Capacity Building in Carbon Forestry
The project Capacity Building for Carbon Forestry (CBCF) supports forestry experts from developing countries in getting access to trainings in the field of sustainable forest management approaches that are aimed at conserving / increasing the carbon content in forest ecosystems (Carbon Forestry).
As part of the project, selected participants receive a scholarship as a financial support for their participation in the course” Carbon Forestry”. The course is offered annually by the Chair of Silviculture of Freiburg University.
The project thereby builds up necessary capacities for activities related to the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of forests, as well as land use-based climate change mitigation activities.
Project Coordination: Jürgen Bauhus, Steffen Entenmann
Funding: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Duration: 01.11.2018 – 31.10.2021