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Dr. Mélanie Feurer

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin












Thematische Schwerpunkte

  • Land use dynamics in tropical forest frontiers
  • Community forestry and agroforestry
  • Ecosystem services
  • Climate change adaptation and resilience


BSc Waldwissenschaften & BSc Umweltwissenschaften

MSc Environmental Governance
  • Forestry and Rural Development



  • EcoSiPaS - Improving the sustainable management of the Brazilian Cerrado through quantifying and valorising ecosystem services of autochthonous silvopastoral systems
  • Community forestry and climate resilience - a global systematic review
  • FRIAS Projektgruppe "Socio-ecological diversity"
  • MixForChange
  • Special Issue "Effects of community participation in forest management on the development of rural and local institutions"


Publikationen (peer-reviewed)

Sanogo NDM, Dayamba SD, Renaud FG, Feurer M, 2022. From wooded savannah to farmland and settlement: Population growth, drought, energy needs and cotton price incentives driving changes in Wacoro, Mali. Land, 11 (12).

Malek Z, Loeffen M, Feurer M, Verburg PH, 2022. Regional disparities in impacts of climate extremes require targeted adaptation of Fairtrade supply chains. One Earth, 5 (8).

Feurer M, Rueff H, Celio E, Heinimann A, Blaser J, Htun AM, Zaehringer JG, 2021. Regional scale mapping of ecosystem services supply, demand, flow and mismatches in Southern Myanmar. Ecosystem Services, 52. 

Feurer M, 2021. Ecosystem services for communities in forest frontiers: An assessment of nature's benefits to local stakeholders under different land use and tenure systems in a tropical frontier landscape in Myanmar. Doctoral thesis. University of Bern, Switzerland.

Feurer M, Zaehringer JG, Heinimann A, Naing SM, Blaser J, Celio E, 2021. Quantifying local ecosystem service outcomes by modelling their supply, demand and flow in Myanmar's forest frontier landscape. Journal of Land Use Science, 19 (2), 1-39.

Fromm I, Feurer M, Mengel S, 2020. Sustainable palm oil production in Honduras: Myth or reality? International Review of Modern Sociology, 46 (1-2), 79-101.

Schneider F, Feurer M, [...], Messerli P, 2020. Sustainable development under competing claims on land: Three pathways between land-use changes, ecosystem services and human well-being. The European Journal of Development Research, 32 (2), 316-337.

Feurer M, Heinimann A, Schneider F, Jurt C, Myint W, Zaehringer JG, 2019. Local perspectives on ecosystem service trade-offs in a forest frontier landscape in Myanmar. Land, 8 (3), 45ff. 

Feurer M, Gritten D, Than MM, 2018. Community forestry for livelihoods: Benefiting from Myanmar's mangroves. Forests, 9 (3), 150ff.


Andere Veröffentlichungen und Präsentationen

Feurer M, 2022. Co-benefits of restoring mangrove ecosystems and livelihoods for the poor - Case study in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady Delta. Oral presentation, All-IUFRO Conference, 21 - 23 September 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Feurer M, 2022. Myanmar at a crossroad - how will medium-term political scenarios affect nature and people? Oral presentation, Myanmar Conference, 1 - 3 September 2022, Berlin, Germany.

Feurer M, 2021. Ecosystem services from community forests in Myanmar's frontier landscape. Oral presentation, Hugo P. Cechini Institute Annual Event, 15 June 2021, Zollikofen, Switzerland.

Feurer M, Caillard I, Geisler E, Damnyag L, Kokou K, 2021. Integrating smallholders into forest landscape restoration. Tropical Forest Update 30 (3-4).

Thompson I, Blaser J, Feurer M, 2021. Two organizations and a common goal: The aim of the ITTO-CBD Collaborative Initiative for Tropical Forest Biodiversity [...]. International Tropical Timber Organization. Tropical Forest Update, 30 (1).

ITTO, 2020. Contribution to the "Guidelines for forest landscape restoration in the tropics". ITTO Policy Development Series No. 24. International Tropical Timber Organization, Yokohama, Japan.

Feurer M, Blaser J, Heinimann A, Zaehringer JG, 2019. Trade-offs from tree crop expansion in Myanmar's forest frontier landscapes. Oral presentation, World Agroforestry Congress, 20 - 25 May 2019, Montpellier, France.

Feurer M, 2019. Land im Wandel - Wie reagiert Myanmar's ländliche Bevölkerung auf veränderte Ökosystemleistungen? Blog, ESP-DE,

Feurer M, Blaser J, Gritten D, Than MM, 2016. People and mangroves: The role of community forests for climate change adaptation in the Ayeyarwady Delta, Myanmar. Poster presentation, Tropentag, 18 - 21 September 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Feurer M, 2016. People and mangroves - towards a changing future in the Ayeyarwady Delta. Blog, RECOFTC, 

Agyei K, Agyememan VK, Asare RA, Asante WA, Benefoh DT, Blaser J, Damnyag L, Deppeler A, Feurer M, Foli EG, Heeb L, Kofie W, Klossner M, Kyereh B, Kwakye Y, Oduro KA, 2014. REDD+ in agricultural landscapes: evidence from Ghana's REDD+ process. ITTO, Yokohama, Japan.



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