- Info
Bauhus J., Vor T., Bartsch N. and A. Cowling (2004): The effects of gaps and liming on forest floor decomposition and soil C and N dynamics in a Fagus sylvatica Forest.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34, 3, 509-518.
Bauhus J., McElhinny C. and Alcorn P. (2002): Stand structure and tree growth in uneven-aged spotted gum (Corymbia maculata) forests: some implications for management.
Forestry 75, 4, 451-456.
Mackensen J., Bauhus J. and Webber E. (2003): Decomposition rates of coarse woody debris - A review with particular emphasis on Australian tree species.
Australian Journal of Botany 51, 27-37.
Forrester D., Bauhus J. and Connell M. (2003): Competition in thinned Silvertop Ash (Eucalyptus sieberi L. Johnson) stands from early coppice growth.
Forest Ecology and Management 174, 459-475.
Mackensen J. and Bauhus J. (2003): Density loss and respiration rates of coarse woody debris of Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus regnans and Eucalyptus maculata.
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35, 177-186.
Forrester D., Bauhus J., and P. K. Khanna (2004): Growth dynamics in a mixed species plantation of Eucalyptus globulus and Acacia mearnsii.
Forest Ecology and Management 193, 81-95
Knoerzer, D.; Gärtner, S. (2003): Was umschreibt Verhagerung?
Forstarchiv 74, 16-25
BENDAGHA, N., GÄRTNER, S., SAYER ,U., REIF, A. (2004): Vegetation, site conditions, and land use history of a Downy Oak forest in Tagolsheim, Alsace, France (in German language).
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Gärtner, S. (2004): Auswirkungen des Waldumbaus auf die Vegetation im Südschwarzwald (Dissertation).
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Gärtner, S.; Reif, A. (2004): The impact of forest transformation on stand structure and ground vegetation in the southern Black Forest, Germany.
Plant and Soil 264, 25-34
Gärtner, S., Reif, A. (2005): The response of ground vegetation to structural change during forest conversion in the southern Black Forest, Germany.
European Journal of Forest Research, 124, 221-231
KOHLER, M. und HILDEBRAND, E. E. (2004): New aspects of element cycling and forest nutrition.
EFI-Proceedings of the Symposium “Towards the sustainable use of Europe`s Forests” 25.-27.06.2003 in Tours, France. No. 49, 171-180.
KOHLER, M., WOLSFELD, N. und HILDEBRAND, E.E. (2003): Stones in Forest Soils: "Hot Spots" of the nutrient uptake?
Biologie in unserer Zeit, 33/4: 252-256 (in German language).
KOHLER, M. und HILDEBRAND, E.E. (2003): Ion release in the C-horizon of a forest soil triggered by Carbonic Acid.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 166: 184-190.
v. WILPERT, K., ZIRLEWAGEN, D. und KOHLER, M. (2000): To what extend can silviculture enhance sustainability of forest sites under the immission regime in Central Europe?
Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Vol 122/1-2, 105-120.
KOHLER, M. und HILDEBRAND, E. E. (2000): Influence of CO2-partial pressure in soil atmosphere on ion mobilisation at a gneiss site in the Black Forest, Germany.
Proceedings of the International IUFRO-Conference “Forest Ecosystems Restoration”, 10.-12. April 2000 in Vienna, 154-160.
KOHLER, M., v. WILPERT, K. und HILDEBRAND, E. E. (2000): The soil skeleton as a source for the short term supply of „base cations“ in forest soils of the Black Forest.
Water, Air and Soil Pollution. Vol 122/1-2, 37-48.
KOHLER, M. und HILDEBRAND, E.E. (2000): Micro pedological investigations for the opening up of the soil by mycorrhizal fungi with special consideration of the skeleton fraction on a Black-Forest gneiss site.
Bulletin Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbau- wissenschaften, 2000; 14: 19-19 (Mycorrhiza and Root Research in Switzerland SGPW/SSA Workshop Zürich-Eschikon Sept. 2000)
Pokorny B. and Sousa R. 2000: Diagnóstico sócio-econômico da indústria madeireira Peracchi no Tailândia, Estado do Pará.
