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Dr. Sabine Reinecke

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Sabine Reinecke





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CDR-PoEt – Carbon Dioxide Removal Options: Policies and Ethics

The CDR-PoEt project examines policy instruments for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) from the atmosphere and their fairness implications based on recognized policy principles and stakeholder deliberations. ALU Freiburg holds responsible for project coordination and case studies (esp. Agroforestry).


Capacity Building in Carbon Forestry (CBCF)
04.2019 – 03.2023
Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
The project supports forestry experts from developing countries in getting access to trainings in the field of sustainable forest management approaches that are aimed at conserving / increasing the carbon content in forest ecosystems (Carbon Forestry). As part of the project, selected participants receive a scholarship as a financial support for their participation in the course ”Carbon Forestry”. The course is offered annually by the Chair of Silviculture of Freiburg University.
Forestry Higher Education Advancement in Laos  (FORHEAL)
04.2019 – 10.2020

Funding: EU Erasmus + Program
Main goal of the project is to strengthen the forest-related higher education system in Laos to  improve domestic capacity to sustainably manage forests for the benefit of the people and the environment, while at the same time enabling Laos to effectively respond to the demands and opportunities of international processes (e.g. Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement on Climate Change).

"High Ambitions“ jenseits von REDD+: Wege zur Involvierung privater Akteure in Forest Landscape Restoration
04.2017 - 12.2018
Funding: Federal Ministry for Research and Education, Program: „Beitrag zum IPCC Sonderbericht 1,5 Grad Erwärmung“
project partners Perspectives (gGmbH), Professur Forst- und Umweltpolitik, Seminar für Wissenschaftliche Politik)
Sub-project in TABEK: Transformative Ambitionssteigerung - Der Beitrag effektiver Klimapolitikinstrumente

Einbindung von REDD+ in das neue Klimaabkommen der UNFCC und Annäherungspotentiale zur CBD
10.2013 - 05.2016
Funding: Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) with funds by Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB)
Das Vorhaben verfolgt das übergeordnete Ziel, die Kohärenz und Konsistenz verschiedener parallel laufender Prozesse und Institutionen in der internationalen Waldpolitik wissenschaftlich zu analysieren und die Auftraggeber mit diesen Analysen bei der Gestaltung der relevanten Prozesse zu unterstützen. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die Entwicklungen zu einem REDD+ Mechanismus unter der UNFCCC bis Ende 2015, aber auch andere für den Themenkomplex Waldnutzung und -schutz in Entwicklungsländern relevante Prozesse innerhalb der fragmentierten Institutionenlandschaft (Fokus auf UNFCCC, CBD, ForestEurope / UNFF).

Integrating Valuations, Markets and Policies for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (INVALUABLE, BioDiVersa)
Marked-based instruments (MBIs) offer efficient alternatives for classical governance approaches in biodiversity policies. However, considering the high complexity, uncertainty and stakes of the issue political decisions need to take into account not only of the best available science but also the preferences and values in society. The sub-project Managing Knowledge and Uncertainty at the Science-Policy Interface departs from this necessity to better integrate science and policy and demonstrates how it can be achieved in practice.

Reshaping Science-Policy Interactions in Climate Policy: International Stock-Taking and Lessons for Austria (ReSciPI)
ReSciPI strives to provide policy-relevant insights on how climate science and climate policy can be integrated in a more productive way. The project builds on an innovative theoretical approach that clearly goes beyond mere “knowledge transfer” and conceptualizes science-policy interactions in an iterative and reflexive manner (“knowledge brokerage”, KB).
Partner: InFER – Institute of Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU, overall coordination)

Governing the climate across the science-state-society divide: Experiences from the REDD+ Partnership and climate services.
11.2011 – 11.2015

Dissertation project/ doctoral thesis at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg.

Protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policies
Funding: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN)/Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
This project analysed the potential risks and opportunities of different REDD+ options regarding the CBD goals for forest biodiversity conservation. Based on the analyses, suggestions were developed on how to create the biggest possible synergies between biodiversity goals and the implementation of REDD+. 



