seminar at Master's Level, 2012, Sciences Po Paris (TA)
Network Energies, Seminar at Master's Level, 2012, Sciences Po Paris (TA)
Climatic Change; Frontiers in Energy Research; Energy Policy;
M.Sc. Politics of the World Economy, London School of Economics and Political Science
M.A. Public Policy and Management, University of Konstanz
Certificat d'Etudes Politiques, SciencesPo Grenoble
10+ years of experience in the development of international carbon credits.