Documentos 33. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental: Belém. 105p.
Pokorny B., Bauch R. 2000: Estudo aplicativo de critérios e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade em uma empresa florestal em Tailândia, Pará, na Amazônia brasileira.
Documentos 34. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental: Belém. 117p.
Pokorny B., Sabogal C., de Camino R. 2001: Metodologías para evaluar la aplicación de criterios e indicadores para el manejo forestal en bosques tropicales de América Latina.
Pokorny B., Vasconcelos L. (eds.) 2002: Curuá-Una. 50 anos de pesquisa.
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Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: What do criteria and indicators assess? An analysis of five C&I sets relevant for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon.
International Forestry Review 5 (1). 20-28.
Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: What do criteria and indicators assess? An analysis of five C&I sets relevant for forest management in the Brazilian Amazon.
International Forestry Review 5 (1). 20-28.
Pokorny B., Cayres G., Nunes W., Segebart D. and Drude R. 2003: First experiences with Adaptive Co-Management in Pará, Brazilian Amazon. In: Sabogal C., Silva N. (eds.)
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Pokorny B. and Adams M. 2003: Compatibilidade de conjuntos de critérios e indicadores para avaliar a sustentabilidade do manejo florestal na Amazônia Brasileira.
CIFOR: Bogor. 135p.
Pokorny B, Cayres G., Nunes W., Segebart D., Drude R. and Steinbrenner M. 2003: Adaptive Collaborative Management. Criteria and indicators to assess sustainability.
Manejo Colaborativo Adaptativo. Criteria e indicadores para avaliar sustentabilidade. CIFOR: Bogor. 35p
Merry F, Amacher G.S., Pokorny B., Lima E., Scholz I., Nepstad D.C. and Zweede C.J. 2003: Some doubts about concessions in Brazil. Should Brazil shelve its proposed system of forest concessions?
Tropical Forest Update 13 (3). ITTO: Yokohama.
Pokorny B. and Schanz H.: Empirical determination of political cultures as basis for effective coordination of forest management systems.
Society and Natural Resources 16 (10). 887 – 908
Pokorny B, Cayres G. and Nunes W. 2003: Participatory analysis of heterogeneity, an approach to consolidate collaborative initiatives at community level.
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods 13 (2). 161 - 175.
Pokorny B., Prabhu R., McDougall C. and Bauch R. 2004. Local Stakeholders’ Participation in Developing Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management.
Journal of Forestry 102 (1), 35-40
Hurtienne T. and B. Pokorny. 2004. Blanco e negro o bien colorido: discrepancias en la percepción de los bosques por investigadores y agricultores familiares. IN: Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.).
Forum sobre bosques, gestión y desarollo: opciones para la Amazonía. CIFOR, Belém. 63-73
Hurtienne T. and B. Pokorny. 2004. Blanco e negro o bien colorido: discrepancias en la percepción de los bosques por investigadores y agricultores familiares. IN: Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.).
Forum sobre bosques, gestión y desarollo: opciones para la Amazonía. CIFOR, Belém. 63-73
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal and F. Krämer (eds.). 2004. Forum sobre bosques, gestión y desarollo: opciones para la Amazonía.
Sabogal C., F. Carrera, V. Colán, B. Pokorny and B. Louman. 2004. Manual para la planificación y evaluación del manejo forestal operacional en bosques de la Amazonía Peruana.
Pokorny B., C. Sabogal C., J.N.M. Silva, J. Lima and P. Bernardo. 2004: C&I para el monitoreo de operaciones forestales. Un caso en Brasil.
Revista Forestal Centroamericana.
Bauhus J., van Winden, A. P. and A. B. Nicotra (2004): Above-ground interactions and productivity in mixed-species plantations of Acacia mearnsii and Eucalyptus globulus.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34, 686-694.