Journal articles (selection)

  • Reinecke, S. and Blum, M., 2018. Discourses across Scales on Forest Landscape Restoration. Sustainability, 10 (3), 613,
  • Blum, M, Reinecke, S. (2017), Towards a Role-Oriented Governance Approach: Insights from Eight Forest Climate Initiatives, Forests, 8, 65; doi:10.3390/f8030065
  • Bauer, A., Pregernig, M., Reinecke, S. (2016): Enacting effective climate policy advice: institutional strategies to foster saliency, credibility and legitimacy, Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, Volume 12, Number 3, August 2016, 341-362
  • Pistorius, Till; Reinecke, Sabine, Carrapatoso, Astrid (2016): Stuck in the past? A historical institutionalist view on merging LULUCF and REDD+ in a post-2020 climate agreement, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics.
  • Reinecke, S. (2015). Knowledge brokerage designs and practices in four European climate services: a role model for biodiversity policies? Environmental Science & Policy, 54, 2015; 513–521.
  • Rodela, R.,  Reinecke, S., Bregt, A., Kilham, E.,  Lapeyre, R. (2015). Challenges to and opportunities for biodiversity science–policy interfaces – Editorial. Environmental Science & Policy,  54: 483–486
  • Reinecke, S., Pistorius, T., Pregernig, M. (2014), UNFCCC and the REDD+ Partnership from a networked governance perspective Environmental Science and Policy. Special Issue: Forests Climate Policy, 35: 30-39
  • Pistorius, T., Reinecke, S. (2013), The interim REDD+ Partnership: Boost for biodiversity safeguards? Forest Policy and Economics, 36: 80-86.
  • Pistorius T, Schmitt CB, Benick D, Entenmann S, Reinecke S (2011): Greening REDDplus – challenges and opportunities for integrating biodiversity safeguards at and across policy levels. Allgemeine Forst- und Jagdzeitung 182:82-98
  • Pregernig M, Reinecke S: Führungskompetenz in Nachhaltigkeitsfragen. Internationaler interdisziplinärer Master of Science "Environmental Governance" an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Soziologie, 2010 (1): 51-56.

Books, book chapters, reports, policy briefs (selection)

  • Negi, S., Walsh, J, Eshmatov, S., Reinecke, S., Schmidt-Vogt, D., Azizov, S (2022): Integrated Land Use Management Systems in Uzbekistan: Literature Review, Case studies and Governance recommendations. A contribution to the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) “Conservation and sustainable use of cold winter deserts in Central Asia” project. Output 1 in fulfilment of the letter of Agreement between University of Freiburg and FAO.

  • Walsh, J., Eshmatov, S., von Detten, R., Greiner, E., Azizov, S., Negi, S., Reinecke, S., Schmidt-Vogt, D. (2022) Integrated Land Use Management Systems in Uzbekistan pt.2: Literature Review, Case studies and Business recommendations. A contribution to the Central Asian Desert Initiative (CADI) “Conservation and sustainable use of cold winter deserts in Central Asia” project; Output 2 in fulfilment of the letter of Agreement between University of Freiburg and FAO.

  • Reinecke, S, Weber, A-K, Michaelowa, A, Schnepf, S, Christensen, J. (2020): Germany's contribution to the Forest and Climate Protection programme REDD+. German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn

  • Reinecke, S, Blum, M, Geck, A (2018): Accelerating Forest Landscape Restoration: Key Governance Factors. GLF Brief 11.

