Projects Research Area Silviculture
BiodivERsA 3: Predicting European forest soil biodiversity and its functioning under ongoing climate change
Development of low-risk methods for regenerating dead Norway spruce stands in the southern Black Forest model region
Dynamic vegetation models for climate-dynamic suitability testing of main and secondary tree species in Baden-Württemberg (DynaVeg)
Floodplain forests and climate change: silvicultural recommendations for floodplain-forest management with regard to climate protection, biodiversity and economy
How do inter- or intra-specific differences in crown architecture, light absorption and light-use efficiency determine thinning responses and complementary effects in mixed-species forests?
KlimaQuer: Conservation of drought tolerant and ecological valuable sessile oak forests through natural regeneration
Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services (SUPERB)
The influence of structural, functional, and species diversity to temporal stability of productivity and efficiency of resource use in a tropical tree diversity experiment
Variation in P-concentrations in growth rings of trees as indicators of P availability and recycling efficiency in forest ecosystems (DFG SPP 1685)
WaldlabOR: Waldlabor Oberrhein develops forest management concepts for the Upper Rhine climate change hotspot