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Dr. Andreea Spinu

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

andrea spinu

Stefan-Meier-Straße 76
79085 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Zimmer 4088
Tel. 0761/203-96852
Fax 0761/203-3781







Forest ecologist and enthusiast with a strong background in forest dynamics of primary and old-growth forests, adaptive forest management approaches and forest biodiversity conservation. 


Much of my professional work and experience are in developing biodiversity-focused forest management approaches, with a special focus on habitat tree and their microhabitats, as well as dendroecology research addressing past disturbance events reconstruction and their impact on forest structure and composition.


At the moment, I work as a Post-doc in the TRANSFORMIT project ( (Transforming forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the integrative approach). This Horizon project aims at demonstrating and improving the ability of IFM to combine productive forest management and biodiversity conservation.

My work focuses on a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of IFM in practice. This will provide the evidence base and best practice guidelines for effective and successful implementation of IFM approaches. Moreover, and based on the results of the entire project, we will develop educational modules to facilitate the teaching and training of IFM practices in Europe. 

More details:


More about me and my research: ; OrcID: 000-0003-0445-0298



Born and raised in Romania, yet professionally developing in many European countries (Czechia, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany), I believe my international and cross-cultural experiences help me see things from multiple perspectives and to be adaptable and empathetic.  I am passionate about science communication and attracted by interdisciplinary collaborations and interactions.


I am always happy to hear the stories. Of plants, processes, or people.

Andreea Spînu

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