  • Michaelowa, A., Reinecke, S., Hoch, S., Geck, A., Blum, M., Honegger, M., Arenz, C. (2018): The political economy of achieving 1.5°C: Potential and limitations of climate policy instruments. Policy Brief to the research project “Raising Transformative Ambitions - Contributions of Effective Climate Instruments” (TABEK), Perspectives Climate Research/University of Freiburg.
  • Kilham, E., Reinecke, S. (2015), “Biggest bang for your buck”: Conservation triage and priority-setting for species management in Australia and New Zealand. INVALUABLE Policy Brief, 0115, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 2015.
  • Kilham, E., Rodela, R., Reinecke, S. (2015), Challenges to and opportunities for biodiversity science-policy interfaces: An exploration of knowledge integration in the context of economic approaches. Report from the expert workshop held in Freiburg, Germany, 3rd/4th March 2014, INVALUABLE.
  • Reinecke, S., Hermann, A.T., Bauer, A, Pregernig, M., Hogl, K., Pistorius, T. (2013), Innovative climate policy advice: Case studies from Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. Vienna: Institute for Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at BOKU Vienna, INFER Research Report. 01/2013.
  • Reinecke, S., Hermann, A.T., Bauer, A, Pregernig, M., Hogl, K., Pistorius, T. (2013): Scientific climate policy advice: An overview of national forms of institutionalization. Vienna: Institute for Forest, Environmental, and Natural Resource Policy at BOKU Vienna, INFER Research Report. 02/2013.
  • Schmitt, C.B., Pistorius, T., Entenmann, S., Reinecke, S., Benick, D., Delgado, J., Wendt, V. (Hrsg.): The Protection of Forests under Global Biodiversity and Climate Policies: Policy Options and Case Studies on Greening REDD+ German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), 2013 (BfN Schriftenreihe 344). (download:
  • Faber, Fenn; Jay, Marion; Reinecke, Sabine, Westermayer, Till (2011). Entscheidungen mit Umweltfolgen zwischen Freiheit und Zwang: Tagungsband der 7. Tagung der Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie (NGU); Arbeitsbericht 55-2011 des Instituts für Forstökonomie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. http:///
  • Reinecke, S.; Pistorius, T.; Schmitt, C.B.; Hauber, J.; Winkel, G. (2008). The environmental leader entangled in institutional chains? An analysis of the EU role in international forest biodiversity policy using the case of genetically modified trees. Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies & Berkeley Center on Institutions and Governance (eds.): Managing Biosafety and Biodiversity in a Global World: EU, US, California and Comparative Perspective.

Conference contributions (written)

  • Reinecke, S, Blum, M (2016), With or without the climate agreement: transnational forest climate governance in practice. 1st international Forest Policy Meeting Göttingen, 16.-18.03.2016.
  • Bauer, A., Hermann, A.T., Reinecke, S.: Between Exclusion and Dialogue: Scientific Policy Advice and Climate Change Skepticism. 2014 (Changing climate change communication: A conference on the interactions between culture, society and language in the context of global warming, 21-22 July 2014, Amsterdam).
  • Freiberg, H., Bietta, F., Verdieck, J., Perea Blazquez, A.K., Reinecke, S.: Presentation of the VRD Working Group on survey results about role, functionality, user-friendliness and alternatives to the VRD. 2014 (REDD+ Partnership Meeting, 09.06.2014, Bonn, Hotel Kanzler).
  • Bauer, A., Pregernig, M., Reinecke, S., Hermann A.T.: Towards effective climate policy advice:Institutional strategies to create saliency, credibility and legitimacy. 2013 (1st International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP), JUN 26-28, 2013, Grenoble, France).
  • Bauer, A., Pregernig, M., Reinecke, S.: Gut beraten? Internationaler Überblick zu Formen wissenschaftlicher Beratung in der Klimapolitik. 2013 (14. Österreichischer Klimatag, 4.-5. April 2013, Wien).
  • Hermann, A.T., Bauer, A., Pregernig, M., Reinecke, S., Hogl, K., Pistorius, T.: Gut beratene Klimapolitik? Internationale Innovationen und Schlussfolgerungen für Österreich. 2014 (15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014, 03-04 April, Innsbruck, Austria.).
  • Pregernig, M., Reinecke, S., Bauer, A.: Beyond the edge of the board: typology and assessment of innovative forms of knowledge brokerage in climate policy. 2012 (Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change ‘Evidence for Sustainable Development’, 05-06 October 2012, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.).
  • Pistorius, T., Reinecke S: Die REDD+ Partnerschaft im Kontext der UNFCCC 2012 (Int. Forstpolitikertreffen, Baden-Baden, 29.3.2012).
  • Entenmann S, Reinecke S, Benick D, Schmitt CB, Pistorius T (2012): Greening REDD+: challenges and opportunities for forest biodiversity conservation. Progress of research in the BfN-funded project "The Protection of Forests under Global Biodiversity and Climate Policy." Conference: European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change - Science, Practice and Policy, 2011.04.12.-13. in Bonn, Germany. In: Korn H, Kraus K, Stadler J (Eds.) Proceedings of the Conference. BfN-Skripten 310, Bonn, pp 51-53
  • Pistorius, T., Reinecke, S.: The interim REDD+ partnership: Boost or bust for REDD+ under the UNFCCC? 2011 (Freiburg Conference on: Forest Biodiversity in a Changing Climate: Understanding Conservation Strategies and Policies, 22-23 September 2011, Freiburg).
  • Reinecke, S.;, Pistorius, T.;, Schmitt, C.B.;, Hauber, J.;, Winkel, G.: The environmental leader entangled in institutional chains? – An analysis of the EU role in international forest biodiversity policy using the case of genetically modified trees. 2008 (Managing Biosafety and Biodiversity in a Global World: EU, US, California and Comparative Perspective), Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies & Berkeley Center on Institutions and Governance (Hrsg).

