Forscher suchen Baumarten, die mit Trockenstress umgehen können
Interview mit Jürgen Bauhus im Deutschlandfunk (25.07.2019)
Sorgt der Klimawandel für ein neues Waldsterben?
Interview mit Jürgen Bauhus in SWR-Aktuell (13.06.2019)
New publication highlights retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe
Floodplain forests under threat: researchers at the University of Freiburg warn of the effects of summer drought
Vortrag zu Exkursionen nach Russland und Mittelasien
Spannender Vortrag für alle Zentralasien- und Russlandinteressierten am 27.11. um 18:00 Uhr (st, R100, Herderbau)
Dr. Friderike Beyer receives the “Margarete von Wrangell-Award” for 5 years of post-doctoral research on the effects of tree species diversity on fine root processes
Not the harvesting removal of mature trees, but the damage to remaining trees and subsequent thinning have the strongest influence on tree species composition of a lowland Amazonian rainforest.
Also in this section
- New publication: Higher light absorption in mixed subtropical plantations increases productivity
- Forscher suchen Baumarten, die mit Trockenstress umgehen können
- Interview mit Jürgen Bauhus im Deutschlandfunk (25.07.2019)
- Sorgt der Klimawandel für ein neues Waldsterben?
- Interview mit Jürgen Bauhus in SWR-Aktuell (13.06.2019)
- New publication highlights retention as an integrated biodiversity conservation approach for continuous-cover forestry in Europe
- Floodplain forests under threat: researchers at the University of Freiburg warn of the effects of summer drought
- "Klimakiller Holz"
- Radiosendung des SWR4 (16.02.2019)
- New publication: Tree rings can be used to reconstruct changes in soil phosphorus availability
- Der Sommer hat dem Wald zugesetzt: Was jetzt?
- Interviews in Spektrum der Wissenschaft (2.11.2018)
- Valentina Vitali receives the Göttinger Prize for Forest Ecosystem Research 2018
- New DAAD brochure: Portrait of the summer school „Integrated Land Use Systems“
- Open house in the research and teaching space at the airport campus on June 24, 2018
- Vortrag zu Exkursionen nach Russland und Mittelasien
- Spannender Vortrag für alle Zentralasien- und Russlandinteressierten am 27.11. um 18:00 Uhr (st, R100, Herderbau)
- ILUS Summer School 2018
- Dr. Angela de Avila has received Thurn und Taxis Incentive Award for Forest Sciences 2017
- Prof. Dr. Christian Messier receives Humboldt Research Award
- The functional diversity of European forests on Youtube
- Dr. Friderike Beyer receives the “Margarete von Wrangell-Award” for 5 years of post-doctoral research on the effects of tree species diversity on fine root processes
- ConFoBi: DFG grants post graduate programme on the conservation of forest biodiversity
- Not the harvesting removal of mature trees, but the damage to remaining trees and subsequent thinning have the strongest influence on tree species composition of a lowland Amazonian rainforest.
- What limits adoption of alternative silvicultural systems?