Conference speeches /moderation (selection)

  • Reinecke, S. Geck, A., Blum, M.: “Quadruple wins through Forest Landscapes Restoration?” presentation, side event “Underpinning ambitious NDCs compatible with a 1.5 °C emissions pathway” with Morocco @COP 24 Katowice, 14 Dec 2018
  • Reinecke, S. "The Paris Agreement and the Nexus of water, energy and food: Policy coherence and serious games", moderation of side event by Sim4nexus project at UNFCCC COP 24 Katowice, 14 Dec 2018
  • „Energie, Klima, Nachhaltigkeit“ Moderation of talk by Prof. Mojib Latif, 24 Oct 2018, Uni Freiburg
  • Reinecke, S., Bwire, D.. Update on the Global Landscapes Forum’s Knowledge Hub. Presentation at the 25th Annual Meeting of CIFOR, 04 Oct 2018, Bogor, Indonesia
  • Reinecke, S. “Scaling-up stakeholder engagement in Forest Landscape Restoration: Options and barriers for governance and finance”, presentation @ ETH LATSIS Symposium “Scaling-Up Forest Restoration”, 6-7 June 2018
  • Moderation of workshop and “inspiring climate talks” @ FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference - Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris: Expectations, Challenges and Pathways, 12-14 April 2018
  • Reinecke, S. “Breaking up with Barbie” - Inspiring climate talk @FRIAS Junior Researcher Conference - Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris: Expectations, Challenges and Pathways, 12 April 2018
  • Reinecke, S., Blum, M. Unravelling the political desirability of Forest Landscape Restoration for achieving 1.5°C, presentation, side event “Enhancing NDC Ambition and Preparing for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement” with Vietnam @ UNFCCC COP23 Fiji, 7 Nov 2017, Bonn
  • Moderation of “Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration” session @ IUFRO International Conference on Forest Landscape Restoration under Global Change: A contribution to the Implementation of the Bonn Challenge: “Synthesising and sharing globally available forest-related scientific knowledge”, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 6-9 June 2017
  • Moderation/Co-chair “Open Session” All Division 9 (Forest Policy and Economics) Meeting @ IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress, “Interconnecting Forests, Science and People, Session 35 – All Division 9, 21 Sep 2017
  • Moderation/Co-chair “Après Paris: Global integration of forest climate governance”, @ IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress, “Interconnecting Forests, Science and People, Session 35 – All Division 9, 20 Sep 2017
  • Reinecke, S. “Concerting climate action on forests: the role of non-state actors”, presentation @ IUFRO 125 Anniversary Congress, “Interconnecting Forests, Science and People, Session 35 – All Division 9, 20 Sep 2017
  • Reinecke, S; Blum, M. “The discursive landscape of forest landscape restoration (FLR) from global to local forest governance” presentation in session 5.62: Earth system governance in turbulent times - Governing the commons @ 2017 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance: Allocation & access in a warming and increasingly unequal world. 9-11 Oct 2017
  • Reinecke, S. „Klimapolitik nach Paris – mehr als heiße Luft? Eine historisch-institutionalistische Analyse“ presentation @ Seminarreihe Wintersemester des Freiburger Institut für Forstwissenschaften (FIF) „Klima après Paris“, 6 March 2017
  • Reinecke, S; Blum, M (2016): With or without the climate agreement: transnational forest climate governance in practice. 1st International Forest Policy Meeting, 16-18 Mar 16, Göttingen.
  • Reinecke, S. Beitrag zum Freiburger Science Slam 2016, 6 Jul 2016
  • Born, C.-H., Reinecke, S., Bregt, A. (2015): Engaging with policy makers on market-based instruments. Decision support tool, knowledge and the law. June 2015 (Governing biodiversity and ecosystem services through market-based instruments? Theory and practice for decision-makers. Public conference of the BioDiversa project INVALUABLE).
  • Gut beratene Klimapolitik? Internationale Innovationen und Schlussfolgerungen für Österreich, ReSciPI dissemination workshop, 3 Oct 2013 BOKU, Vienna
  • Reinecke, S., Herrmann, A, Pregernig, M, Bauer, A: Institutionalization and enactment of interactive science-policy advice. 8th International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference (IPA), 3.-5.07.13, Wien
  • Reinecke, S., Pregernig M., Bauer, A.: Knowledge brokerage: Taking stock of scientific policy advice on climate change. 2013 (1st International Conference on Public Policy (ICPP), JUN 26-28, 2013, Grenoble, France).
  • Reinecke, S., Pregernig, M., Pistorius, T., Bauer, A.: „Gut beratene Klimapolitik“: Internationale Bestandsaufnahme zu Formen der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung in der Klimapolitik, 9. Deutsche Klimatagung, 09.-12.10.12, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany


Theses (PhD, MSc, MA)


  • Reinecke, Sabine (2015), Governing the climate across the science-state-society divide: Experiences from the REDD+ Partnership and climate services. Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree Dr. phil. of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, July 2015.
  • Reinecke, S (2007): Genetic resource trading in the aftermath of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): an interdisciplinary reflection on chances and challenges to tropical countries in transition, 2007. MSc Thesis, University of Freiburg
  • Reinecke S (2004): El Salvador & Guatemala: Demokratien? Magisterarbeit, Universität Leipzig, Germany




  • 11/2011-11/2015: PhD-Thesis “Governing the climate across the science-state-society divide: Experiences from the REDD+ Partnership and climate services”; University of Freiburg, Faculty of Environmental and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg
  • 10/2005-09/2007: M.Sc. "Environmental Governance"; University of Freiburg, Germany
  • 10/1999-03/2005: M.A. Political Sciences / Sociology, University of Leipzig, Germany
  • 08/1996-06/1999: Abitur with major in English & Mathematics, Wolfen




  • Since 03/2019 Post-doc/Lecturer, Chairgroup Forestry and Rural Development, Program coordination “International Forestry”
  • 12/2017-07/2020 Knowledge Coordinator at CIFOR’s Global Landscapes Forum, head of “Knowledge Hub”
  • 11/2015-12/2018 Post-Doc/ Lecturer / Research Associate/ PhD candidate at the University of Freiburg, Chair Group Forest and Environmental Policy
  • 11/2010-11/2015 Research Associate/ PhD candidate at the University of Freiburg, Chair Group Forest and Environmental Policy /Environmental Governance
  • 03/2008-11/2010: Program and Module Coordination “Environmental Governance” at the University of Freiburg, Chair Group Environmental Governance at the Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy
  • 10/2005-02/2008 Research Assistant University of Freiburg, Chair Forest and Environmental Policy
  • 08/2006-11/2006 Intern GIZ country office Namibia
  • 10/2003-09/2005 Research assistant University of Leipzig, Chair “International Relations”, Prof. H. Elsenhans
  • 10/2002-12/2002 Forum der Kulturen Stuttgart e.V.
  • 03/2000-04/2000 Intern HU Berlin/ Universidad de Santiago de Chile: Umweltschutz und Nachhaltige Entwicklung, communidad Pichaska (Chile)


Reviewer (journals, among others)


  • Allgemeine Forst und Jagdzeitschrift
  • Forest Economics and Policy
  • Forests
  • GAIA
  • Sustainability
  • World Development


Memberships, awards, certificates


  • Head of Delegation and “focal point” UNFCCC & CMS
  • Founding board member of Environmental Governance Alumni Association e.V.
  • MSc. Environmental Governance: Programme Committee (till 2018)
  • Nachwuchsgruppe „Umweltsoziologie“ (NGU)
  • Early Career Investigators' Network (ECIN) of INOGOV (COST)
  • Earth System Governance (ESG) Fellowship
  • IUFRO Division 9 “Forest Policy and Economics”
  • INOGOV (COST Action) Best Paper Award 2015: “Knowledge brokerage designs and practices in four European climate services”
  • Graphic Facilitator at ‘Zukunftskongress’ of the University of Freiburg  
  • „Module 1“ des Baden-Württemberg Zertifikats für Hochschuldidaktik
  • English Medium Instructions certificate, graded: 1.0 (best rate)


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